Request for Proposal (RFP)

RFP 44/2015 Feasibility Study for Wastewater
Management Options in the Strumica River Basin
DATE: October 16, 2015
REFERENCE: Strumica River Basin
Dear Sir / Madam:
We kindly invite you to submit your Proposal for RFP 44/2015 Feasibility Study for Wastewater
Management Options in the Strumica River Basin
Please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 2, in preparing your Proposal.
Proposals may be submitted on or before Thursday, November 05, 2015 via courier mail or
hand delivery to the address below:
RFP 44/2015 Feasibility Study for Wastewater Management Options in the Strumica River Basin
Jordan Hadzi Konstantinov-Dzinot 23, 1000 Skopje
DO NOT OPEN BEFORE, November 05, 2015 at 10:00
Your Proposal must be expressed in the English, and valid for a minimum period of 120 days.
In the course of preparing your Proposal, it shall remain your responsibility to ensure that it
reaches the address above on or before the deadline. Proposals that are received by UNDP after the
deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation.
Services proposed shall be reviewed and evaluated based on completeness and compliance of the
Proposal and responsiveness with the requirements of the RFP and all other annexes providing details of
UNDP requirements.
The Proposal that complies with all of the requirements, meets all the evaluation criteria and
offers the best value for money shall be selected and awarded the contract. Any offer that does not meet
the requirements shall be rejected.
Any discrepancy between the unit price and the total price shall be re-computed by UNDP, and
the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected. If the Service Provider does not accept
the final price based on UNDP’s re-computation and correction of errors, its Proposal will be rejected.
No price variation due to escalation, inflation, fluctuation in exchange rates, or any other market
factors shall be accepted by UNDP after it has received the Proposal. At the time of Award of Contract or
Purchase Order, UNDP reserves the right to vary (increase or decrease) the quantity of services and/or
goods, by up to a maximum twenty five per cent (25%) of the total offer, without any change in the unit
price or other terms and conditions.
Any Contract or Purchase Order that will be issued as a result of this RFP shall be subject to the
General Terms and Conditions attached hereto. The mere act of submission of a Proposal implies that the
Service Provider accepts without question the General Terms and Conditions of UNDP, herein attached as
Annex 3.
Please be advised that UNDP is not bound to accept any Proposal, nor award a contract or
Purchase Order, nor be responsible for any costs associated with a Service Providers preparation and
submission of a Proposal, regardless of the outcome or the manner of conducting the selection process.
UNDP’s vendor protest procedure is intended to afford an opportunity to appeal for persons or
firms not awarded a Purchase Order or Contract in a competitive procurement process. In the event that
you believe you have not been fairly treated, you can find detailed information about vendor protest
procedures in the following link:
UNDP encourages every prospective Service Provider to prevent and avoid conflicts of interest,
by disclosing to UNDP if you, or any of your affiliates or personnel, were involved in the preparation of
the requirements, design, cost estimates, and other information used in this RFP.
UNDP implements a zero tolerance on fraud and other proscribed practices, and is committed to
preventing, identifying and addressing all such acts and practices against UNDP, as well as third parties
involved in UNDP activities. UNDP expects its Service Providers to adhere to the UN Supplier Code of
Conduct found in this link :
Thank you and we look forward to receiving your Proposal.
Annex 1
Description of Requirements
Context of the Requirement
Implementing Partner of
Brief Description of the
Required Services1
List and Description of
Expected Outputs to be
Person to Supervise the
Work/Performance of the
Service Provider
Frequency of Reporting
Feasibility Study for Wastewater Management Options in the Strumica
River Basin
The objective of this assignment is to provide comprehensive feasibility
assessment and prepare preliminary/conceptual designs for
development and implementation of wastewater management in rural
communities in the SRB (total population of around 55,000). The work
would include identification of efficient, practical and sustainable
wastewater collection (sewerage systems) and (semi)-decentralized
small-scale treatment solutions for the selected communities, currently
not covered with wastewater management service. The feasibility study
shall provide sufficient information on possible grouping of different
villages and/or communities into one system, selection of appropriate
wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) micro locations, and selection of
most feasible wastewater treatment technology (ies).
The assignment also involves expert support to the selection process of
the consequent pilot projects aimed at demonstrating the viability and
benefits of a small-scale decentralized wastewater treatment system in
selected two rural communities in SRB. The Contractor is expected to
assist the selection process by establishing the selection criteria and
participating in the selection of the most cost-effective treatment
option(s) and locations and preparation of corresponding preliminary
1. Feasibility study for wastewater management in the rural areas of
SRB (in Macedonian and English)
2. Terms of Reference for developing detailed engineering design for
the sewerage networks and identified wastewater treatment
options (in Macedonian and English)
3. Selection criteria for implementation of two wastewater
treatment systems (in Macedonian and English)
4. Preliminary design and corresponding technical documentation
for the two selected wastewater treatment systems (in
Macedonian and English)
5. Various progress reports at different stages of the assignment (in
Macedonian and English)
Project Manager
Indicated in the TOR below
A detailed TOR may be attached if the information listed in this Annex is not sufficient to fully describe the nature
of the work and other details of the requirements.
Progress Reporting
Expected duration of work
Target start date
Latest completion date
Implementation Schedule
indicating breakdown and
timing of activities/subactivities
Names and curriculum vitae
of individuals who will be
involved in completing the
Currency of Proposal
Value Added Tax on Price
Validity Period of Proposals
(Counting for the last day of
submission of quotes)
Partial Quotes
Indicated in the TOR below
7 months upon signing of the contract
15 November 2015
10 June 2016
☒ Required
☐ Not Required
☒ Required
☐ Not Required
☐ United States Dollars
☐ Euro
☒ Local Currency (MKD for domestic bidders)
☐ must be inclusive of VAT and other applicable indirect taxes
☒ must be exclusive of VAT
☐ 60 days
☐ 90 days
☒ 120 days
In exceptional circumstances, UNDP may request the Proposer to
extend the validity of the Proposal beyond what has been initially
indicated in this RFP. The Proposal shall then confirm the extension in
writing, without any modification whatsoever on the Proposal.
