IL 2561: Programming In Early Intervention Spring, 2015 Syllabus Description: The course will focus on programming and strategies for facilitating the development of young children (birth through five years of age) with disabilities in home, community, and center-based environments. Credits: 3.0 Time & Location: Tuesdays, 4:30 pm – 7:10 pm, WWPH 5130 Instructor: Diana M. Knoll Dept. of Instruction & Learning School of Education 5110 WW Posvar Hall Phone: 412-417-1312 (cell) Email:; Office Hours: by appointment Blackboard Access: Evidence-based Practice: This course is designed to provide students with information for implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) for young children with disabilities including those with autism spectrum disorders. EBP is a decision-making process that integrates the best available research evidence with practitioner expertise and family preferences and values (Buysse & Wesley, 2006; CEC, 2008, p. 29). In this course, students will not only learn about the best available research and guidelines supporting specific interventions with young children with disabilities and their families, but also how to modify those practices to best fit the individual needs of children, their families, and the broader learning context. EBP References Buysse, V, & Wesley, P. W (Eds.). (2006a). Evidence-based practice in the early childhood field. Washington, DC: ZERO TO THREE Press. Buysse, V., & Wesley, P.W. (2006). Council for Exceptional Children. (2007a). Evidence-based practice. Retrieved May 12, 2012, from based Practice&Template=/TaggedPage/TaggedPageDisplay.cfm& TPLID=24&ContentID=4710 Sandall, S., McLean, M.E., & Smith, B.J. (2000). DEC recommended practices in early intervention/Early childhood special education. Longmont, CO: Sopris West. U.S. Department of Education. (2003). Identifying and implementing educational practices supported by rigorous evidence: A user friendly guide. Retrieved January 26, 2005 from index.html. Updated: 1.11.15 IL 2561: Programming In Early Intervention Spring, 2015 Syllabus Students may locate established EBPs in the: National Autism Council - National Standards Report: The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders: DEC Recommended Practices: OCALI – Autism internet modules: What Works Clearinghouse: The Cochrane Library: Expected Student Outcomes: The students will: Plan, implement, and evaluate naturalistic interventions. Complete an Individualized Education Plan/ Individualized Family Service Plan (IEP/IFSP) for a child. Develop a Positive Behavior Support (PBS) plan for a child. Gain knowledge of a variety of intensive child-focused interventions. Understand the role of a classroom consultant/itinerant and consider issues faced in implementing classroom consultations. Understand the role of the home-based interventionist and consider issues faced in implementing home-based interventions. Develop, implement, and evaluate an intervention program for a child with a disability and present results to peers. Method of Instruction: Lectures, problem-based learning, discussions, in-class activities, outside class assignments, student-led reading reviews, completion of online modules Required Texts: Leach, D. (2010). Bringing ABA into your inclusive classroom: A guide to improving outcomes for students with autism spectrum disorder, First Edition. Baltimore: Paul Brookes. (ISBN: 1-59857-077-3) McWilliam, R.A. (2010). Routines-based early intervention: Supporting young children and their families. Baltimore: Paul Brookes. (ISBN: 159857—062-5) Pretti-Frontczak, K., & Bricker, D. (2004). An activity-based approach to early intervention, Third Edition. Baltimore: Paul Brookes. (ISBN: 1-55766736-5) Updated: 1.11.15 IL 2561: Programming In Early Intervention Spring, 2015 Syllabus Additional Required/Supplemental Readings: Additional reading assignments will be handed out in class, posted on Blackboard or assigned from the Internet. Others may be added during the course of the semester via Blackboard, email, or in-class announcement. Buysse, V., & Wesley, P. (2005). Consultation in Early Childhood Settings. Baltimore: Paul Brookes. (ISBN: 1-55766-774-8) Cripe, J.W., & Venn, M.L. (1997). Family-guided routines for early intervention services. Young Exceptional Children, 1(1), 18-26. Crimmins, D., Farrell, A.F., Smith, P.W., Bailey, A. (2007) Positive strategies for students with behavior problems. Baltimore: Paul Brookes. (ISBN: 1-55766-878-7). Dunst, C.J., Bruder, M.B., Trivette, C.M., Raab, M, & McLean, M. (2001). Natural learning opportunities for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Young Exceptional Children, 4(3), 18-25. Dunst, C.J., Herter, S., Shields, H., & Bennis, L. (2001). Mapping community-based natural learning opportunities. Young Exceptional Children, 4(4), 16-24. Gischlar, K. L., Hojnoski, R.L., & Missal, K.N. (2009). Improving child outcomes with data-based decision making: Interpreting and Using Data. Young Exceptional Children, 13(1), 2-18. Gulick, R.F., & Kitchen, T.P. (2007). Effective instruction for children with autism. Barber National Institute. (ISBN: 978-1890032104). Hokmoski, R.L., Gischlar, K.L., Missall, K.N. (2009). Improving child outcomes with data-based decision making: Graphing Data. Young Exceptional Children, 12(4), 15-30. Jung, L. A. (2007). Writing individualized family service plan strategies that fit into the routine. Young Exceptional Children, 10(3), 2-9. Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Child Development and Early Learning. (2010). Early intervention program guidance for developing a behavior support policy. [Brochure]. McVeytown, PA: Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Child Development and Early Learning. (2007). A family’s introduction to early intervention in Pennsylvania. [Brochure]. McVeytown, PA: Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network. Pennsylvania Department of Education, Office of Child Development and Early Learning. (2007). An early education provider’s guide to early intervention in Pennsylvania [Brochure]. McVeytown, PA: Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network. Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children (2010). Positive Behavior Support. Fox, L., & Duda, M.A. Wesley, P. (July, 2002). Early intervention consultants in the classroom: Simple steps for building strong collaboration. Young Children, 30-34. Updated: 1.11.15 IL 2561: Programming In Early Intervention Spring, 2015 Syllabus Course Requirements: Class attendance and participation. (10% of final grade). All students are expected to arrive on time for class and to attend all class sessions; repeated tardiness will result in a reduction of class attendance grade. During class time, students are expected to actively participate, share views and experiences as they relate to topics, ask questions of speakers, share their understanding and interpretation of assigned readings, contribute actively to discussions, and contribute to group activities conducted during class. Reading Reviews. (10% of final grade). Students will lead a review of required readings at the start of an assigned class. Online Modules. (5% of final grade). Students will complete online modules and submit performance results. Information will be provided on the online modules as the class progresses. Embedding Intervention Plan. (15% of final grade). Students will complete an embedding intervention plan for two goals. The plan will include intervention strategies embedded into three different routine activities for a child with disabilities. IEP/IFSP Assignment. (25% of final grade). Students will complete an IEP/IFSP for a child given case study information. Students that routinely complete IEPs for young children will complete an IFSP instead. Long-Range Intervention Assignment. (35% of final grade). Students will develop an intervention plan for a child with a disability under 5 years of age and implement it for a minimum of 10 days, collecting data as appropriate. At the close of the course, students will present the intervention and its results to the class in a specified format. This assignment will be due in sections. Course Policies: Academic Integrity: Students in this course will be expected to comply with the University of Pittsburgh’s Policy on Academic Integrity. Any student suspected of violating this obligation for any reason during the semester will be required to participate in the procedural process, initiated at the instructor level, as outlined in the University Guidelines on Academic Integrity. Assignments in this course, unless otherwise specified in the assignment directions, are to be the sole work of the student whose name is on the assignment. Disabilities: If you have a disability that requires special testing accommodations or other classroom modifications, you need to notify both the instructor and the Disability Resources and Services no later than the 2nd week of the term. You may be asked to provide documentation of your disability to determine the appropriateness of accommodations. To notify Disability Resources and Services, call 648-7890 (Voice or TDD) to schedule an appointment. The Office is located in William Pitt Union. Written assignments: All students must submit written assignments on the dates listed in the class schedule or assigned in class. Five percent Updated: 1.11.15 IL 2561: Programming In Early Intervention Spring, 2015 Syllabus will be deducted from all late assignments unless prior arrangements are made. All written assignments must be word-processed on 8 1/2 x 11 inch paper. Students are advised to maintain copies of their assignments before submitting them. Assignments will be submitted electronically using the Assignment Tool on Blackboard, the file name should be written as the student’s last name followed by the assignment title (example: Knoll_PBSPt1). Checklist for Professional Writing: This checklist is a helpful document to guide you as you complete documents regarding individuals with disabilities. Please consult the checklist (posted on Blackboard) as you develop written documents for this course. The checklist