here - Scope

Outcomes of research conducted at Scope are published in various formats and presented
at conferences. Key publications and presentations are presented below.
Journal articles
Johnson, H., Douglas, J., Bigby, C., & Iacono, T. (2010). The pearl in the middle: A case study of social
interactions in an individual with a severe intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual and
Developmental Disability, 35(3), 175-186.
Reddihough, D., Erasmus, C. E., Johnson, H., McKellard, G. M. W., & Jongerius, P. W. (2010).
Botulinum toxin assessment, intervention and aftercare for paediatric and adult drooling:
international consensus statement. European Journal of Neurology, 17(Suppl. 2), 109-121.
Book chapters
Watson, J. (2010). Model of Supported Decision Making. In K. Stagnitti, A. Schoo & D. Welch (Eds.),
Clinical and fieldwork placement in the health professions (pp. 272-274). Oxford: Oxford
Unversity Press.
Conference presentations
Bloomberg, K. (2010, July). Sign of the Time - Key Word Sign In Oz. Paper presented at the ISAAC
2010, Barcelona, Spain.
Hagiliassis, N., Phillips, L., Johnson, H., & Iacono, T. (2010, June). Collaboration in the Development of
Behavioural Social Scripts in Reducing Behaviours of Concern and Restrictive Interventions.
Paper presented at the Office of the Senior Practitioner Promoting Dignity Grants forum,
Melbourne, Australia.
Higman, S. (2010, September). Planning our communities: Planning for inclusive living. Paper
presented at the 45th ASSID Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Iacono, T., Caithness, T., Johnson, H., & Solarsh, B. (2010, May). Communication Assessment for
people with Behaviours of Concern. Paper presented at the Speech Pathology Australia,
Melbourne, Australia.
Johnson, H. (2010, July-a). Collecting observational data for a grounded theory project. Paper
presented at the ISAAC 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
Johnson, H. (2010, July-b). Communication in the Social Network of Adults with a severe intellectual
disability. Paper presented at the ISAAC 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
Johnson, H., Iacono, T., Solarsh, B., & Hagiliassis, N. (2010, September). Developing communication
assessment skills to inform intervention for behaviours of concern in people with acquired
and developmental disabilities. Paper presented at the 45th ASSID Conference, Brisbane,
Johnson, H., Solarsh, B., West, D., & Bloomberg, K. (2010, December). Social inclusion – but are we
communicating? Paper presented at the 5th Annual LaTrobe University Round Table,
Melbourne, Australia.
Johnson, H., West, D., Solarsh, B., & Bloomberg, K. (2010). Social inclusion: Are we communicating?
Paper presented at the State disability policy for the next ten years - What should it look
like?, LaTrobe University, Bundoora, Australia.
Lyon, K., West, D., & Iacono, T. (2010, May). NECAS. Paper presented at the Speech Pathology
Australia, Melbourne, Australia.
McGrellis, W., Hagiliassis, N., & Wilson, E. (2010, September). Individualised services for families of
children with intellectual & developmental disabilities: Evidence from a new approach. Paper
presented at the 45th ASSID Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Moore, M., Hagiliassis, N., McGillivray, J., Wilson, E., Campain, R., Graffam, J., & Bink, M. (2010,
September). Measuring social inclusion of people with a disability in Australia: the first
national 1-in-4 poll. Paper presented at the 45th ASSD Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Ortolan, V., & Watson, J. (2010). Trying to keep my emotions under control: Viviana Ortolan’s story.
Paper presented at the Speech Pathology Australia, Melbourne, Australia.
Phillips, L., Johnson, H., Iacono, T., & Hagiliassis, N. (2010, September). Collaboration in the
Development of Behavioural Social Scripts in Reducing Behaviours of Concern and Restrictive
Interventions. Paper presented at the 45th ASSID Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Rezzani, N. (2010, July). Access for All to Leisure Centres in Victoria: The Inclusive Leisure Initiative.
Paper presented at the ISAAC 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
Rezzani, N. (2010, May). Inclusive Leisure Initiative. Paper presented at the Speech Pathology
Australia, Melbourne, Australia.