☒ Not permitted
☐ Permitted [pls. provide conditions for partial quotes, and ensure
that requirements are properly listed to allow partial quotes (e.g.,
in lots, etc.)]
Payment Terms3
The payment will be processed in instalments based on the milestones defined
in the contract and in accordance to the company’s proposed methodology and
Person(s) to review/inspect/
approve outputs/completed
services and authorize the
disbursement of payment
Project Manager
VAT exemption status varies from one country to another. Pls. check whatever is applicable to the UNDP CO/BU
requiring the service.
UNDP preference is not to pay any amount in advance upon signing of contract. If the Service Provider strictly
requires payment in advance, it will be limited only up to 20% of the total price quoted. For any higher percentage,
or any amount advanced exceeding $30,000, UNDP shall require the Service Provider to submit a bank guarantee
or bank cheque payable to UNDP, in the same amount as the payment advanced by UNDP to the Service Provider.
Type of Contract to be
Criteria for Contract Award
Criteria for the Assessment
of Proposal
Criteria for contract award
UNDP will award the
contract to:
Annexes to this RFP5
Contact Person for Inquiries
(Written inquiries only)8
☐ Purchase Order
☐ Institutional Contract
☒ Contract for Professional Services
☐ Long-Term Agreement4
☐ Other Type of Contract
☐ Lowest Price Quote among technically responsive offers
☒ Highest Combined Score (based on the 70% technical offer and
30% price weight distribution)
☒ Full acceptance of the UNDP Contract General Terms and
Conditions (GTC). This is a mandatory criteria and cannot be deleted
regardless of the nature of services required. Non acceptance of the
GTC may be grounds for the rejection of the Proposal.
Technical Proposal (qualified with 70% of 700points)
☒ Expertise of the Firm 180
☒ Methodology, its Appropriateness to the Condition and Timeliness of
the Implementation Plan 250
☒ Management Structure and Qualification of Key Personnel 270
Max 700/qualified from 490points
Financial Proposal (30%)
To be computed as a ratio of the Proposal’s offer to the lowest price
among the proposals received by UNDP.
Cumulative score (technical+ financial)
☒ One and only one Service Provider
☐ One or more Service Providers, depending on the following factors :
☒ Form for Submission of Proposal (Annex 2)
☒ General Terms and Conditions / Special Conditions (Annex 3)6
☒ Detailed TOR annex 4
☐ Others7 [pls. specify]
Procurement Unit
Any delay in UNDP’s response shall be not used as a reason for
extending the deadline for submission, unless UNDP determines that
such an extension is necessary and communicates a new deadline to
the Proposers.
Minimum of one (1) year period and may be extended up to a maximum of three (3) years subject to satisfactory
performance evaluation. This RFP may be used for LTAs if the annual purchases will not exceed $100,000.00.
Where the information is available in the web, a URL for the information may simply be provided.
Service Providers are alerted that non-acceptance of the terms of the General Terms and Conditions (GTC) may be
grounds for disqualification from this procurement process.
A more detailed Terms of Reference in addition to the contents of this RFP may be attached hereto.
This contact person and address is officially designated by UNDP. If inquiries are sent to other person/s or
address/es, even if they are UNDP staff, UNDP shall have no obligation to respond nor can UNDP confirm that the
query was received.
Other Information [pls.
☒ Company Profile (brief of the company, experience, Quality
Certificate (e.g., ISO, etc.)
☒ Tax Registration / Payment Certificate issued by the Internal
Revenue Authority evidencing that the Bidder is updated with its tax
payment obligations not older than 6 months, or Certificate of Tax
exemption, if any such privilege is enjoyed by the Bidder
☒ Certificate of Registration of the business
☒ List of expert/s per area of expertise. Clear indication of the name of
experts per the area of expertise, along with the actual number of
expert-days that each expert is allocated for each of the proposed
areas of expertise. Please indicate the lead expert.
☒ CVs of all experts/team members along with a cover page
summarizing their relevant qualifications for the respective areas/subareas, duly signed by the expert and confirmation that she/he is
available for the entire duration of the contract
☒ Methodology with a timetable of activities
☒ Financial offer expressed in USD (International Bidders) or MKD
(Domestic Bidders), VAT expressed separately (please note that if the
financial offer is expressed in currency other than USD and MKD (for
local vendors), it will be converted in USD according to the UNDP
official exchange rate). The company shall provide the financial offer
per deliverables/outputs with detailed breakdown of costs.
☒ A list of minimum 5 projects of comparable nature and degree of
complexity (e.g., feasibility studies for wastewater collection and
treatment systems, engineering designs for wastewater collection and
treatment systems or similar). List of projects to be submitted along
with contact details for reference checking purposes (please indicate
the e-mail addresses or telephone numbers of contact persons).
☒ Readily available references from clients are welcome
Annex 2
(This Form must be submitted only using the Service Provider’s Official Letterhead/Stationery10)
[insert: Location].
[insert: Date]
[insert: Name and Address of UNDP focal point]
Dear Sir/Madam:
We, the undersigned, hereby offer to render the following services to UNDP in conformity
with the requirements defined in the RFP 44 dated [specify date] , and all of its attachments, as
well as the provisions of the UNDP General Contract Terms and Conditions :
Qualifications of the Service Provider
The Service Provider must describe and explain how and why they are the best entity that can
deliver the requirements of UNDP by indicating the following:
a) Profile – describing the nature of business, field of expertise, licenses, certifications,
b) Business Licenses – Registration Papers, Tax Payment Certification, etc.
c) Track Record – list of clients for similar services as those required by UNDP, indicating
description of contract scope, contract duration, contract value, contact references;
d) Certificates and Accreditation – including Quality Certificates, Patent Registrations,
Environmental Sustainability Certificates, etc, if any.
e) Written Self-Declaration that the company is not in the UN Security Council 1267/1989 List,
UN Procurement Division List or Other UN Ineligibility List.
