Anthropometry SOP

National Pre-School Nutrition Survey – Anthropometry Measurements
Anthropometry measurements will be taken for both the child and parent by a trained researcher.
The researcher will ask permission to take the measurements before commencing.
The care giver will be present during measurement of the child and their assistance will be
Child measurements:
Supine Length (Children under 2 years of age): This will be carried out using a ‘Seca 210 Baby
Measuring Mat’. The care giver will be asked to remove the child’s shoes and socks and any
hats/hairclips etc. from their heads prior to measurement.
Height (Children over 2 years of age): this will be carried out using a stadiometer. The care giver will
be asked to remove the child’s shoes and socks and any hats/hair accessories etc. from their heads
prior to measurement.
Weight: This will be carried out using a ‘Seca 385 Scales’ with rounded detachable weighing tray for
those yet unable to stand. The care giver will be asked to remove the child’s shoes and socks, any
heavy outdoor clothing and to change any wet nappies (where applicable) prior to measurement.
Mid-upper arm circumference: This will be measured using a measuring tape. The care giver will be
asked to expose the child’s upper-arm for the researcher to take the measurement.
Adult measurements:
Height: This will be carried out using a stadiometer. Participants will be asked to remove their shoes
and socks and any hats/hairclips etc from their hair.
Weight & Body Composition: This will be carried out using a ‘Tanita Body Composition Analyser BC420MA’. The participant will be asked to remove their shoes and socks, any heavy outdoor clothing
and to void their bladder prior to measurement.
Version 1
14th May 2010