JUNIOR INFANTS MATAMAITIC TERM SEPT-CHRISTMAS OIDE: MARY HORGAN Míonna Strands / Strand Units September STRAND: EARLY MATHEMATICAL ACTIVITIES STRAND UNIT: CLASSIFYING STRAND UNIT: MATCHING STRAND UNIT: COMPARING STRAND UNIT: ORDERING STRAND: NUMBER STRAND UNIT: COUNTING STRAND UNIT: COMPARING AND ORDERING STRAND UNIT: ANALYSIS OF NUMBER STRAND: SHAPE AND SPACE STRAND UNIT: SPATIAL AWARENESS STRAND UNIT: 2-D SHAPES RANG Content JUNIOR INFANTS Skills Development Sort collections of objects. Classify objects on the basis of one attribute, such as size or colour. Match identical objects and related objects in one to one correspondence. Number rhymes & action rhymes – introduction to number. Time – days of the week, months of the year & seasons. Data – record and interpret data through use of the weather chart. 2D Shape – the circle and its properties. Colour focus – red, blue, yellow. Spatial awareness – in front/behind, top/bottom. STRAND: MEASURES STRAND UNIT: TIME 1 JUNIOR INFANTS MATAMAITIC TERM SEPT-CHRISTMAS OIDE: MARY HORGAN Míonna Strands / Strand Units October STRAND: EARLY MATHEMATICAL ACTIVITIES STRAND UNIT: CLASSIFYING STRAND UNIT: MATCHING STRAND UNIT: COMPARING STRAND UNIT: ORDERING STRAND: NUMBER STRAND UNIT: COUNTING STRAND UNIT: COMPARING AND ORDERING STRAND UNIT: ANALYSIS OF NUMBER STRAND: SHAPE AND SPACE STRAND UNIT: SPATIAL AWARENESS STRAND UNIT: 2-D SHAPES STRAND: MEASURES STRAND UNIT: TIME STRAND UNIT: LENGTH STRAND: DATA RANG Content JUNIOR INFANTS Skills Development Sort objects according to size – big/medium/small. Classify objects on the basis of two attributes, such as size&colour, or type&colour. Add similar objects to a clearly defined set. Match pairs of related objects in one to one correspondence. Match equivalent and non-equivalent sets in one to one correspondence. Algebra – introduce simple two colour patterns. Introduce number 1 – writing, analysis, conservation. Number rhymes. Length – compare pairs of identical objects that differ in length, noting the need for a common baseline. Vocabulary – long/longer/same length. Data – sort and classify sets of objects on the basis of one criterion such as colour. 2 JUNIOR INFANTS MATAMAITIC TERM SEPT-CHRISTMAS Míonna OIDE: MARY HORGAN Strands / Strand Units STRAND UNIT: RECOGNISING AND INTERPRETING DATA November STRAND: EARLY MATHEMATICAL ACTIVITIES STRAND UNIT: CLASSIFYING STRAND UNIT: MATCHING STRAND UNIT: COMPARING STRAND UNIT: ORDERING RANG Content JUNIOR INFANTS Skills Development Data – record and interpret data through use of the weather chart. Time – days of the week, months of the year & seasons. 2D Shape – the square and its properties. Colour focus – green, brown, orange, black. Spatial awareness – inside/outside/beside. Match equivalent sets in one to one correspondence. Introduce number 2 – writing, analysis, conservation. Explore the components of the number 2. Present sets to match a numeral. 3 JUNIOR INFANTS MATAMAITIC TERM Míonna SEPT-CHRISTMAS OIDE: MARY HORGAN RANG Strands / Strand Units Content STRAND: NUMBER STRAND UNIT: COUNTING STRAND UNIT: COMPARING AND ORDERING STRAND UNIT: ANALYSIS OF NUMBER Count up to 10 orally. Algebra – extend patterns using colour and shape. Height – compare objects according to height. Vocabulary – tall/taller/same height. Time – days of the week, months of the year & seasons. 2D Shape – the triangle and its properties. Colour focus – pink/purple/white/grey. Spatial awareness – over/under. Data – record and interpret data through use of the weather chart. STRAND: SHAPE AND SPACE STRAND UNIT: SPATIAL AWARENESS STRAND UNIT: 2-D SHAPES STRAND: MEASURES STRAND UNIT: TIME STRAND UNIT: Heigth JUNIOR INFANTS Skills Development STRAND: DATA STRAND UNIT: RECOGNISING AND INTERPRETING DATA STRAND: ALGEBRA STRAND UNIT: EXTENDING PATTERN 4 JUNIOR INFANTS MATAMAITIC TERM SEPT-CHRISTMAS OIDE: MARY HORGAN RANG Míonna Strands / Strand Units Content December STRAND: NUMBER STRAND UNIT: COUNTING STRAND UNIT: COMPARING AND ORDERING STRAND UNIT: ANALYSIS OF NUMBER Match equivalent sets in one to one correspondence. Introduce number 2 – writing, analysis, conservation. Explore the components of the number 2. Present sets to match a numeral. Count up to 10 orally. Algebra – extend patterns using colour and shape. Height – compare objects according to height. Vocabulary – tall/taller/same height. Time – days of the week, months of the year & seasons. 2D Shape – the triangle and its properties. Colour focus – pink/purple/white/grey. Spatial awareness – over/under. Data – record and interpret data through use of the weather chart. STRAND: SHAPE AND SPACE STRAND UNIT: SPATIAL AWARENESS STRAND UNIT: 2-D SHAPES STRAND: MEASURES STRAND UNIT: TIME STRAND UNIT: Heigth STRAND: DATA STRAND UNIT: RECOGNISING AND INTERPRETING DATA JUNIOR INFANTS Skills Development STRAND: ALGEBRA STRAND UNIT: EXTENDING PATTERN 5 JUNIOR INFANTS MATAMAITIC TERM Míonna SEPT-CHRISTMAS OIDE: Strands / Strand Units MARY HORGAN RANG Content JUNIOR INFANTS Skills Development To add more rows – * Go to Table Tools – Layout and then choose Insert Rows Above or Below – Ensure your cursor is in the row before you start adding rows. 6