Dr. OKSANA SARKISOVA Central European University, OSA Archivum Arany János utca 32 Budapest 1051 Hungary sarkisovao@ceu.edu www.ceu.edu / www.osaarchivum.org WORK 2014 – present Research Fellow (tenured), Central European University, Open Society Archives 2012- present Festival Director, Verzio International Documentary Human Rights Film Festival 2010-2014 Associate Research Fellow, Central European University, Open Society Archives 2004-2012 Program Director, Verzio International Documentary Human Rights Film Festival 2004 – 2007 Audio-Visual Research Archivist, OSA Archivum EDUCATION 1998 – 2004 Central European University, History Department, PhD Summa Cum Laude. Dissertation title: “Envisioned Communities: Representations of nationalities in non-fiction cinema in Soviet Russia, 1923-1935” 1997-1998 Central European University, Nationalism Department, MA 1991-1997 Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, Department of Sociology, MA RECENT RESEARCH PROJECTS 2006-present "Snapshot Histories: Family Photography and Generational Memories of Russia's Socialist Century," collaborative research with Dr. Olga Shevchenko 2009-2012 "Musicals in Transatlantic Cinematographic Exchange (East-Central European and Soviet musical cinema of the 1930-1960s)" 1 2004 Dziga Vertov’s early works and their reception in the 1920s (co-researcher with Dr. Yurii Tsivian) 2003 “Post-Communist Condition,” organized and coordinated by Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie (ZKM), Karlsruhe. SCHOLARSHIPS 05/2014 Research and screening series “Past Continuous: Conflicting Historical Legacies in Contemporary Eastern European Cinema”, IWM, Vienna 2007-2011 Post-Doctoral Fellow at European University Institute (Florence), member of the research group “Europe and Beyond: Transfers, Networks and Markets for Musical Theatre in Modern Europe, 1740-1960” 2006-2007 Wenner-Gren Foundation, International Collaborative Research Grant (with Dr. Olga Shevchenko) for field work stage of research ‘Snapshot Histories: Family Photography and Generational Memory of Russia's Socialist Century’ 2003 Zeit-Stiftung scholarship to participate in “History Takes Place”: Summer Academy of European Memorial Sites, St. Petersburg. 2003 Guest researcher at Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Ostmitteleuropeas (GWZO) for the project Visuelle und historische Kulturen Ostmitteleuropas im Prozess staatlicher und gesellschaftlicher Modernisierung seit 1918. 2002 Central European University Research Scholarship to the Berlin BundesarchivFilmarchiv 2000 St. Petersburg Center for History of Ideas scholarship to attend 3rd International Summer School of St. Petersburg Branch of the Russian Academy of Science “Russian Utopianism: From an Ideal State to the Perfect Society” 1999-2000 Visiting Research Fellow at Rutgers University, Art History Department TEACHING 2015 Fields of Vision: Historical Imagery between Art and Archiving (with Ioana Toma) 2014 Cultures of Remembrance: Conflicting Past and Documentary Cinema in Central and Eastern Europe 2012-13 Human Rights and Documentary Cinema (with Dr. Renata Uitz) 2009 Film and Education (Pedagogical Doctoral School at ELTE, Budapest) 2006 Cinema and History in Eastern Europe (Williams College, US) 2005 Reel Versions of Transition, (with Dr. Renata Uitz), CEU 2 2003 Nationalism Studies: Theories and Approaches, Central European University PUBLICATIONS Books Past for the Eyes: East European Representations of Communism in Cinema and Museums after 1989, Budapest: CEU Press, 2008 (co-edited with Peter Apor) Screening Soviet Ethnicities: Kulturfilms from the Far North to Central Asia, London: I. B. Tauris, forthcoming in 2016. Book Chapters “The Adventures of the kulturfilm in Soviet Russia” in Birgit Beumers (ed.), Russian Cinema Directory, forthcoming in 2016. “The Album as Performance: Notes on the Limits of the Visible” (with Olga Shevchenko), forthcoming in 2016. “Arctic Travelogues: Conquering the Soviet North” in Scott MacKenzie, Anna Stenport (eds.) Films on Ice: Cinemas of the Arctic. Edinburgh University Press, 2015, pp. 222-234. “Soviet Past in Domestic Photography: Events, Evidence, Erasure” (with Olga Shevchenko) in Olga Shevchenko (ed.) Double