Rezzani, N., & Basterfield, C. (2010, July). How to Achieve Effective Community Engagement Through
Consumer Testing. Paper presented at the ISAAC 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
Smith, M. (2010, May). Partnerships – Plenary Panel. Paper presented at the Speech Pathology
Australia, Melbourne, Australia.
Smith, M., et al. (2010, July-a). Catch The Dream Workshop. Paper presented at the ISAAC 2010,
Barcelona, Spain.
Smith, M., et al. (2010, July-b). Dance Workshop. Paper presented at the ISAAC 2010.
Smith, M., et al. (2010, July-c). Leadership One. Paper presented at the ISAAC 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
Smith, M., & Solarsh, B. (2010, May). A world in which everyone can communicate. Paper presented
at the Speech Pathology Australia, Melbourne, Australia.
Solarsh, B. (2010, July). An Evaluation of the Integrated Communication Strategy. Paper presented at
the ISAAC 2010, Barcelona, Spain.
Solarsh, B. (2010, September). Developing Assessment Skills for Assessing People with BOC. Paper
presented at the 45th ASSID Conference, Brisbane, Australia.
Tatt, L. (2010, March). Mealtime Assistance Through a Tube - Support Training. Paper presented at
the 2010 AusACPDM, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Watson, J., Hagiliassis, N., Wilson, E., & Joseph, R. (2010). Listening to those rarely heard. Paper
presented at the IASSID Regional European Conference, Rome, Italy.
Watson, J., Hagiliassis, N., Wilson, E., & Joseph, R. (2010). Supporting those with severe and profound
intellectual disabilities to live lives that they prefer “Listening to those rarely heard”. Paper
presented at the ASSID Conference, Rome, Italy.
Watson, J., & Joseph, R. (2010). Supporting people with profound intellectual disabilities to make
decisions. Paper presented at the Office of the Public Advocate Seminar, Melbourne.
West, D. (2010, May). Communication for all. Paper presented at the NDS Conference, Brisbane,
West, D. (2010, November). Communication Accessible Communities. Paper presented at the ASSID
Disability Support Workers, Melbourne, Australia.
Bloomberg, K., Cameron, M., & Zainal, V. (2010). Key signs: A supplementary vocabulary (Auslan
edition) CD ROM. Key Word Sign Australia, University of Newcastle, NSW.
Campain, R., & Clancy, C. (2010). Reviewing the current evidence of the impact of early intervention
for children with disabilities: Scope for the University of Melbourne.
Johnson, H., Iacono, T., Hagiliassis, N., & Phillips, L. (2010). Collaboration in the development of
behavioural social stories. Melbourne: Scope (Vic).
Keesing, E., Lumsden, J., Bloomberg, K., & Basterfield, C. (2010). Key word sign footy book
(Australian football). Key Word Sign Australia, University of Newcastle, NSW.
Journal articles
Iacono, T., Lyon, K., & West, D. (2011). Non-electronic communication aids for people with complex
communication needs. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 13(5), 399-410.
Conference presentations
Bloomberg, K. (2011, March). Early Communication Skills. Paper presented at the Communicate,
Participate, Enjoy! - Solutions to Inclusion Conference, Melbourne, Victoria.
Hagiliassis, N. (2011, March). Complex Communication Needs and Mental Health. Paper presented at
the Communicate, Participate, Enjoy! - Solutions to Inclusion Conference, Melbourne,
Johnson, H. (2011, March). What's in it for me - Just having a laugh. Paper presented at the
Communicate, Participate, Enjoy! - Solutions to Inclusion Conference, Melbourne, Victoria.
Morey, R., Banks, T., & Hurse, M. (2011, February). Communication For All. Paper presented at the
Having A Say Conference, Geelong, Victoria.
Watson, J. (2011a). Inclusion: A Universal Human Right? Paper presented at the Communicate,
Participate, Enjoy! - Solutions to Inclusion Conference, Melbourne, Victoria.
Watson, J. (2011b). Listening to those rarely heard through Supported Decision Making: a training
package for informal communicators. Paper presented at the AGOSCI 10th Biennial
Conference, Adelaide, South Australia.