will be consulted as documents are completed and points will be deducted if writing rules are not followed. APA Style: Assignments may require that you use aspects of APA style. The aspects of APA style required for an assignment will be specified in the assignment directions. These websites offer information about APA style (5th edition): . See the section on Social Sciences. People First Language: All assignments must be completed using People First Language. Points will be deducted if these conventions are not followed. The following websites present additional resources on People First Language: Snow, K. (2005). People first language. Retrieved on January 5, 2010, from West Virginia Developmental Disabilities Council. (n.d.). People first language. Retrieved on August 15 2005, from Cell Phones/Computers: Except for students who are parents of children under 12 years of age, cell phones must be turned off during class unless prior arrangements are made with the instructors for special circumstances. Please be considerate of the instructor and your classmates by leaving the room if you receive a phone call. It is permitted to use a personal computer to access class materials, but should not be accessing non-academic sites during class time. Grading: Grades will be based on the total points achieved according to the following scale: A+ = 99-100% B- = 81-83% A = 94-98% C+ = 78-80% A- = 91-93% C = 74-77% B+ = 88-90% C- = 71-73% B = 84-87% Updated: 1.11.15 IL 2561: Programming In Early Intervention Spring, 2015 Syllabus Topical Outline Date/Topic Assigned Readings Bring to Class Assignments January 7, 2015 (Diana ill: No class) January 13, 2015 Introduction to Programming in Early Intervention Development of IFSPs/IEPs Writing Outcomes/Goals Early Intervention Provider Document Early Intervention Parent Document Textbook: Pretti Ch 3 Textbook: Leach (p. 42-47) Textbook: McWilliam Ch 1 Textbook: Pretti Ch 1 & 2 Article: Cripe & Venn (1997) Lecture GORI Handout PATTAN Annotated IFSP/IEP Copy of Lenny Case Study Materials In-Class Activity: IEP Sections/Lenny Present Levels Lecture Copy of IFSP/IEP Assignment Directions In-Class Activity: ABI/RBI – Cole Santino Assigned Readings Set up account Assigned Readings Reading Review 1 Assigned Readings Reading Review 2 AIM: Naturalistic Interventions Assigned Readings Reading Review 3 IFSP/IEP Assignment Part 1 Due January 20, 2015 Development of IFSP/IEP Writing Outcomes/Goals con’t Intro: Naturalistic Intervention Models January 27, 2015 Naturalistic Intervention Models Gracie Case Study Materials In-Class Activity 4 Copy of Gracie Case Study Materials February 3, 2015 Teaching Procedures 1: Embedded Learning/Incidental Teaching/Modifications Textbook: Pretti Ch 4 & Appendix to Ch 4 (Recommended Ch 5, 6, 7) Article: Jung (2007) Embedding Plan Examples Lecture In-Class Activity 5 Copy of Embedding Plan Examples, Template and Assignment Directions Textbook: Leach Ch 5 Lecture February 10, 2015 Updated: 1.11.15 Assigned Readings IL 2561: Programming In Early Intervention Spring, 2015 Syllabus Data Sheets In-Class Activity 7 Teaching Procedures 2: Specialized Intensive Procedures February 17, 2015 Monitoring Child Progress February 24, 2015 Positive Behavior Support 1 March 3, 2015 Positive Behavior Support 2 Reading Review 4 AIM: Prompting Strategies Assigned Readings Reading Review 5 Embedding Plan Due Lecture Laptops Copy of Data Collection Handouts (downloaded on computer) In-Class Activity 8 Textbook: Leach Ch 6 Reading: Gulick Measurement of Behavior (p. 57-75) TACSEI Document Ch 6 Article: Hojnoski (2009) Article: Gischlar et al. (2009) TACSEI Ch 1, 2, 3 PA FBA Document Functional Behavior Assessment Worksheet Gulick, Functional Assessment (p. 131-139) Lecture In-Class Activity 9 Assigned Readings Reading Review 6 TACSEI Ch 4, 5 Routine Based Support Guide Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Chapter Lecture Data sheets In-Class Activity 10 Assigned Readings Reading Review 7 IFSP/IEP Assignment Part 2 Due March 10, 2015 SPRING BREAK NO CLASS March 17, 2015 Intensive Interventions 1 March 24, 2015 Intensive Interventions 2 Updated: 1.11.15 NO CLASS Textbook: Leach Ch 7 & Appen A–E Autism Handbook BHRS for ASD Document Lecture Materials to work on LRCS LR Intervention Assignment Part 1 due Assigned Readings Reading Review 8 Frea Ch 5 (p. 83-84, 93-94 & 99-101) Lecture Assigned Readings IL 2561: Programming In Early Intervention Spring, 2015 Syllabus Materials to work on LRCS March 31, 2015 Routines-Based Intervention April 7, 2015 Routines-Based Intervention Textbook: McWilliam Ch 3, 4, 5, 6 In-Class Activity 11 Assigned Readings Reading Review 9 In-Class Activity 12 Assigned Readings 10 April 14, 2015 Routines-Based Intervention con’t Textbook: McWilliam Ch 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Article: Woods & Kashinath (2007) Textbook: McWilliam Ch 12 In-Class Activity 13 Assigned Readings LR Intervention Assignment Part 2 due LR Intervention Assignment Presentation April 21, 2015 LR Intervention Assignment Presentations Updated: 1.11.15