Exposure: Memory and Photography. Transaction Publishers, 2014, pp. 147-176. “Sing with Us, Spend like Us! Images of Consumption in East European Musical Films during the Cold War” in Magdalina Waligorska (ed.), Music, Longing and Belonging: Articulations of the Self and the Other in the Musical Realm. Cambridge Scholar Publishers, 2013, pp. 12-27. “Soviet Cultural Policy in Musical Theatre and Cinema, 1917-1938” in Philipp Ther (ed), Die Geschichte der Kulturpolitik. Die kontinentalen Imperien in Europa im Vergleich. (Die Gesellschaft der Oper. Musikkultur europäischer Metropolen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert Band 10) Wien – Köln – Weimar: Oldenburg Böhlau 2012. “Filming a Liveable Past: The 1970s–80s in Contemporary Russian Cinema” in Stefan Berger, Chris Lorenz, and Billie Melman (eds.), Popularizing National Pasts, 1800 to the Present. New York, London: Routledge, 2012, pp 249-266. “Cine-intellectuals or cine-proletariat? Ideological Allegiances and Professional Identities in early Soviet Cinema,” in: Fiona Björling & Alexander Pereswetoff-Morath (eds), Words, Deeds and Values: the Intelligentsias in Russia and Poland during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Lund: Lund University, Dept. of East and Central European Studies, 2005, pp. 253-68. “Inter-national Loyalties: A/Olexander Dovzhenko’s Films in the Context of the Nationality Policy in Soviet Ukraine in the 1920s” in: Peter Roubal and Vaclav Veber (eds.), Prague Perspectives (I). History of East Central Europe and Russia. Prague, 2004, pp. 237-254. “Long Farewells: The Anatomy of the Soviet Past in Contemporary Russian Cinema” in Oksana Sarkisova and Péter Apor (eds.) Past for the Eyes: East European Representations of Communism in Cinema and Museums after 1989, Budapest: CEU Press, 2008, pp. 143180. 3 Journal Articles “Taming the frontier: Alexander Litvinov’s expedition films and representations of indigenous minorities in the Far East,” in Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema, 9:1 (2015): 2-23 “Searching for a Soviet Past: Amateur Photography and Family Memory”, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie 131 (2015) (in Russian, with Olga Shevchenko) “‘They came, shot everyone, and that’s the end of it’: Local Memory, Amateur Photography, and the Legacy of State Violence in Novocherkassk” Slavonica Vol. 17 (2011) (with Olga Shevchenko). “Folk Songs in Soviet Orchestration: Vostokfil'm’s Song of Happiness and the forging of the New Soviet Musician” in Studies of Russian and Soviet Cinema 4:3 (2010): 261-281. “Between Elias and Foucault: Discipline, Photography, and the Soviet Childhood”, Social Psychology Quarterly 73 (2010): 1-4 (with Olga Shevchenko). “The Soviet Past in Amateur Photography: The Work of Memory and Forgetting,” Otechestvennye Zapiski 4 (43) 2008, pp. 205-217 (with Olga Shevchenko, in Russian). “Across One Sixth of the World: Dziga Vertov, Travel Cinema, and Soviet Patriotism” in October 121 (2007): 19-40. “Life As It Should Be? Early Non-fiction Cinema in Russia,” Medien und Zeit 1 (2003): 41-61. “Early Soviet Kulturfilms: the ‘cine-conquest’ of Caucasus,” Kulturologicheskie Zapiski, 1 (2003) (in Russian). “Archäologie eines vergessenen Konzepts: discursive und institutionelle Entwiklung des Kulturfilms in Russland,” Spurensuche. “Zauber der Exotik”: Aspekte ihrer Popularisierung Heft 1-4 (2002): 64-89. “Tell Me Who Your Enemy Is. Chechen War in Russian Cinema,” Neprikosnovennyi Zapas, 26/6 (2002): 94-101. “Edges of Empire: Representations of Borderland Identities in Early Soviet Cinema,” Ab Imperio 1 (2000): 167-186. “Present Perfect or Present Progressive? Temporality in Early Soviet Avant-Garde Visual Arts,” in: Helena Goscilo and Michael Brewer (eds), Studies in Slavic Cultures 1 (2000): 103-132. Encyclopaedia and Handbook Entries “A Sixth Part of the World,” Pamir: Roof of the World,” “In Spring,” “The Court of Honour” entries in Birgit Beumers (ed.), Directory of World Cinema: Russia 2, 2015. “Conflicting Pasts: Programming Retrospectives at the Verzio Film Festival” in Alex Marlow-Mann (ed.) Archival Film Festivals. Film Festival Yearbook 5. St Andrews Film Studies, 2013. “Vertov the Traveller: a Modern Nomad” in Thomas Tode and Barbara Wurm (eds), Dziga Vertov. The Vertov Collection at the Austrian Film Museum. Vienna: Österreichisches Filmmuseum, 2006, pp. 17-21. 