webinar_handout - okolo

How Technology can Help Struggling Readers and Writers
Children and Youth Institute, Michigan State University Extension
Cindy Okolo, Okolo@msu.edu, 9/25/2013 (all links active on 6/1/13)
Accessible Instructional Materials
Best site for information: National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials:
Sources of Digital Books
LibriVox: http://librivox.org/
Project Gutenberg: http://www.gutenberg.org/
Literature Network: http://www.online-literature.com/
ManyBooks: http://manybooks.net/
University of Virginia E-book Library: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/ebooks/
Fordham University History Sourcebooks: http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/
University of Pennsylvania Online Books
Page: http://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu
Digital Text meta-site: http://www.ditext.com/etexts.html
Open Library: http://openlibrary.org/subjects/accessible_book
Unite for Literacy: http://library.uniteforliteracy.com/
Google Books: http://books.google.com
Thirteen websites that offer free e-books for
teachers: http://www.goedonline.com/13-websites-that-offer-free-ebooksfor-teachers
CC Prose: http://www.ccprose.com/
International Children’s Digital Library (also has an iPhone
app): http://www.icdlbooks.org/
Digital Books on Mobile Devices
Amazon’s Kindle (https://kindle.amazon.com/) and Barnes and Noble’s Nook
(http://www.barnesandnoble.comoble.com) are popular examples of mobile
devices that are dedicated e-text readers. Additionally, e-reader software and
applications such as Blio (https://www.blio.com/blio/screens/homepage.jsp#) and
iBook (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ibooks/id364709193?mt=8), have been
developed to provide digital books (with and without audio) on iOS, Windows, and
Android mobile devices.
Audio Books
The following providers (Accessible Materials Providers, or AMPS) provide audio
versions of books for eligible students.
American Printing House for the Blind: http://www.aph.org/
Bookshare: https://www.bookshare.org/
Learning Ally: https://www.learningally.org/
Commercial sites such as Audible (audible.com), AudioEditions (AudioEditions.com),
and iTunes (apple.com).
There are also many sources for free audiobooks for students who do not qualify for
AIM. The following is a partial list:
LoudLit: http://loudlit.org
LibriVox: http://librivox.org
Free Classic Audiobooks: http://freeclassicaudiobooks.com
Learn OutLoud: http://www.learnoutloud.com/Free-AudioVideo#director
YAKiToMe: htpp://www.yakitome.com/
Audio Stories for Children: http://lightupyourbrain.com/
Audioliterate: http://audioliterate.com/
Browser-based text to speech applications
SpeakIt: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/speakit/pgeolalilifpodheeocd
Select and Speak:https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/select-andspeak/gfjopfpjmkcfgjpogepmdjmcnihfpokn
Reference Tools
Dictionary: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/7869. You can select
any word on a web page, right click, and find the definition of the word on a webbased dictionary site. Having a dictionary that you can access from within the
browser is advantageous because you don't have to pull up a separate web page to
obtain the meaning of a word.
Thesaurus: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/12354. Click on a
word to access synonyms and antonyms.
Liquid: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/liquid-words-interactive/obgbmbflfhnmlelipecbkedechpjeibc. Select any text and choose from
options that include search, reference, copy, share, convert, and translate.
Language Packs: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/browse/type:3. Do you
have students who speak a language other than English? This set of add-ons allows
you to add dictionaries in over 50 languages to your web browser.
Collections of text comprehension tools: You probably already use bookmarks, but
have you thought about creating bookmark collections that your students can
access, from the toolbar, that offer a collection of tools to support text
comprehension? Add-ons exist
for Delicious (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/delicious-bookmarkbar-sy/agabedjjbijfpccchcmpfpcdfnlpjkoj) and Google
Bookmarks (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/googlebookmarks/nfieeekinhmpmgnonkgbmklfdheojoni).
Diigo includes highlighting, notetaking tools, annotation (via tags), archiving,
searching, among other
features, https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/diigo-bookmark-archivehi/oojbgadfejifecebmdnhhkbhdjaphole
Evernote includes highlighting, notetaking, annotation (via tags), web clipping,
archiving, searching, among other features
Search the site, Add-Ons for Firefox (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/),
and you'll find many tools to support students that operate with the FireFox
browser. Similar tools are available in the Chrome Store for the Google Chrome
browser (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions).
Writing Tools
Spelling Checker: Ghotit: with corpus of common misspellings of poor writers:
Ghotit, http://www.ghotit.com/,
Grammar and Spelling Checker: Ginger: Spelling and grammar checker with more
context-sensitive feedback and audio feedback,
Word Prediction Software: CoWriter: http://donjohnston.com/cowriter/
Speech Recognition: The most widely used program is Dragon Dictate.
Macintosh, http://www.nuance.com/for-individuals/by-product/dragonfor-mac/dragon-dictate/index.htm
Windows, http://www.nuance.com/for-individuals/by-product/dragon-forpc/index.htm.
Dictation for Chrome: works online and offline (haven’t tested it offline):
Concept Mapping Tools
Inspiration, Kidspiration, and Webspiration,www.inspiration.com. Most well
known and well-supported, but not free.
Text2MindMap, http://www.text2mindmap.com/, is a highly visual concept
mapping system.
IMindMap is another concept-mapping tool that creates 3D mind
maps: http://www.thinkbuzan.com/us/
Aspire is a mapping tool specifically for the Mac operating
system: http://www.unifiq.com/aspire/
Popplet is a concept-mapping and organizing tool that permits students to
use both text and images in their concept maps. http://popplet.com/
The following site, Kathy Schrock’s guide to concept
mapping, http://www.schrockguide.net/concept-mapping.html, describes these
tools and many others. It also describes some helpful ideas for using concept
mapping in the classroom. This
site, http://www.netrover.com/~kingskid/graphic/graphic.htm, provides an
extensive collection of free graphic organizers.
Toolbar Literacy Support
My StudyBar. http://eduapps.org/?page_id=7
CAST Strategy Tutor: http://www.cast.org/learningtools/strategy_tutor/
Comprehensive Literacy Software Programs (commercial software/apps, not
WYNN: http://www.freedomscientific.com/LSG/products/WYNN.asp
Kurzweil 3000: http://www.kurzweiledu.com/
SOLO literacy suite: http://www.donjohnston.com/products/solo/
Read & Write Gold:
WordQ and SpeakQ: http://wordq.com
WriteOnline: http://www.cricksoft.com/uk/writeonline/
Videos of program use in schools:
Kurzweil 3000: More than text to
speech: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcuhJVtQ4iM
Kurzweil 3000: How Blake Middle School Uses Kurzweil 3000 in the
Classroom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3KSTxDShZo
How to use a pre-made outline template in Read:Outloud
6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJLwpHbAwHk
Read&Write Gold: Fact
Mapper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW0UzBk3Sa8
Wynn Wizard
Demonstration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d1wCzBPf7k
Clicker 6 at Highfields
School: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATZeQI8khFw (note: Clicker 6 is
a product created by a British company)