Qualifications of Key Personnel
The Service Provider must provide:
a) Names and qualifications of the key personnel that will perform the services indicating who is
Team Leader, who are supporting, etc.;
b) CVs demonstrating qualifications must be submitted if required by the RFP; and
This serves as a guide to the Service Provider in preparing the Proposal.
Official Letterhead/Stationery must indicate contact details – addresses, email, phone and fax numbers – for
verification purposes
c) Written confirmation from each personnel that they are available for the entire duration of the
I confirm my intention to serve in the stated position and present availability to serve for the term of the
proposed contract. I also understand that any wilful misstatement described above may lead to my
disqualification, before or during my engagement.
Signature of the Nominated Team Leader/Member
Date Signed
(This Form must be submitted only using the Supplier’s Official Letterhead/Stationery
We, the undersigned, hereby accept in full the UNDP General Terms and Conditions, and hereby offer to
deliver basic design in conformity with TOR and RFP Reference No.44/2015
This form shall be presented on your memo stamped and signed by your company
Structure your financial offer per deliverables
[list them as referred to in the RFP]
Deliverable 1
Deliverable 2
*This shall be the basis of the payment tranches
Percentage of Total Price
(Weight for payment)
(Lump Sum,
All Inclusive)
Cost breakdown shall be presented per deliverable
[Name and Signature of the Service Provider’s
Authorized Person]
Annex 3
General Terms and Conditions for Services
The Contractor shall be considered as having the legal status of an independent contractor vis-àvis the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The Contractor’s personnel and subcontractors shall not be considered in any respect as being the employees or agents of UNDP or
the United Nations.
The Contractor shall neither seek nor accept instructions from any authority external to UNDP in
connection with the performance of its services under this Contract. The Contractor shall refrain
from any action that may adversely affect UNDP or the United Nations and shall fulfill its
commitments with the fullest regard to the interests of UNDP.
The Contractor shall be responsible for the professional and technical competence of its
employees and will select, for work under this Contract, reliable individuals who will perform
effectively in the implementation of this Contract, respect the local customs, and conform to a
high standard of moral and ethical conduct.
The Contractor shall not assign, transfer, pledge or make other disposition of this Contract or any
part thereof, or any of the Contractor's rights, claims or obligations under this Contract except
with the prior written consent of UNDP.
In the event the Contractor requires the services of sub-contractors, the Contractor shall obtain
the prior written approval and clearance of UNDP for all sub-contractors. The approval of UNDP
of a sub-contractor shall not relieve the Contractor of any of its obligations under this Contract.
The terms of any sub-contract shall be subject to and conform to the provisions of this Contract.
The Contractor warrants that no official of UNDP or the United Nations has received or will be
offered by the Contractor any direct or indirect benefit arising from this Contract or the award
thereof. The Contractor agrees that breach of this provision is a breach of an essential term of
this Contract.
The Contractor shall indemnify, hold and save harmless, and defend, at its own expense, UNDP,
its officials, agents, servants and employees from and against all suits, claims, demands, and
liability of any nature or kind, including their costs and expenses, arising out of acts or omissions
of the Contractor, or the Contractor's employees, officers, agents or sub-contractors, in the
performance of this Contract. This provision shall extend, inter alia, to claims and liability in the
nature of workmen's compensation, products liability and liability arising out of the use of
patented inventions or devices, copyrighted material or other intellectual property by the
Contractor, its employees, officers, agents, servants or sub-contractors. The obligations under
this Article do not lapse upon termination of this Contract.
The Contractor shall provide and thereafter maintain insurance against all risks in respect
of its property and any equipment used for the execution of this Contract.
The Contractor shall provide and thereafter maintain all appropriate workmen's
compensation insurance, or the equivalent, with respect to its employees to cover claims
for personal injury or death in connection with this Contract.
The Contractor shall also provide and thereafter maintain liability insurance in an adequate
amount to cover third party claims for death or bodily injury, or loss of or damage to
property, arising from or in connection with the provision of services under this Contract
or the operation of any vehicles, boats, airplanes or other equipment owned or leased by
the Contractor or its agents, servants, employees or sub-contractors performing work or
services in connection with this Contract.
Except for the workmen's compensation insurance, the insurance policies under this
Article shall:
8.4.1 Name UNDP as additional insured;
8.4.2 Include a waiver of subrogation of the Contractor's rights to the insurance carrier
against the UNDP;
8.4.3 Provide that the UNDP shall receive thirty (30) days written notice from the insurers
prior to any cancellation or change of coverage.
8.5 The Contractor shall, upon request, provide the UNDP with satisfactory evidence of
the insurance required under this Article.
The Contractor shall not cause or permit any lien, attachment or other encumbrance by any
person to be placed on file or to remain on file in any public office or on file with the UNDP against
any monies due or to become due for any work done or materials furnished under this Contract,
or by reason of any other claim or demand against the Contractor.
Title to any equipment and supplies that may be furnished by UNDP shall rest with UNDP and any
such equipment shall be returned to UNDP at the conclusion of this Contract or when no longer
needed by the Contractor. Such equipment, when returned to UNDP, shall be in the same
condition as when delivered to the Contractor, subject to normal wear and tear. The Contractor
shall be liable to compensate UNDP for equipment determined to be damaged or degraded
beyond normal wear and tear.
Except as is otherwise expressly provided in writing in the Contract, the UNDP shall be
entitled to all intellectual property and other proprietary rights including, but not limited
to, patents, copyrights, and trademarks, with regard to products, processes, inventions,
ideas, know-how, or documents and other materials which the Contractor has developed
for the UNDP under the Contract and which bear a direct relation to or are produced or
prepared or collected in consequence of, or during the course of, the performance of the
Contract, and the Contractor acknowledges and agrees that such products, documents
and other materials constitute works made for hire for the UNDP.
