APPENDIX 1:BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH (DOES NOT COUNT IN PAGE LIMITATION): The biographical sketch is limited to a maximum of three pages and must include: Education and Training. Undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral training, provide institution, major/area, degree and year. Undergraduate studies Mathematiques superieures ( First year engineer preparation school ) 1994-1995 Lycee Victor Hugo Caen Mathematiques speciales P ( Second year engineer preparation school ) 1995-1996 Lycee Victor Hugo Caen Mathematiques speciales PC ( Second year engineer preparation school ) 1996-1997 Universite de Caen Caen Deug 2 eme annee Physics major DEUG ( 2 year college) nd Deug 1 ere annee LEA English German (1st year college ) 1997-1998 Universite de Caen Caen Licence de physique ( 3rd year college) Module C++ licence mathematiques 1998-1999 Universite de Caen Caen Maitrise de physique (4th year college) 1999-2000 Universite Blaise Pascal Clermont Ferrand DEA physique subatomique (5th year college Master level) Graduate studies 2001-2005 University Blaise Pascal Clermont Ferrand Experimental setup of the Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Postdoctoral 02-2006 to 04-2006 Jefferson Laboratory Newport News, VA23606 Postdoctoral Research Associate with Syracuse University Neutron Form Factor Gen experiment E02-013 : Neutron detector commissioning and data taking 02-2006 to 04-2006 Jefferson Laboratory Newport News, VA23606 Hall A Postdoctoral Research Associate Neutron Form Factor Gen experiment E02-013 : Neutron detector commissioning and data taking Research and Professional Experience. Beginning with the current position list, in chronological order, professional/academic positions with a brief description. From today since December 2010 : Hall A staff physicist Publications. Provide a list of up to 10 publications most closely related to the proposed project. For each publication, identify the names of all authors (in the same sequence in which they appear in the publication), the article title, book or journal title, volume number, page numbers, year of publication, and website address if available electronically. Patents, copyrights and software systems developed may be provided in addition to or substituted for publications. Scaling tests of the cross-section for deeply virtual Compton scattering. By Jefferson Lab Hall A Collaboration and Hall A DVCS Collaboration (C. Munoz Camacho et al.). DAPNIA-06-451, JLAB-PHY-06-503, Jul 2006. 6pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett.97:262002,2006. e-Print: nucl-ex/0607029 Exclusive Neutral Pion Electroproduction in the Deeply Virtual Regime. E. Fuchey (Clermont-Ferrand U. & Temple U.), A. Camsonne (ClermontFerrand U. & Jefferson Lab), C. Munoz Camacho (Clermont-Ferrand U. & DAPNIA, Saclay), M. Mazouz (LPSC, Grenoble & Monastir U.), G. Gavalian (Old Dominion U.), E. Kuchina (Rutgers U., Piscataway), M. Amarian (Old Dominion U.), K.A. Aniol (Cal State, L.A.), M. Beaumel (DAPNIA, Saclay), H. Benaoum (Syracuse U.) et al.. JLABPHY-10-1134. Mar 2010. Published in Phys.Rev. C83 (2011) 025201 e-Print: arXiv:1003.2938 [nucl-ex] Deeply virtual compton scattering off the neutron. Jefferson Lab Hall A Collaboration (M. Mazouz (LPSC, Grenoble) et al.). JLAB-PHY-07-707. Sep 2007. 5 pp. Published in Phys.Rev.Lett. 99 (2007) 242501 e-Print: arXiv:0709.0450 [nucl-ex] Synergistic Activities. List no more than 5 professional and scholarly activities related to the effort proposed. DVCS RICH Compton Sodium Iodide GEM To assist in the identification of potential conflicts of interest or bias in the selection of reviewers, the following information must also be provided in each biographical sketch. Collaborators and Co-editors: A list of all persons in alphabetical order (including their current organizational affiliations) who are currently, or who have been, collaborators or co-authors with the Principal Investigator on a research project, book or book article report, abstract, or paper during the 48 months preceding the submission of the proposal. For publications or collaborations with more than 10 authors or participants, only list those individuals in the core group with whom the Principal Investigator interacted on a regular basis while the research was being done. Also, include those individuals who are currently or have been co-editors with the Principal Investigator of a special issue of a journal, compendium, or conference proceedings during the 24 months preceding the submission of the proposal. If there are no collaborators or co-editors to report, this should be so indicated. Charles Hyde Carlos Munoz Camacho Pierre Bertin Julie Roche GRADUATE AND POSTDOCTORAL ADVISORS AND ADVISEES: LIST THE NAMES OF THE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR'S OWN GRADUATE ADVISOR(S) AND PRINCIPAL POSTDOCTORAL SPONSOR(S) AND THEIR CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL AFFILIATIONS. ALSO LIST THE NAMES OF THE PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR'S GRADUATE STUDENTS AND POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES DURING THE PAST FIVE YEARS AND THEIR CURRENT ORGANIZATIONAL AFFILIATIONS. Pierre Bertin French staff scientist retired Bernard Michel Paul Souder Professor Syracuse University Kees De Jager Staff Scientist