Watson, J. (2011c). Listening to those rarely heard through Supported Decision Making: a training
package for informal communicators. Paper presented at the Speech Pathology Australia
2011 National Conference, Darwin, Northern Territory.
Watson, J. (2011d). People Leading Lives they Prefer through Supported Decision Making: “Listening
to those rarely heard”. Paper presented at the Communicate, Participate, Enjoy! - Solutions
to Inclusion Conference, Melbourne, Victoria.
Watson, J., & Joseph, R. (2011). People with severe to profound intellectual disabilities leading lives
they prefer through supported decision making: Listening to those rarely heard. A
PowerPoint presentation to accompany training resource.
Watson, J., & West, D. (2011). Multimedia Profiling: A Communication Tool. Paper presented at the
Communicate, Participate, Enjoy! - Solutions to Inclusion Conference, Melbourne, Victoria.
West, D., & Watson, J. (2011, March). Multi-Media Profile. Paper presented at the Communicate,
Participate, Enjoy! - Solutions to Inclusion Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Williams, M. (2011, March). Sensory Gardens. Is There Such A Thing? Paper presented at the
Communicate, Participate, Enjoy! - Solutions to Inclusion Conference, Melbourne, Victoria.
Williams, M., & Fowler, S. (2011, March). Sensory Overload. Paper presented at the Communicate,
Participate, Enjoy! - Solutions to Inclusion Conference, Melbourne, Victoria.
Williams, M., & Pandisis, A. (2011, March). Armchair Travel. Paper presented at the Communicate,
Participate, Enjoy! - Solutions to Inclusion Conference, Melbourne, Victoria.
Di Marco, M., Watson, J., Hagiliassis, N., Ortolan, V., & Gulbenkoglu, H. (2011). Beyond speech alone:
Guidelines for counselling with people with complex communication needs a dvd
production. Melbourne: Scope (Vic).
Hagiliassis, N., Johnson, H., Di Marco, M., Iacono, T., Quilliam, C., & Solarsh, B. (2011). Building the
foundations for effective communication for Victorians with behaviours of concern subject
to restrictive practices; final report. Melbourne: Scope (Vic).
Hagiliassis, N., Nicola-Richmond, K., Mackay, A., & Wilson, E. (2011). The measuring outcomes in
services and supports (MOSS) tool: A means to assess the outcomes of person-directed
goals. Melbourne: Scope (Vic).
Nicola-Richmond, K., Wilson, E., Hagiliassis, N., & Mackay, A. (2011). The measuring outcomes in
services and supports (MOSS) tool. Melbourne: Scope (Vic).
Quilliam, C., & Wilson, E. (2011). Literature review outcomes measurement in disability services: A
review of policy contexts, measurement approaches and selected measurement tools.
Melbourne: Scope (Vic).
Watson, J., & Joseph, R. (2011a). Listening to those rarely heard: A training video. Melbourne:
McClure Multimedia.
Watson, J., & Joseph, R. (2011b). People with severe to profound intellectual disabilities leading lives
they prefer through supported decision making: Listening to those rarely heard. A guide for
supporters. Melbourne: Scope.
Journal articles
Johnson, H., Douglas, J., Bigby, C., & Iacono, T. (2012). Social interaction with adults with severe
intellectual disability: Having fun and hanging out. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual
Disabilities, 25(4), 329-341.
Johnson, H., Douglas, J., Iacono, T., & Bigby, C. (2012). A model of processes that underpin positive
relationships for adults with severe intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual and
Developmental Disability, 37(4), 324-336.
Johnson, H., Watson, J., Iacono, T., Bloomberg, K., & West, D. (2012). Assessing communication in
people with severe-profound disabilities: Co-constructing competence. Journal of Clinical
Practice in Speech-Language Pathology, 14(2).
Conference presentations
Buhlert-Smith, K. (2012). Evaluating and implementing group programs. The Shake rattle and roll
program – a literature review and pilot study. Paper presented at the Early Childhood
Intervention Australia (ECIA) 10th Biennial National Conference, Perth, Western Australia.
