PASCACK VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Pascack Valley Regional High School District Borislaw Bilash II – Physics Teacher 200 Piermont Avenue Hillsdale, New Jersey 07642 Telephone (201) 358-7060 PVHS Physics Day at Great Adventure – June 4, 2013 Six Flags Great Adventure’s Physics Day on Tuesday, June 4, 2013, is a day set aside for high school physics students by Great Adventure. It is a hands-on experience that counts as a major fourth quarter grade – equivalent to a test grade. Using information about the amusement park rides, students will make hypotheses and take data during the day. On the bus ride home, students will analyze and draw conclusions concerning the physics of the amusement park rides. Physics Day is an exciting and educational way for students to realize that physics problems (in textbooks, demonstrations, and classroom labs), should not be taken as an “act of faith”. The trip allows a student to experience the application of physics to the real world that may alter the way he or she perceives the laws of physics. Although feeling the physics behind the ride is a valuable experience, all rides will be voluntary. Meet for breakfast at PVHS at 6:45 am. Leave from the parking lot of PVHS at 7:00 am., arrive at Six Flags Great Adventure at 9:00 am. Leave Great Adventure at 4:15 pm and return to PVHS at 6:30 pm. Students not present at the departure time risk exclusion from future school trips including all senior year “end of year” functions such as the rafting trip and the graduation party. Cost of the trip is $65, payable in CASH or CHECK (made out to PVHS). Money, along with this permission slip, by Friday, May 17 must be returned either to the student’s physics teacher . The cost of this trip includes breakfast at school, admission to the park and bus transportation. (IMPORTANT: Lunch is not included in the cost of this trip, so bring extra money for lunch or bring a bag lunch and store it in a pay-locker.) No alcohol or drugs are permitted on this trip. Anyone SUSPECTED of substance use or in possession of illegal substances will be subject to school discipline that will include, but not be limited to, exclusion from all “end of year” functions such as the prom and other extra curricular activities. If a student cannot attend this trip, there will be an alternate assignment for this test grade. If you have any questions, please email Mr. Bilash at school: RETURN THE BOTTOM PORTION BY FRIDAY MAY 17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student Name (Print) ______________________________________________________ I give my permission to my son/daughter to attend the Physics Class Trip on June 4, 2013. I have read the information about the day’s activities and am aware of the school regulations for this trip. The trip is open to PVHS physics students only. Does the student have any allergies or medical conditions that we should be aware of? Yes No If yes, please explain_____________________________________ Parent’s phone number where you can be reached during the trip _________________ Student’s Cell phone number (in case of emergency):______________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________________________