To the extent that any such intellectual property or other proprietary rights consist of any
intellectual property or other proprietary rights of the Contractor: (i) that pre-existed the
performance by the Contractor of its obligations under the Contract, or (ii) that the
Contractor may develop or acquire, or may have developed or acquired, independently
of the performance of its obligations under the Contract, the UNDP does not and shall not
claim any ownership interest thereto, and the Contractor grants to the UNDP a perpetual
license to use such intellectual property or other proprietary right solely for the purposes
of and in accordance with the requirements of the Contract.
At the request of the UNDP; the Contractor shall take all necessary steps, execute all
necessary documents and generally assist in securing such proprietary rights and
transferring or licensing them to the UNDP in compliance with the requirements of the
applicable law and of the Contract.
Subject to the foregoing provisions, all maps, drawings, photographs, mosaics, plans,
reports, estimates, recommendations, documents, and all other data compiled by or
received by the Contractor under the Contract shall be the property of the UNDP, shall be
made available for use or inspection by the UNDP at reasonable times and in reasonable
places, shall be treated as confidential, and shall be delivered only to UNDP authorized
officials on completion of work under the Contract.
The Contractor shall not advertise or otherwise make public the fact that it is a Contractor with
UNDP, nor shall the Contractor, in any manner whatsoever use the name, emblem or official seal
of UNDP or THE United Nations, or any abbreviation of the name of UNDP or United Nations in
connection with its business or otherwise.
Information and data that is considered proprietary by either Party and that is delivered or
disclosed by one Party (“Discloser”) to the other Party (“Recipient”) during the course of
performance of the Contract, and that is designated as confidential (“Information”), shall be held
in confidence by that Party and shall be handled as follows:
The recipient (“Recipient”) of such information shall:
13.1.1 use the same care and discretion to avoid disclosure, publication or dissemination
of the Discloser’s Information as it uses with its own similar information that it
does not wish to disclose, publish or disseminate; and,
13.1.2 use the Discloser’s Information solely for the purpose for which it was disclosed.
Provided that the Recipient has a written agreement with the following persons or
entities requiring them to treat the Information confidential in accordance with the
Contract and this Article 13, the Recipient may disclose Information to:
13.2.1 any other party with the Discloser’s prior written consent; and,
13.2.2 the Recipient’s employees, officials, representatives and agents who have a need
to know such Information for purposes of performing obligations under the
Contract, and employees officials, representatives and agents of any legal entity
that it controls it, or with which it is under common control, who have a need to
know such Information for purposes of performing obligations under the
Contract, provided that, for these purposes a controlled legal entity means: a corporate entity in which the Party owns or otherwise controls,
whether directly or indirectly, over fifty percent (50%) of voting shares
thereof; or, any entity over which the Party exercises effective managerial control;
or, for the UNDP, an affiliated Fund such as UNCDF, UNIFEM and UNV.
The Contractor may disclose Information to the extent required by law, provided that,
subject to and without any waiver of the privileges and immunities of the United Nations,
the Contractor will give the UNDP sufficient prior notice of a request for the disclosure of
Information in order to allow the UNDP to have a reasonable opportunity to take
protective measures or such other action as may be appropriate before any such
disclosure is made.
The UNDP may disclose Information to the extent as required pursuant to the Charter of
the UN, resolutions or regulations of the General Assembly, or rules promulgated by the
The Recipient shall not be precluded from disclosing Information that is obtained by the
Recipient from a third party without restriction, is disclosed by the Discloser to a third
party without any obligation of confidentiality, is previously known by the Recipient, or
at any time is developed by the Recipient completely independently of any disclosures
These obligations and restrictions of confidentiality shall be effective during the term of
the Contract, including any extension thereof, and, unless otherwise provided in the
Contract, shall remain effective following any termination of the Contract.
In the event of and as soon as possible after the occurrence of any cause constituting
force majeure, the Contractor shall give notice and full particulars in writing to the UNDP,
of such occurrence or change if the Contractor is thereby rendered unable, wholly or in
part, to perform its obligations and meet its responsibilities under this Contract. The
Contractor shall also notify the UNDP of any other changes in conditions or the occurrence
of any event that interferes or threatens to interfere with its performance of this Contract.
On receipt of the notice required under this Article, the UNDP shall take such action as, in
its sole discretion; it considers to be appropriate or necessary in the circumstances,
including the granting to the Contractor of a reasonable extension of time in which to
perform its obligations under this Contract.
If the Contractor is rendered permanently unable, wholly, or in part, by reason of force
majeure to perform its obligations and meet its responsibilities under this Contract, the
UNDP shall have the right to suspend or terminate this Contract on the same terms and
conditions as are provided for in Article 15, "Termination", except that the period of
notice shall be seven (7) days instead of thirty (30) days.
Force majeure as used in this Article means acts of God, war (whether declared or not),
invasion, revolution, insurrection, or other acts of a similar nature or force.
The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that, with respect to any obligations under the
Contract that the Contractor must perform in or for any areas in which the UNDP is
engaged in, preparing to engage in, or disengaging from any peacekeeping, humanitarian
or similar operations, any delays or failure to perform such obligations arising from or
relating to harsh conditions within such areas or to any incidents of civil unrest occurring
in such areas shall not, in and of itself, constitute force majeure under the Contract..
Either party may terminate this Contract for cause, in whole or in part, upon thirty (30)
days notice, in writing, to the other party. The initiation of arbitral proceedings in
accordance with Article 16.2 (“Arbitration”), below, shall not be deemed a termination of
this Contract.
UNDP reserves the right to terminate without cause this Contract at any time upon 15
days prior written notice to the Contractor, in which case UNDP shall reimburse the
Contractor for all reasonable costs incurred by the Contractor prior to receipt of the
notice of termination.