Solarsh, B., Johnson, H., & West, D. (2012). Communication access: A journey towards inclusion for
people with intellectual disability. Paper presented at the Making mainstream services
accessible and responsive to people with intellectual disability: What is the equivalent to lifts
and labradors? Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Roundtable on Intellectual Disability
Policy, Bundoora, Victoria.
Watson, J. (2012). Decision Making support for people with severe/profound intellectual disability?
“Listening to those rarely heard”. Paper presented at the 2nd World Congress on Adult
Guardianship, Melbourne, Victoria.
Watson, J., Hagiliassis, N., & Wilson, E. (2012). Listening to those rarely heard: Decision making
support within NDIS funded services. Paper presented at the NDIS - Preparing for the new
world, Adelaide, Australia.
Journal articles
Hagiliassis, N. (2013). Testing and disability: current key themes. The Australian Psychological
Iacono, T., Lyon, K., Johnson, H., & West, D. (2013). Experiences of adults with complex
communication needs receiving and using low tech AAC: A Australian context. Disability and
Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 8(5), 392-401.
Trembath, D., Icaono, T., Lyon, K., West, D., & Johnson, H. (2013). Augmentative and alternative
communication supports for adults with autism spectrum disorders. Autism: International
Journal of Research and Practice.
Watson, J. (2013). Thinking about decision making. Belonging Matters, 16, 16-22.
Wilson, E., Campain, R., Moore, M., Hagiliassis, N., McGillivray, J., Gottliebson, D., . . . Graffam, J.
(2013). An accessible survey method: Increasing the participation of people with a disability
in large sample social research. Telecommunications Journal of Australia, 63(2), 24.21-24.13.
Book chapters
Pepin, G., Watson, J., Hagiliassis, N., & Larkin, H. (2013). Chapter 12: Supporting People's Decisionmaking. In K. Stagnitti, A. Schoo & D. Welch (Eds.), Clinical and Fieldwork Placement in the
Health Professions (2nd ed.). Melbourne, Australia: Oxford University Press.
Wilson, E., & Campain, R. (2013). Inclusive research with people with intellectual disability:
recognising the value of social relationships as a process of inclusive research. In A. R. Taket,
B. R. Crisp, M. Graham, L. Hanna, S. Goldingay & L. Wilson (Eds.), Practising Social Inclusion
(pp. 205). London: Routledge.
Conference presentations
Di Marco, M., Iacono, T., Hagiliassis, N., Watson, J., & Gulbenkoglu, H. (2013). Mental health
assessment and intervention for people with intellectual disability and complex
communication needs. Paper presented at the 9th European Congress of Mental Health in
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Lisbon, Portugal.
Garde, E., & Di Marco, M. (2013). Working together to make positive behaviour support strategies
meaningful: Importance of team work. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Australasian
Society for Intellectual Disability Conference, Sydney, NSW.
Hagiliassis, N., Johnson, H., Quilliam, C., Solarsh, B., & Di Marco, M. (2013). A framework for effective
collaboration in behaviour support in a small group home. Paper presented at the 9th
European Congress of Mental Health in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Lisbon,
Hagiliassis, N., & Wilson, E. (2013). Measuring outcomes of self-directed services and supports. Paper
presented at the Evaluation Network Symposium, Melbourne, Victoria.
Hagiliassis, N., Wilson, E., Campain, R., McGillivray, J., Graffam, J., Bink, M., & Cummins, R. (2013).
The experience of negative attitudes towards people with intellectual disability: Preliminary
findings from the 1 in 4 Poll. Paper presented at the 48th Annual Australasian Society for
Intellectual Disability Conference, Sydney, NSW.
Johnson, H., Solarsh, B., & West, D. (2013). Communication Access: An Australian journey. Paper
presented at the Communication Matters Conference, Leeds, UK.
Ortolan, V., & Watson, J. (2013). Making counselling accessible to people with complex
communication needs. Paper presented at the 11th Biennial AGOSCI Conference, Sydney,
Watson, J. (2013a). Decision making for people who communicate informally within our brave new
world of individualised services. Paper presented at the 11th Biennial AGOSCI Conference,
Sydney, NSW.
Watson, J. (2013b). Listening to those rarely heard: Supported Decision-Making in this brave new
world of individualised services. Paper presented at the 11th Biennial AGOSCI Conference,
Sydney, NSW.
