3rd Grade Rocks - Daily Schedule- Tuesday - 9-3-2013 Teacher will explain the Procedures to different leveled groups for each learning subject (i.e., Round Em Up Reds (RTI) will do this….Yeehaw Yellow do this….Giddy Up Greens, do this…when you’re done, do this Time Standard/ Subject 8:00 – 8:45 Morning Routine/ R1.6 -Learn to neatly and correctly write letters follow instructions on how to do our daily homophone 8:45 – 9:15 Spelling Learn about the au/aw spelling pattern 9:15 – 10:05 3RI1.2 Determine the main idea of a text 10:05 10:2011:40 Math NS1.3 Play, Drink, Bathroom Review ordering numbers 11:40 – 12:15 – 1:10 W3 Lunch write a narrative piece about something real 1:10 – 2:00 L1-1i create complex sentences 2:00 – 2:15 End of Day “I can…” - Wrap it up “by…” Intervention Response Organizational Response doing a handwriting worksheet following the teacher’s instructions Modified Homophone Worksheet Using trace font and closed sentences follow instructions on how to do our daily homophone “allowed” and “ant” Segmenting and blending each word and writing them on whiteboards Whole Group No small Group Use WBT strategies Modified Spelling List (2nd grade) using white boards w/teacher/aide Small group on carpet with THEIR list on easel, markers, and white boards Provide support for Gen Ed and SPED when necessary SPED teacher will reinforce w/PP during Pull Out Begin with Direct Instruction WG When students in Gen Ed work independently, pull small group for 15 minutes to explain concept, start work SPED teacher will finish whatever is not completed during pull out Creating a list of details on sentence strips after being given a main idea with a partner Teacher/aide to pull back SPED students for small group with modified activity SPED suggestion: Use yellow sentence strips to correlate to SUTW One set for whole small group More discussion, less writing Work on my whiteboard with a partner to order #s from greatest to least and least to greatest. Group Intervention students together Give them sentence strip with 2 out of 4 already plugged in Students work as a team to complete #’d sentence strip SPED students are hearing the same Direct Instruction w/modified sentence strip During Ind. Practice, students are grouped together and complete sentence strips together w/teacher support using Step Up to Writing to create an 8 sentence paragraph about “A Day at the Beach” Modify SUTW graphic organizer for 4 sentences, using green and yellow only Add red when students master 4 sentences creating a bare bones sentence and making it a meaty sentence Provide students with verbal prompts and ideas for how and why Students who struggle with writing have post its available spelling support - Teacher explains to SPED students that they are to follow Green/Yellow Instruction During RED instruction, students should double check capitals, punctuation, and penmanship Teacher explains to SPED students that they are to follow Green/Yellow Instruction During RED instruction Doing tickets, behavior calendar, jobs, ball monitors, reward zone - 3rd Grade Rocks - Daily Schedule – Wednesday - 9-4-2013 Time Standard/Subject 8:00 – 8:45 Morning Routine/ R1.6 8:45 – 9:15 9:15 - 9:30 9:30-10:00 10:00– 10:20 “I can….” ******PICTURE DAY****** -Learn to neatly and correctly write letters - follow instructions on how to do our daily homophone “by…..” Intervention Response Organizational Response doing a handwriting worksheet following the teacher’s instructions Modified Homophone Worksheet Using trace font and closed sentences Whole Group No small Group Use WBT strategies No Modification Needed for Song On G.O. fill in 1 of each category with trace letters Use 95% fluency with RRs Ermert to provide Sound Hunt (highlight spelling pattern and add breve/macron) Teacher/aide to pull back SPED students for small group with modified activity SPED suggestion: Use yellow sentence strips to correlate to SUTW One set for whole small group More discussion, less writing No Modification Needed Check for Understanding with RR follow instructions on how to do our daily homophone “bear” and “bee” Listening to our Flocabulary song and teaching our friends the meaning of words 1 - 5 Reading short a and short e words correctly in a passage for 1 minute and correctly read SUPERSPEED words for 1 minute Choose the main idea of a paragraph with a partner L4.4b Learn about our Flocabulary Unit Fluency Read fluently accurately and with expression 3RI1.2 Determine the main idea of a text PE Participate in walking Wednesday Increasing their aerobic activity and running laps around the field Review for chapter 1 test Teaching my partner how to round, order numbers, solve patterns and identify place value Display Rounding Rap for students See Ermert Integrate modifications into GLLP as it benefits the whole group Introduce one resource a day Modify G.O. to explain one resource at a time Group RRs at their own table Have GO with Post It Notes above sections When GenEd is