In the event of any termination by UNDP under this Article, no payment shall be due from
UNDP to the Contractor except for work and services satisfactorily performed in
conformity with the express terms of this Contract.
Should the Contractor be adjudged bankrupt, or be liquidated or become insolvent, or
should the Contractor make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or should a
Receiver be appointed on account of the insolvency of the Contractor, the UNDP may,
without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have under the terms of these
conditions, terminate this Contract forthwith. The Contractor shall immediately inform
the UNDP of the occurrence of any of the above events.
Amicable Settlement: The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably any
dispute, controversy or claim arising out of this Contract or the breach, termination or
invalidity thereof. Where the parties wish to seek such an amicable settlement through
conciliation, the conciliation shall take place in accordance with the UNCITRAL
Conciliation Rules then obtaining, or according to such other procedure as may be agreed
between the parties.
Arbitration: Any dispute, controversy, or claim between the Parties arising out of the
Contract or the breach, termination, or invalidity thereof, unless settled amicably under
Article 16.1, above, within sixty (60) days after receipt by one Party of the other Party’s
written request for such amicable settlement, shall be referred by either Party to
arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules then obtaining. The
decisions of the arbitral tribunal shall be based on general principles of international
commercial law. For all evidentiary questions, the arbitral tribunal shall be guided by the
Supplementary Rules Governing the Presentation and Reception of Evidence in
International Commercial Arbitration of the International Bar Association, 28 May 1983
edition. The arbitral tribunal shall be empowered to order the return or destruction of
goods or any property, whether tangible or intangible, or of any confidential information
provided under the Contract, order the termination of the Contract, or order that any
other protective measures be taken with respect to the goods, services or any other
property, whether tangible or intangible, or of any confidential information provided
under the Contract, as appropriate, all in accordance with the authority of the arbitral
tribunal pursuant to Article 26 (“Interim Measures of Protection”) and Article 32 (“Form
and Effect of the Award”) of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The arbitral tribunal shall
have no authority to award punitive damages. In addition, unless otherwise expressly
provided in the Contract, the arbitral tribunal shall have no authority to award interest in
excess of the London Inter-Bank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) then prevailing, and any such
interest shall be simple interest only. The Parties shall be bound by any arbitration award
rendered as a result of such arbitration as the final adjudication of any such dispute,
controversy, or claim.
Nothing in or relating to this Contract shall be deemed a waiver, express or implied, of any of the
privileges and immunities of the United Nations, including its subsidiary organs.
Section 7 of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations
provides, inter-alia that the United Nations, including its subsidiary organs, is exempt
from all direct taxes, except charges for public utility services, and is exempt from customs
duties and charges of a similar nature in respect of articles imported or exported for its
official use. In the event any governmental authority refuses to recognize the United
Nations exemption from such taxes, duties or charges, the Contractor shall immediately
consult with the UNDP to determine a mutually acceptable procedure.
Accordingly, the Contractor authorizes UNDP to deduct from the Contractor's invoice any
amount representing such taxes, duties or charges, unless the Contractor has consulted
with the UNDP before the payment thereof and the UNDP has, in each instance,
specifically authorized the Contractor to pay such taxes, duties or charges under protest.
In that event, the Contractor shall provide the UNDP with written evidence that payment
of such taxes, duties or charges has been made and appropriately authorized.
The Contractor represents and warrants that neither it, nor any of its suppliers is engaged
in any practice inconsistent with the rights set forth in the Convention on the Rights of
the Child, including Article 32 thereof, which, inter alia, requires that a child shall be
protected from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the
child's education, or to be harmful to the child's health or physical mental, spiritual, moral
or social development.
Any breach of this representation and warranty shall entitle UNDP to terminate this
Contract immediately upon notice to the Contractor, at no cost to UNDP.
The Contractor represents and warrants that neither it nor any of its suppliers is actively
and directly engaged in patent activities, development, assembly, production, trade or
manufacture of mines or in such activities in respect of components primarily utilized in
the manufacture of Mines. The term "Mines" means those devices defined in Article 2,
Paragraphs 1, 4 and 5 of Protocol II annexed to the Convention on Prohibitions and
Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be
Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects of 1980.
Any breach of this representation and warranty shall entitle UNDP to terminate this
Contract immediately upon notice to the Contractor, without any liability for termination
charges or any other liability of any kind of UNDP.
The Contractor shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations bearing upon the
performance of its obligations under the terms of this Contract.
The Contractor shall take all appropriate measures to prevent sexual exploitation or
abuse of anyone by it or by any of its employees or any other persons who may be
engaged by the Contractor to perform any services under the Contract. For these
purposes, sexual activity with any person less than eighteen years of age, regardless of
any laws relating to consent, shall constitute the sexual exploitation and abuse of such
person. In addition, the Contractor shall refrain from, and shall take all appropriate
measures to prohibit its employees or other persons engaged by it from, exchanging any
money, goods, services, offers of employment or other things of value, for sexual favors
or activities, or from engaging in any sexual activities that are exploitive or degrading to
any person. The Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the provisions hereof
constitute an essential term of the Contract and that any breach of this representation
and warranty shall entitle UNDP to terminate the Contract immediately upon notice to
the Contractor, without any liability for termination charges or any other liability of any
The UNDP shall not apply the foregoing standard relating to age in any case in which the
Contractor’s personnel or any other person who may be engaged by the Contractor to
perform any services under the Contract is married to the person less than the age of
eighteen years with whom sexual activity has occurred and in which such marriage is
recognized as valid under the laws of the country of citizenship of such Contractor’s
personnel or such other person who may be engaged by the Contractor to perform any
services under the Contract.