Watson, J. (2013c). Supported Decision-Making: Are everyone's voices being heard? Paper presented
at the Supported Decision-Making: From Theory to Practice Conference, Melbourne,
Watson, J. (2013d). Supporting Decisions about their Future: Hearing from those Rarely Heard. Paper
presented at the Younger people with very high and complex care needs Conference,
Melbourne, Victoria.
Watson, J., Wilson, E., & Hagiliassis, N. (2013). Participation in decision making for people with
severe-profound intellectual disabilities: What can it look like? Paper presented at the 3rd
IASSID Asia-Pacific Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Wilson, E., Hagiliassis, N., & Campain, R. (2013). Measuring outcomes of disability related services
and supports. Paper presented at the Centre for Health through Action on Social Exclusion
Symposium, Melbourne, Victoria.
Garde, E., & Bruce, A. (2013). Practical design fund project: Specialist services at a distance Literature review: Scope (Vic).
Conference presentations
Campain, R. (2014). Creating inclusive community spaces. Findings from shopping centre research
with people with disability. Paper presented at the Melbourne Social Equity Institute’s
Inaugural “Imagining Social Equity” conference, Melbourne, Victoria.
Hagiliassis, N., Wilson, E., Campain, R., Caldwell, M., McGillivray, J., Graffam, J., . . . Cummins, R.
(2014). The 1 in 4 Poll: Contemporary experiences of exclusion and negative attitudes. Paper
presented at the Melbourne Social Equity Institute’s Inaugural “Imagining Social Equity”
conference, Melbourne, Victoria.
Hagiliassis, N., Wilson, E., Campain, R., McGillivray, J., Caldwell, M., Graffam, J., . . . Koritsas, S.
(2014a). Measuring Social Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disability In Australia: Initial
Evidence About a New Tool. Paper presented at the 49th ASID Conference.
Hagiliassis, N., Wilson, E., Campain, R., McGillivray, J., Caldwell, M., Graffam, J., . . . Koritsas, S.
(2014b). Measuring social inclusion: How are we faring? Paper presented at the Centre for
Applied Disability Research ‘Research to Action’ conference, Sydney, NSW.
Johnson, H., Lyon, K., & Horsted, C. (2014). Augmentative and Alternative Communication Strategies
for the Healthcare Setting. Paper presented at the Speech Pathology Australia National
Conference, Melbourne, Victoria.
Johnson, H., & Morey, R. (2014). The Communication Access Symbol: Creating connections in context.
Paper presented at the Speech Pathology Australia National Conference, Melbourne,
Koritsas, S. (2014). Research in a provider context; ethical and other considerations. Paper presented
at the Centre for Applied Disability Research ‘Research to Action’ Conference, Sydney, NSW.
Murphy, M., & Skewes McFerran, K. (2014). Filling the ‘Tragic Gap’ with Music: A collaborative
partnership with Scope and the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music. Paper presented at the
Melbourne Social Equity Institute’s Inaugural “Imagining Social Equity” Conference,
Melbourne, Victoria.
Watson, J. (2014). Equal recognition before the law: Are we ready to uphold it for all Australians,
including those rarely heard, those with severe to profound intellectual disability? Paper
presented at the Melbourne Social Equity Institute’s Inaugural “Imagining Social Equity”
Conference, Melbourne, Victoria.
Watson, J., Wilson, E., & Hagiliassis, N. (2014). UNCRPD Article 12: Can it be upheld for people who
communicate informally? The role of supported decision making in the lives of people with
severe to profound intellectual disability. Paper presented at the ISAAC 2014 Discover
Communication: 16th Biennial Conference of ISAAC, Lisbon, Portugal.
West, D., & Thorne, C. (2014). Building the Capacity of staff working in youth custodial services.
Paper presented at the Young People with Complex Health Needs Conference, Melbourne,
Campain, R. (2014a). Gymnastics for everyone: An evaluation of the inclusion work of gymnastics
Victoria. Melbourne: Scope (Vic).
Campain, R. (2014b). Understanding the benefits of gymnastics for children with disability.
Melbourne: Scope (Vic).