4 “Grenzeprojektionen: Bilder von Grenzgebieten im sowjetischen Film” in: Die Wieser Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens, volume XI, edited by Karl Kaser, Dagmar Gramshammer-Hohl, Robert Pichler. Klagenfurt: Wieser-Verlag, 2003, pp 439-467. SELECT PUBLIC LECTURES AND CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 08/15 International Conference “Arctic Cinemas and the Documentary Ethos”, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Paper presented “Moving Through the Century: Northern Nomads in Nonfiction Cinema” 05/15 Colloquium “Film, Democracy, and Liberal Education”, Center for Human Values, Princeton University. Paper presented: “Archive, Authenticity, and Authorship in Expedition Film” 04/15 “Re-Mediating the Archive: Image, Word, Performance”, International Symposium, New York University. Paper presented: “Archival Kino-Eye: Dziga Vertov and Curated Image Archives” 09/14 “New Directions in Russian and Soviet Cinema Studies: An international symposium, Trinity College, University of Cambridge. Paper presented: “The Transnational challenge in Soviet cinema studies” 3/14 "Archive/Image. New Archival Epistemes in the Digital Landscape," OSA Archivum at CEU. Paper presented: “Archiving Private Lives: Domestic Film and Photography in the Digital Age” 11/13 45th Annual Convention of Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, Boston, USA. Paper presented “"Album as a performance: Notes on the limits of the visible” (with Olga Shevchenko) 10/13 International workshop Photography and Visual Orders in the History of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, German Historical Institute, Moscow. Paper Presented: “Snapshots of War in Russian Domestic Photo Arhives” 10/13 Centenary Conference of Slavic Studies “The Language of Power, the Power of Language, Leiden University. Paper Presented: “Why should you know this, son?” The heroic, the banal and the improbable in the family memories of the Soviet past” 05/13 Conference “Iconology Old And New. Current Theoretical Interfaces: Iconicity, Semiotics, Historicity”, Central European University. Paper presented: “Historical Icons Made and Unmade: Cinema as Document, History as Fiction” 03/13 Guest Lectures organized by Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan. Presentations "Constructing Nations and Landscapes in Early Soviet Cinema"; "East European Musical Films During the Cold War" and "Soviet Cultural Policy in Musical Theater and Cinema, 1917-1940" 12/12 Workshop “Russian and Soviet Photography as Historical Source”, Basel University. Paper presented “Framing the Elusive Soviet Subject: Domestic Photographic Archives and Generational Transmission in Contemporary Russia” 5 11/12 44th Annual Convention of Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, New Orleans, USA. Paper presented “Empire in the Album: Amateur Travel Photography in Post-war Russia" 06/11 Workshop “Private Eyes. Geschichte, Theorie und Praxis des europäischen Amateurfilms”, Österreichsche Gesellschaft für Zeitgeschichte, Österreichisches Filmmuseum, Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Geschichte und Gesellschaft. Paper presented “Raw and Edited: Historical Narratives in Amateur Footage and Montage Cinema” 04/11 British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies Annual Conference, Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. Paper presented “‘Movies for the East: Policies and Practices of Vostokfilm studio (1926-1935)” 3/11 Conference “Mežrabpom-Film und die deutsch-russischen Filmbeziehungen der 1920er und 1930er Jahre,” Deutsches Historisches Institut (Moscow). Paper presented “Spiel mit dem Nichtgespielten: Die Produktions- und Verleihpolitik der Kulturfilme von Mežrabpomfilm” 03/11 Workshop “Hegemonic Structures of Music: Politics of Occupation, Emotions and Their Transfer: Europe of Two World Wars, 1914-1949”, Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung, Berlin. Paper presented “Light Cavalry: Soviet Musical Films during the Second World War” 10/11 ‘Between History and Past: Soviet Legacy as the Traumatic Object of Contemporary Russian Culture’ Workshop at the University of Sheffield Humanities Research Institute. Paper presented “Between Trauma and Nostalgia: Domestic Photography and Memories of the Soviet Past.” 11/10 Conference “Cultural Policy and Theater in European Empires. The „Kulturstaat” Austria in International Comparison” Instituts für Osteuropäische Geschichte Universität Wien. Paper presented “From Elite Culture to Musical: the Imagery of Bolshoi Theater as a case-study in Soviet Cultural Policy” 04/10 “Visible presence: Memory, photography and the historical imagination.” An interdisciplinary symposium at the Oakley Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Williams College, Williamstown, MA. Paper presented: “Soviet Past in Amateur Photography: Events, Evidence, Erasure.” 03/10 Workshop “Opera in Medial Transformation. Performance, Perception and Promotion” at EUI Florence. Paper presented: “Tunes into Images: Musical Theatre and Cinema in Dialogue.” 11/09 Roundtable “Soviet Amateur Photography between the Public and the Private” at the Annual AAASS Convention, Boston, US. 06/09 Roundtable “Musical Markets and Cultural Reception. The Impact of Musical Theatre in Modern Europe” at Florence EUI. Paper presented “Musical Cinema in the Conflict of Systems (1930-1960).” 12/08 “Performing Biographies, Memory and the Art of Interpretation” organized by European Sociological Association, Research Network 3 “Biographical Perspectives on European 6 Societies” in Krakow, Poland. Presentation “Phantom memories. Russian Teenagers, Family Photography and the Soviet Past.” 09/08 Workshop “Popular National Histories,” European Science Foundation, research framework “Representations of the Past: The Writing of National Histories in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Europe (NHIST)” in Sinaia, Romania. Paper presented: “Creating a Livable Past: The Triumph of Soviet Everyday Life.” 06/08 “New and Old Frames,” NECS European Network for Cinema Studies at ELTE, Budapest. Paper presented: “Get to Know Your Country!” Nationalities in Early Soviet Non-Fiction. 04/08 “Readings on Soviet Culture,” RGGU, Moscow. Paper presented: “Soviet Past in Amateur Photography: Technologies of Memory and Forgetting” (with Olga Shevchenko). 01/08 “Digital Formalism. The 'Poetika Vertoviana’ between Archive and Digital,” Österreichisches Filmmuseum, Vienna. Presentation “Digital Formalism: Ways Forward” at the closing Round Table. 12/07 Conference Wissen, Kreativität und Transformationen von Gesellschaften, INST, Vienna. Paper presented: “Building the Past: Archival Footage in Documentary and Fiction Cinema” 06/06 Workshop “Visions after the Fall: Museums, Archives and Cinema in Reshaping Popular Perceptions of the Socialist Past” at OSA Archivum, Budapest. Paper presented: “A Pale Phantom: Motive of Liberation in the Post-Soviet Cinema.” 04/05 Conference “Uses and Abuses of the Middle Ages: 19th-21st Century,” CEU. Paper presented: “Conquest of the Motherland or We Were Always Here: Middle Ages in Eastern European Cinema.” 10/04 Workshop at 8th International Documentary Film Festival in Jihlava, Czech Republic. Workshop title: “ ‘As it really happened…’ Archival footage in documentary and fiction cinema.” 09/04 Central European Seminar at Czech Cultural Center, Budapest. Presentation titled: “Uses and Abuses of the Past in Eastern European Cinema.” 10/03 Workshop “Post-communist Condition,” ZKM, Karlsruhe. Paper presented: “Mythology of Liberation: The Making and Unmaking of the Soviet Empire in Cinema.” 10/03 Symposium “Blick-Gegenblick”, Leipzig Documentary Film Festival. Paper presented: “East” and “West” on the screen: Taming Geography. 02/03 Soyuz Annual Symposium of Post-Socialist Studies, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Paper presented: “From “Unbreakable Union” to “Clash of Civilizations”: The Transformation of Identity Discourses and the Representations of the Chechen War in Contemporary Russian Cinema.” 7 10/02 Workshop “Framing the Historian: National, Institutional, and Social Grand Narratives in East and West” organized by Zentrum für Vergleichende Geschichte Europas/Freie Universität and CEU, History Department, held in Berlin. Paper presented: “In The Beginning Was The Word: The Legacy of Semiotics in Cultural Studies in Russia.” 