Pursuant to the Financial Regulations and Rules of UNDP, only the UNDP Authorized Official
possesses the authority to agree on behalf of UNDP to any modification of or change in this
Contract, to a waiver of any of its provisions or to any additional contractual relationship of any
kind with the Contractor. Accordingly, no modification or change in this Contract shall be valid
and enforceable against UNDP unless provided by an amendment to this Contract signed by the
Contractor and jointly by the UNDP Authorized Official
Annex 4
Terms of Reference (TOR)
Feasibility Study for Wastewater Management Options in the Strumica River
The Strumica River Basin (SRB) is characterized by spatial and temporal variability of water resources
resulting from significant modifications to the basin’s hydro-morphological characteristics, the growing
water demand for multiple purposes in the area and the changing climate conditions. The consequential
considerable water deficit and the declining water quality and flow rates hamper the overall ecological
integrity of the system and the services it provides to the society. Furthermore, the coverage with
wastewater management service in the Basin is limited and is among the lowest in the country which
puts additional pressure to the ongoing degradation processes and water-related hazards. Recent studies
have confirmed that Strumica River Basin District (SRB) is amongst country’s most vulnerable regions,
sensitive to global changes and pressures from human activities.
The percentage of households connected to public wastewater collection system in the region equals 49%,
with an uneven coverage between urban (92% coverage) and rural areas (14% coverage). Since there is
currently no treatment of wastewaters in the Basin, urban/rural wastewater discharges together with
industrial (there are 53 industrial operators in total at the moment eligible for environmental permitting)
and other similar operations pose significant pressure to Basin’s water bodies caused by the emissions of
various pollutants and are the key contributors to the degradation of the aquatic ecosystems.
To tackle these and other pressing issues pertinent to SRB the six-year long Restoration of Strumica River
Basin – Implementation of the Strumica River Basin Management Plan project has been launched to
introduce a set of comprehensive measures to help restore SRB’s socio-ecological functions and its overall
resilience against the aforementioned complex challenges. The project is funded by the Swiss Agency for
Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of
Environment and Physical Planning (MoEPP) and a long list of stakeholders at local and national level.
Given the pressure this type of point-source pollution puts to the SRB environmental, a comprehensive
set of measures to introduce more sustainable wastewater collection and treatment needs to be
developed and implemented. In order to address these issues the project aims at strengthening the
capacities of Basin’s municipalities to introduce low-cost small-scale decentralised wastewater treatment
technologies with replication potential and supporting the mobilisation of additional resources by
identifying the most feasible wastewater management solutions and formulating the necessary technical
To be able to accomplish these ambitious set of objectives, UNDP now wishes to hire a qualified consulting
company (hereinafter Contractor) offering an interdisciplinary expertise necessary to: a) prepare a
wastewater management feasibility study and b) provide advisory support services to the selection
process of the wastewater collection and treatment pilot project and prepare preliminary/conceptual
designs for the selected wastewater systems.
This feasibility assessment project stage aims at creating a strong base for a gradual reduction of
wastewater pollution from rural areas and will help support the authorities in identifying the most feasible
localised wastewater management systems. This support will focus on the rural communities of the Basin
(including Municipality of Konce) since the wastewater treatment for urban communities Strumica and
Radovis and some nearby villages are already in the pipeline for a separate IPA funding – a process led by
All tasks need to be carried out in a participatory manner through close involvement and regular
cooperation with all relevant stakeholders (e.g., in the selection of groups of communities with and in
accordance with project objectives, the pertaining EU regulations and national laws.
Scope of Work
The objective of this assignment is to provide comprehensive feasibility assessment and prepare
preliminary/conceptual designs for development and implementation of wastewater management in
rural communities in the SRB (total population of around 55,000). The work would include identification
of efficient, practical and sustainable wastewater collection (sewerage systems) and (semi)-decentralized
small-scale treatment solutions for the selected communities, currently not covered with wastewater
management service. The feasibility study shall provide sufficient information on possible grouping of
different villages and/or communities into one system, selection of appropriate wastewater treatment
plants (WWTPs) micro locations, and selection of most feasible wastewater treatment technology(ies).
The assignment also involves expert support to the selection process of the consequent pilot projects
aimed at demonstrating the viability and benefits of a small-scale decentralised wastewater treatment
system in selected two rural communities in SRB. The Contractor is expected to assist the selection process
by establishing the selection criteria and participating in the selection of the most cost-effective treatment
option(s) and locations and preparation of corresponding preliminary designs.
Duties and Responsibilities
Under the supervision of the Project Manager and the mandated national institutions, as well as regular
coordination/communication with multiple stakeholders (SRB municipalities, local and national
institutions) and other project experts, the Contractor shall be responsible for carrying out the following
The Contractor shall provide consulting services to prepare a feasibility study to evaluate and recommend
appropriate wastewater management alternatives including wastewater management infrastructure and
possible effluent reuse covering the communities in the SRB in accordance with limitations described in
previous chapters. The activities in the task should include, but are not limited to:
Baseline collection and analysis, including review of existing relevant project documentation
(e.g., Strumica River Basin Management Plan, IPA projects for wastewater treatment systems in
the urban centers of Strumica and Radovis, national level efforts for defining agglomerations for
wastewater management and other) and coordination with other UNDP contractors with
complementary responsibilities
Technical, institutional, financial and economic feasibility analysis in order to make a specific
choice of the most appropriate interventions and incorporating possible benefits of reuse
Analysis of possibilities for grouping of two or more distinct communities into one system (e.g.
with separate sewerage networks and one WWTP)
Provision of a comparative analysis of a minimum three alternative solutions for wastewater
management and assessment of the technical, financial, social, and economic feasibility and
sustainability and priority of each alternative, including the phasing of investments
Screening and analysis related to environmental impacts and land related matters, such as land
acquisition for public purposes
Description of possible interventions, including physical investments anticipated over a planning
horizon of several years with appropriate grouping periods for major investments and
incorporating the strategies (national, local, existing or in process of development) for the longterm development of wastewater collection and treatment facilities in each of the respective
communities in the SRB
Identification of micro locations for each WWTP (regardless whether serving one or more
communities) with description of preferred (most feasible) wastewater treatment technology.
