Schoolwide Leadership Roles - Livingston County School District

School-Wide Leadership Jobs
Livingston County Middle School 2015-2016
Librarian Leader:
Students who apply for “Librarian Leader” will need to make sure that they can
arrive at school by 7:20 on the morning of their shift. This student will need to go
through the breakfast line first on the day of your assigned duty. This student will
report directly to the library to assist Mrs. Wright with anything she may need.
Jobs for the librarian leader could include but not limited to helping put up
books or picking up the library to make sure it is ready for the day.
Event Speaker:
The Event Speaker will be LCMS’ Master of Ceremonies (MC)for assemblies. This
student will also be requested to speak at Basketball games to announce the
team’s members.
Security Team:
Security team members will need to be here at 7:20 on the mornings of their
shift. Each student will be assigned a position in the hallways of LCMS. These
students are here to ensure the safety of other students in the building by
making sure that students are walking, not roaming the halls, or making sure that
all visitors in the building have the proper identification. Female team member
will ensure that students are compliant with dress code.
Announcement Leaders:
Announcement Leaders will be assigned one day per week to do the morning
and afternoon announcements. The Leader will need to be in the office at 7:45
to begin the announcements at 7:52 on their designated day and at 2:40 in the
afternoon to begin at 2:47.
Morning Greeter:
As a leader of morning greeting, students will be asked to put on a smile and
welcome students, staff, and visitors to the building. One student will assist Ms.
Hayes in the cardinal room for car riders and another student will assist Ms.
Huddleston in welcoming students off of the bus.
LCMS Ambassador:
The students chosen from each grade level to be the LCMS ambassador have a
very important role to fulfill. These students will be responsible for making sure
that CMS is the very best that it can be. They will assist Ms. Hayes with new
student enrollments and building tours for new families wanting to be a part of
the Cardinal family. These students will also assist visitors in the building when
needed. They are the spokespeople for LCMS. They are to be positive rolemodels and encouraging to all students, visitors, and staff. These students should
make other people want to be a part of LCMS.
The students serving as Photographer will work closely with Public Relations
Leaders, teachers, and the media. The Photography Leaders will take pictures
of Student Leaders of the Month, Staff Leaders of the Month, basketball games,
class events, assemblies, award programs and as requested.
Marquee Leaders:
Marquee Leaders will be in charge of updating our Marquee. They will pull
letters that are needed for the marquee. These students will need to look at the
right of the webpage to find important up-coming events at LCMS. This job is
important to ensure timely communication with parents and the community.
Public Relations:
The students serving as Public Relations Leaders will work with local newspapers
and other media outlets on stories about the great things we have going on at
LCMS. These students will work with teachers to create newspaper articles and
also in contacting the press.
Locker Leaders - 1 per grade level
Lockers Leaders will get a list of the clubs, teams, awards, etc. by meeting with
all students. The Locker Leaders will then ensure the accuracy of the lists with
office personnel. After confirming accuracy, leaders will then put magnets on
corresponding lockers and ensure that students have the proper magnets on
their lockers.
One Call Leader - 1 per grade level
The One Call Leader will check important upcoming dates for the grade level.
The Leader will then compose a one call for the upcoming event. The leader
will also be charged with the task of recording the one call.
Young Leaders In Action - 4 8th graders (apply at end of 7th grade year)
Young Leaders in Action must have outstanding grades, attendance, and
behavior. These Leaders must be willing to speak in front of many people. YILA
team members must not be creative and innovative; they also need to model
the 8 habits.
Student Lighthouse Team - 3 per grade level
Members of the student lighthouse team model the 8 habits in ALL they do.
These team members must be willing to miss lunch once per week to brainstorm
leadership initiatives and willing to stay after school as necessary. Students who
are on this team must not only attend family nights but also be willing to plan for
this event. Student Lighthouse Team Members need to be creative and
innovative with ways to integrate habits in school and also organized enough for
follow-through to help our school become a LIM Lighthouse School. Students
will be required to make up work when they miss for field trips, etc.