working independently, come to small group table and uncover one post it note and review only that section with them and independently teach that skill to that group of students 10:20 11:15 – 11:15 11:45 11:45 12:15 – Lunch – L3.4d use different types of resources to find information teaching my partner about different types of resources and completing my interactive notebook 12:15 12:30 – End of Day Wrap it up Doing tickets, behavior calendar, jobs, ball monitors, reward zone Group RRs together Monitor during Independent Practice Intervene when necesesary Begin with Direct Instruction WG When students in Gen Ed work independently, pull small group for 15 minutes to explain concept, start work SPED teacher will finish whatever is not completed during pull out 3rd Grade Rocks - Daily Schedule – Thursday Time 8:00 – 8:45 8:45 – 9:15 Standard/Subject Morning Routine “I can” -Learn to neatly and correctly write letters - follow instructions on how to do our daily homophone “by…..” - doing a handwriting worksheet - following the teacher’s instructions 9-5-2013 Modified Homophone Worksheet Using trace font and closed sentences Whole Group No small Group Use WBT strategies No Modification Needed for Song On G.O. fill in 1 of each category with trace letters Prepare CLOZE sentence of THEIR paragraph of main idea/details. Have team members fill in correct words with teacher assistance. Provide ALL fill in words on separate sentence strips in advance. Matching activity for group. Use 95% fluency with RRs Ermert to provide Sound Hunt (highlight spelling pattern and add breve/macron) Check for Understanding with RR Taking Chapter 1 Test Modify Test: MC eliminate 1 answer choice; CR cloze # sentence None needed Teacher explains to SPED students that they are to follow Green/Yellow Instruction During RED instruction, students should double check capitals, punctuation, and penmanship Strategic Seating for RRs follow instructions on how to do our daily homophone “ate” and “ball” Listening to our Flocabulary song and complete a graphic organizer for words 1-2 L4.4b Practice our Flocabulary Unit 9:15 – 9:45 3RI1.2 Determine the main idea and key details of a text Jigsaw with a group to find create the main idea and details of a passage. 9:45 – 10:05 Fluency Read fluently accurately and with expression Reading short a and short e words correctly in a passage for 1 minute and correctly read SUPERSPEED words for 1 minute 10:05 -10:20 10:20-11:40 Math 11:40 – 12:15 12:15 – 1:10 Play, Drink, Bathroom Solve patterns, identify place value, order numbers and round numbers Lunch W3 write a narrative piece about something real using Step Up to Writing to create an 8 sentence paragraph about “A Day at the Beach” Modify SUTW graphic organizer for 4 sentences, using green and yellow only Add red when students master 4 sentences 1:10 – 2:00 L1i identify the subject and predicate in a sentence Modify ISN in order to simplify task Partner SPED students together Reinforce with LC 2:00 – 2:15 End of Day Wrap it up Teach their partner about how to identify subject and verb and complete interactive notebook Doing tickets, behavior calendar, jobs, ball monitors, reward zone Close proximity to teacher Teacher help in whole/small group when needed. Group RRs together Monitor during Independent Practice Intervene when necesesary 3rd Grade Rocks - Daily Schedule – Friday - 9-6-2013 Time 8:00 – 8:15 Standard/Subject Morning Routine/ “I can” -Learn to neatly and correctly write letters “by…..” - doing a handwriting worksheet - following the teacher’s instruction Intervention Response Modified Homophone Worksheet Using trace font and closed sentences 8:15 – 8:45 R1.6 Choose the correct homophone to complete a sentence Taking a homophone test Provide test to LC teacher in advance Modifications will be administered by LC L4.4b Find the main idea of the information I read Correctly spell short au/aw word Taking a main idea/details test Provide test to LC teacher in advance Modifications will be administered by LC Provide test to LC teacher in advance Modifications will be administered by LC 8:45 – 9:15 9:15 – 9:45 Spelling 10:05 -10:20 10:20-11:40 Math 3NBT2 Play, Drink, Bathroom Add and subtract number within 1000 11:40 – 12:15 12:15 – 1:15 Lunch W3 write a narrative piece about something real 1:15-1:45 L1i 1:45 – 2:00 2:00 – 2:15 End of Day identify the subject and predicate in a sentence REWARD ZONE Wrap it up Taking a spelling test Teaching my partner about the commutative, identity, and associative properties and complete page 67 #6-15 Learning Center -using Step Up to Writing to create an 8 sentence paragraph about “A Day at the Beach” work with a partner and locate the subject and verb within a sentence Following the teacher’s directions Doing tickets, behavior calendar, jobs, ball monitors, reward zone Learning Center Learning Center Organizational Response Whole Group No small Group Use WBT strategies Send RRs to LC Send RRs to LC Send RRs to LC