The selection of preferred solutions should be based on criteria proposed by the Contractor and
agreed by the project beneficiary, and it should include, but not be limited to: technical
(implementability, robustness, availability, flexibility to capacity/PE fluctuations, etc.), financial
(least-cost / cost-effectiveness / financial NPV), environmental, institutional, affordability,
sustainability, risk and other aspects
Preparation of Terms of Reference for selection of design companies to provide services in
developing detailed engineering designs sewerage networks and identified wastewater
treatment options, for each selected community.
In an attempt to promote the benefits and viability of wastewater treatment efforts the project will
select two communities in which small-scale decentralised wastewater treatment systems will be
demonstrated. The Contractor is expected to assist the selection process by drafting a comprehensive
set of objective criteria which, in addition to technical requirements also include the ability of a
community to operate the system, the willingness-to-pay for the new service and to co-finance its
construction. The activities in the task should include, but are not limited to:
Development of a set of selection criteria for choosing two cost-effective wastewater treatment
systems (with corresponding locations) that are context-specific, objective and measureable and
in addition to technical requirements of the wastewater treatment (ability to remove organic
matter, nutrients, heavy metals and toxic compounds), financial and environmental also include
the ability of a community(ies) to operate the system, the willingness-to-pay for the new service
and to co-finance its construction
Active participation in the preparation and carrying out of the selection process and provision of
expert advice where necessary
Development of preliminary design and corresponding technical documentation for the identified
wastewater treatment options, for the two selected wastewater treatment systems. This includes
field visits and field investigations and collection of all necessary information.
Main Outputs
1. Feasibility study for wastewater management in the rural areas of SRB (in Macedonian and
2. Terms of Reference for developing detailed engineering design for the sewerage networks and
identified wastewater treatment options (in Macedonian and English)
3. Selection criteria for implementation of two wastewater treatment systems (in Macedonian
and English)
4. Preliminary design and corresponding technical documentation for the two selected
wastewater treatment systems (in Macedonian and English)
5. Various progress reports at different stages of the assignment (in Macedonian and English)
Qualification Requirements
The Contractor (company) shall have extensive experience in developing and managing complex projects
in the area of wastewater management system design, infrastructure project design and feasibility
assessment, environmental protection, water resources management and similar. It will have a record of
minimum 5 projects of comparable nature and degree of complexity (e.g., feasibility studies for
wastewater collection and treatment systems, engineering designs for wastewater collection and
treatment systems or similar). List of projects to be submitted along with contact details for reference
checking purposes (please indicate the e-mail addresses or telephone numbers of contact persons).
The scope of work requires an interdisciplinary team of skilled professionals with previous experience in
similar feasibility analysis and wastewater systems design/management projects. Team members will
possess excellent relevant technical and language skills in order to successfully implement the assignment.
The team of experts shall be able to respond to the requirements of the following mandatory areas of
Team members
areas of expertise
Qualification requirements
Team Leader/
Treatment Expert
Feasibility Analyses
Advanced university degree (minimum M.Sc.) in Civil / Hydraulic
Engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering,
wastewater treatment or other related; advanced relevant
degree will be considered an asset
At least 10 years of experience in preparation and/or technical
review of engineering designs for wastewater treatment
processes, and/or feasibility studies for wastewater treatment
Record of at least 5 relevant projects that include preparation
and/or technical review of engineering designs and/or feasibility
studies for wastewater treatment systems
Team Leader of at least 3 relevant projects in terms of nature
and complexity
University degree in Economics, Environmental Economics,
Business, Engineering or similar disciplines); advanced degree is
considered an asset
Estimated /
work-load (in
Senior Civil /
Hydraulic Engineer
Minimum 10 years of experience in environmental economics,
economic valuation of ecosystem services, cost-benefit analyses
of environmental investment projects and similar
Record of at least 7 relevant projects (cost-benefit analysis of
environmental projects,: feasibility studies, environmental
economics, economic valuation projects or similar)
University degree in Civil / Hydraulic Engineering; advanced
degree will be considered an asset
At least 10 years of experience in preparation and/or technical
review of engineering designs for hydraulic structures
(sewer/drainage systems, water supply systems, wastewater
treatment plants and similar).
Record of at least 7 relevant projects that include preparation
and/or technical review of engineering designs for hydraulic
systems and structures (sewer/drainage systems, water supply
systems, wastewater treatment plants and similar)
 The company shall indicate lead experts per areas of expertise. (they must meet the minimum qualification
 If the qualifications of certain expert correspond to the requirements of more than one area of expertise, than
the expert can be proposed for that respective area, too
 The number of planned man-days per expert/area of expertise need to be indicated in companies’ proposals
 Failure to provide adequate expertise in all areas of expertise is considered grounds for disqualification
 The estimated number of required expert-days per areas of expertise is to serve for orientation purposes only.
Companies may adjust the expert-days number in accordance with their proposed methodology and
qualifications of the team members.
Other staff and resources
The Contractor will ensure that all other necessary staff and additional technical resources required for
efficient finalization of the work will be provided (e.g., logistical support for organizing various meetings
and conducting field work).
Terms and Conditions
 Language
The language of the required deliverables/outputs is indicted in the Main Outputs section above. All
produced documents shall be subject to proofreading by qualified translators, while the quality of the
final versions is subject to UNDP approval.
 Legal and other requirements
The content of the requested documents shall conform to the pertaining relevant legislation in the
country and the international best practices and models.
 Review and quality assurance
Review of the deliverables may be carried out by an independent expert or expert team upon UNDP
request. Relevant comments and suggestions made by the reviewer(s) will have to be integrated in the
final versions of the deliverables.
Duration of the assignment
Maximum available time for completion of tasks under this terms of reference is 7 months upon signing
of the contract.
 Methodology
Interested bidders must develop a methodology describing all the steps which will lead toward successful
completion of all tasks. Besides the detailed elaboration of the company’s approach in fulfilling the
requirements of the TOR, the technical proposal should provide information on the name of expert(s) per
area of expertise and the total number of man-days for each expert allocated for each area of expertise.