08/02 Conference “The Intelligentsia as Creators of Social Values in Russia and Poland in 19 th and 20th Centuries,” Lund University. Paper Presented: “Cine-intellectuals vs. cineproletarians: ideologies and visual canons in formation”; introduction for the screening of New Babylon (1929). 07/02 Guest Lecturer at the Summer Colloquium at Zentrum für Vergleichende Geschichte Europas/Freie Universität, Berlin. Paper presented: “Life as it is? Debates on Non-Fiction Film in Weimar Germany and Early-Soviet Russia.” 01/02 Workshop “Nationalism, Transnationalism, and the Balkans,” Huizinga Institute, Amsterdam. Paper presented: “Others into Us: Constructing Identity in Cinema.” 10/01 Workshop “Changing Historical Studies in Central and Eastern Europe: How Does Methodological Transfer Generate New Research?” CEU, History Department and Zentrum für Vergleichende Geschichte Europas/Freie Universität. Paper presented: “Images of Identity: methodological considerations of research on identity debates and visual imagery.” 07/01 Special guest at Sabanci University Conference "Texts/Images of History: Representations and Uses of the Past in Central and Southeast Europe", Istanbul. Public lecture “Documenting the imaginary past: using history in Eastern European cinema (1920-1989).” 08/00 Conference Visual Evidence VIII, Utrecht University. Paper presented: “Borderlands into Outskirts: Narrating Difference and Unity in Soviet Cinema." 08/00 Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas (ISSEI-2000), Bergen University. Paper presented: “Building the Future on the Screen in Early Soviet Years” 03/00 24th Annual Mid-Atlantic Slavic Conference, Princeton University. Paper presented: “Edges of Empire: Representations of Borderland Identities in Early Soviet Cinema” 02/00 Specialist Group on Communist and Postcommunist Politics, Annual conference of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. Paper presented: “(Un)natural Selection? Aesthetic Alternatives in the Political Context of NEP.” 03/99 The 1999 Annual Conference of the British Association of Slavic and East European Studies, Cambridge, UK. Paper presented: “National Identity in Contemporary Russian Cinema” 8 SELECT WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES ORGANIZED 2014 "Archive/Image. New Archival Epistemes in the Digital Landscape," OSA Archivum (with Ioana-Marcrea Toma) 2013 Summer School “Documentary Cinema in Digital Century” (with Peter Almond), Central European University 2012 Programming Strategies. Workshop for emerging Human Rights Festivals in the Caucuses (Georgia). With Helena Zajicova 2011 “The Eye and the Other: subjectivity in documentary filmmaking” at Visual Laboratory at Verzio Documentary Human Rights Film Festival, OSA Archivum 2008 Conference “New and Old Frames” Network of European Cinema Studies (with András Bálint Kovács, Mats Jönsson, Valérie Morignat, Patrick Vonderau). Hosted by ELTE University, Budapest. 2007 Workshop “Alternative Images: Documentary as Counter-Culture” (with Olga Zaslavskaia), OSA Archivum, Budapest. 2006 Workshop “Visions after the Fall: Museums, Archives and Cinema in Reshaping Popular Perceptions of the Socialist Past,” OSA Archivum, Budapest. 2001 Workshop “Thinking Figuratively: Visual Vocabulary, Historical Narratives, and Conflicting Identities In 20th Century Europe”, Moscow State University, Sociology Department (with Olga Shevchenko) CURATED PROJECTS 05/13 Screening series “Steppe Views? A selection of recent Kyrghiz and Kazakh films” (with Birgit Beumers), OSA Archivum 5-7/11 Traveling Exhibition “Russian Pioneers of Sound Art and Musical Technology in 1910-1930,” OSA Archivum 12/10 Animation Night at OSA Archivum to commemorate the UN Human Rights Day 11/10 Peter Almond Screening Series, CEU and OSA Archivum 11/10 Visual Lab, Verzio Film Festival, OSA Archivum 03/10 Exposing Terror. Highlights of the Soros Documentary Fund/Sundance Documentary Film Fund, 1996-2009, OSA Archivum (with Aniko Kovecsi) LANGUAGES Native Russian, fluent English and Hungarian, intermediate German, reading knowledge of French and Ukrainian 9