Meeting Minutes 9.14.15

Second Meetin 9/14/2015
4pm Valley Hall Conference Room
Christina Connery
Kendal Lardie
Jacqeline Arlew
Truitt Grant
Steven Goings
Nancy Mendoza
Shannon Brock
Lekesha Ingram
Follow up from last meeting
 Working on MSWSA website page
o Meeting dates, meeting notes, etc.
o Email sent out to students from Christina with link to website
 Make sure to send out email to faculty- include information on how elections took
place and link to MSWSA website:
o Sent email to all students asking for nominations for positions
o No two people running for one officer position
o Made a motion to accept all officers
o Attach constitution as document
 Be thoughtful about when to include faculty in emails
NASW Dinner
 Truitt and Jacqueline “Crushed it”
 First year student confusion about coming to dinner (many did not attend)
o Did not see it as “required”
o Last year in between Dr. Wright’s classes- went over together from 4-7 class
and left from dinner to 7-10 class
o Recommendation to communicate with professor- put in syllabus to make it
o Make sure professors attend
o Get someone from the local NASW chapter to come in for a presentation in
intro to social work class and explain NASW etc.
o Explain more at “community night”
o Assign one page reflection about NASW dinner
Students leaving early from class to make it to Dr. Love’s online class?
 Student’s not having the option to attend online class at school (program not
installed on school--confusing)
 Most students go home to attend class
 Should not have to leave a class early to attend another
Sept. 21st- Mandip presenting diversity dialogue “how to get comfortable with
uncomfortable conversations about race” 5:30-7
o NOT closed to just MSW students
o Series of 3 dialogues
 Same night as ICC training, Jacqueline attending
28 - community night 5:30-7
o Scholarship presentations
o Alumni Visitor’s Center
Recruitment for future classes
o Outreach- MSWSA working with Jennifer
o 2 year and 3 year program beginning next year
Study abroad program
o Electives offered next year
 Social work with Latino families
 Integrated health care
 Study abroad
 Finland, Sweden, Norway or Denmark
 3 credit elective course
 Understanding the Nordic model of social work, how it affects
social work in the U.S.
 Option for Central America in the future??
o Winter intersession
 Substance Abuse
New Amendments to the Constitution
 Dual roles
o Needing to make limitations? Treasurer? President? Not able to have dual
 How elections happen
o President, Vice President, and Treasurer elected end of Spring
o All other positions elected Fall, to give the option to 1st Years
 Alumni Association Representative? Still a position?
o Keep in the constitution
o Position will be growing through the years
 What happens when there is no one to fill a role? Need to address in the
o Steven says no
o Required officers- President, Vice President, Treasurer, and ICC rep
 Executive committee- All officers
 Changing names of faculty to positions so it does not need to be updated as often
 Officer Role Adjustments
o Take out all specifics- no times or dates for meetings and faculty names so it
does not have to be changed every year
o All positions that need to attend meetings “need to attend meetings or
coordinate other members of the association to make sure someone is
attending meeting”
o Put in- President, Treasurer, and ICC rep must be filled
o President (Christina)
 Remove planning for graduation
 Add presides over officer meetings
o Vice President (Kendal)
 Add supports other officers in fulfilling their roles, steps in when roles
need to be filled
o Secretary
o Treasurer (Kendal-dual role- motion passed)
o NASW Representative (Lekesha)
 Communicate with Student Rep for CA
 Change to “helping organize lobby days”
o ICC Representative (Steven)
 Attends biweekly ICC meetings or coordinates with ICC to maintain
good standing for MSW student association as a member of the ICC.
Communicates with ICC officers and other club representatives.
Reports back to MSWSA what is happening with other clubs on
o Curriculum Student Representative (Shannon)
 Every meeting should have this as part of the agenda for curriculum
o Field Student Representative (Jacqueline)
o Outreach and Recruitment Student Representative (Nancy)
o Alumni Association Representative
o Media and Communication Liaison (Truitt)
 Position building
Truitt-Media and Communications Liaison (motion passed)
Jacqueline-Field Student Representative (motion passed)
Funding Application
 Not through the MSWSA or ICC
 Has to benefit the entire campus
 Higher cap!
 Larger the vision, better the chances of funding
 Funding for registration fee- per person scholarship
o $100
o First come first serve
o 40 scholarships?
 Post Lobby Days event with all students
o Report on event and advocacy
o Talk about legislation to classes at CSUMB
o Voter Registration!
o Contact professors to present in classes as soon as possible
o Deb Burke? Other service learning classrooms?
Lobby Day Outreach
 Talk about next week
 Learning from last year, timeline for events and such
 Are we able to use trademarked otter?
o Steven to check at the next ICC meeting
 Sand City shirt guy- can we get better shirts, getting them locally, looking to see
what kind of deals we can get
 Going through the ICC for funding
 Getting NASW member to sponsor a student at each event
o Participate so they can get to know a different generation
 Social justice event (next semester)
o Live homeless for a day
o Etc.
 Fundraising event
o Bake-dancing contest
o Competition baking contest or dance contest (if you can’t bake)
o Goal for the year- Increase fundraising
Future meetings- Valley hall?
Possibly in the dean’s conference room in next suite over.
Meeting adjourned at 6:02pm