 Additional costs
The company should calculate the possible costs for acquiring various maps, layouts and other relevant
documents or information required for successful finalisation of all tasks. UNDP shall not accept any
additional expenses which are not included in the company’s financial offer.
 Reporting requirements
The expert team will report to UNDP and national authorities through the Project Manager. Number and
type of reports may be suggested by the company depending on the proposed methodology and approach
and in accordance with the proposed deliverables/milestones of the process. Also, other reports
highlighting certain important issues may be requested by the project management at various stages of
 Submission of data, reports and other material produced
All primary data, reports, and other documentation produced during this assignment shall be made
available to UNDP in electronic format on CDs. All data acquired and products developed in the course of
the assignment will be in the ownership of UNDP and MoEPP and cannot be used by the Contractor and
its team without prior written permission.
 Cooperation requirements
The consulting team is expected to work closely with other experts and expert teams hired by UNDP on
parallel/complementary activities.
 Consultations process
The responsibility for facilitating the consultation process for the purposes of completion of tasks outlined
hereto will be primarily responsibility of the Contractor. The responsibility for organizing field visits and
working meetings will be shared between the Contractor and the project. The Contractor shall be
responsible for: preparation of working material and agenda, ensuring participation of the key team
members as required, communication/coordination with the invited stakeholders (if deemed necessary),
preparation of minutes and etc. The project will be responsible for: distributing the invitations and
ensuring adequate participation, selecting the venue, and for covering various associated costs such as
rental of venues, travel and accommodation of participants, printing, refreshment, or similar.
 Payment schedule
The payment will be processed in instalments based on the milestones defined in the contract and in
accordance to the company’s proposed methodology and approach.
Annex 4
Evaluation procedure
Cumulative score of technical and financial offers
Technical Evaluation Criteria
NOTE: Failure to meet these mandatory requirements is ground for disqualification of the offer
Technical Evaluation Criteria
Summary of Technical Proposal Evaluation
1. Expertise of Firm / Organization
Proposed Methodology, Approach and
2. Implementation Plan
3. Management Structure and Key Personnel
Technical Proposal Evaluation
Form 1
Maximum Points
Expertise of the Firm/Organization
Company profile and evidence of capacity/organization capability
Extensive experience in developing and managing complex projects in the area of wastewater management system design,
infrastructure project design and feasibility assessment, environmental protection, water resources management and similar.
Record of minimum 5 projects of comparable nature and degree of complexity (e.g., feasibility studies for wastewater collection
and treatment systems, engineering designs for wastewater collection and treatment systems or similar). List of projects to be
submitted along with contact details for reference checking purposes (please indicate the e-mail addresses or telephone
numbers of contact persons).
Technical Proposal Evaluation
Form 2
Maximum Points
Proposed Methodology, Approach and Implementation Plan
To what degree does the Proposer understand the task? Is the scope of task well defined and does it correspond to the TOR?
Have the important aspects of the task been addressed in sufficient detail?
Is the proposal based on a survey of the project environment and was this data input properly used in the preparation of the
Is the presentation clear and is the sequence of activities and the planning logical, realistic and promise efficient implementation
to the project?
Team Leader/Wastewater Treatment Expert
Qualifications of the Lead Expert
Advanced university degree (minimum M.Sc.) in Civil / Hydraulic Engineering,
mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, wastewater treatment or other
Max 8 for relevant
Advanced Degree
related; advanced relevant degree will be considered an asset
Max 10 for relevant
PhD Degree
Max 20 for 10 years
At least 10 years of experience in preparation and/or technical review of
engineering designs for wastewater treatment processes, and/or feasibility studies
for wastewater treatment systems
Max 30 for 11-14 years
Record of at least 5 relevant projects that include preparation and/or technical
review of engineering designs and/or feasibility studies for wastewater treatment
Max 30 for 5 projects
Max 40 for 6-9 projects
Max 50 for 10+ projects
Max points:
Max 40 for 15+ years
Feasibility Analyses Expert
Qualifications of the Lead Expert
University degree in Economics, Environmental Economics, Business, Engineering
or similar disciplines); advanced degree is considered an asset
Max 8 for relevant
University Degree
Max 10 for relevant
Advanced Degree
Minimum 10 years of experience in environmental economics, economic valuation
of ecosystem services, cost-benefit analyses of environmental investment projects
and similar
Max 30 for 10 years
Max 35 for 11-14 years
Max 40 for 15+ years
Record of at least 7 relevant projects (cost-benefit analysis of environmental
projects,: feasibility studies, environmental economics, economic valuation
projects or similar)
Max 25 for 7 projects
Max 30 for 8-12
Max 35 for 13+ projects
Max points:
Senior Civil / Hydraulic Engineer
Qualifications of the Lead Expert
University degree in Civil / Hydraulic Engineering; advanced degree will be
considered an asset
Max 8 for relevant
University Degree
Max 10 for relevant
Advanced Degree
At least 10 years of experience in preparation and/or technical review of
engineering designs for hydraulic structures (sewer/drainage systems, water
supply systems, wastewater treatment plants and similar)
Max 30 for 10 years
Max 35 for 11-14 years
Max 40 for 15+ years
Record of at least 7 relevant projects that include preparation and/or technical
review of engineering designs for hydraulic systems and structures
(sewer/drainage systems, water supply systems, wastewater treatment plants and
Max 25 for 7 projects
Max 30 for 8-12
Max 35 for 13+ projects
Max points:
Total Part 3:
Other staff and resources
The Contractor will ensure that all other necessary staff and additional technical resources required for
efficient finalization of the work will be provided (e.g., logistical support for organizing various meetings
and conducting field work).
Important note: UNDP reserves the right to withdraw the Request for Proposals without making a
selection during the selection process, having ascertained that the financial proposals submitted to this
bid are exceeding the set ceiling for this assignment.