Rose White scene by scene summary for Cast

Rose White scene by scene summary for Cast
1. Opening Scene: 4 Narrators will tell the story of how Rose White was abandoned as a baby,
found by the Old Lady and brought up in the castle. There will be a box of props on stage
and some cast members will act out the story as it is being narrated. There will be 2 Fairy
Tale Story books permanently on stage. Read audition piece: this will lead into the Song
When I grow Up, which, although the opening number will start as a solo for Young Rose
2. King’s Scene: The King introduces himself to the audience, that he lives in the castle with his
son, Prince Bobby, who is very vain, and with his wife the Queen and his step son Billy. He
complains that everybody ignores him and he may as well be invisible. Ensemble number led
by the King (audition piece) Mr Cellophane
3. Queen’s Scene: The Queen has a go at the audience, lots of booing etc! She is worried that
all of the princesses prefer Bobby to Billy and asks her mirror (which she thinks is magic) why
this is the case. At the start of the show it is obvious to everyone except for the Queen that
the mirror isn’t magic, but is voiced by her SAGE (as the only way they can get the Queen to
listen to them). Princesses Blue & Green are aware of this, but are also too frightened of the
Queen to tell her. The Sage (as the mirror) tells the Queen she needs to get rid of Prince
Bobby and his friends. The Queen decides they have to use Magic to get rid of them so Billy
can become the Prince and heir to the throne. SONG: Good at Being Bad led by Queen
4. Enchanted Group’s scene: At this point they are NOT enchanted, they are a group of the
Prince’s friends getting ready to go to a Ball, Bobby is looking in the mirror as usual, Roly has
his pocket watch and is hurrying everyone up, Fiona is on the phone, Dusty is dusting, The
Guard has a little comedy scene with 3 other guards (The O’Fugh brothers – non speaking,
non-singing, but good fun parts for 3 cast) and they won’t let Rose White into the castle
(hence she doesn’t get caught in the enchantment). SONG: Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy,
led by Prince Bobby. (Audition Piece) After the Song, as everyone freezes in position the
Sage & Evil Queen cast the spell to banish them forever.
5. Sorcerer’s group’s scene: Rose White is on her own, wondereing where her friends have
gone. The Old Lady sees her and sends two of her apprentices to speak to her. They befriend
Rose and bring her to live with them with the sorcerer, The Old Lady and a group of
sorcerer’s and apprentices. The sorcerer has a little comedy scene when he is practising
‘potions’ with a few apprentices (one of whom used to be the castle jester). They welcome
Rose , and tell her not to worry. SONG: Pack Up Your Troubles (led by Sorcerer and Old Lady)
6. Short Narration Scene about strange goings on at the castle. Followed by the first ‘Magic
Mirror’ scene where Prince Bobby is now trapped as the mirror and asks the audience for
help. This scene does not lead into a song, as the next scene follows straight on. King has a
scene with the audience asking if they have seen his son (obviously they have as they have
just seen him in the mirror!). The Queen and her entourage then enter. The Queen is
celebrating the fact that Bobby and his friends have been banished and so now her son
William has become heir to the throne. He now needs to choose a bride. She tells him to
choose between Princesses Blue & Green (nice comedy parts), but instead he asks the mirror
to choose. The Sage tries to answer as the mirror, but as Bobby is now trapped in the mirror,
he answers and tells the Prince that Rose White will be the Queen. Rejected but not
dejected Princess Blue & Green lead the group in the SONG: Take a Chance on Me
7. Sorcerer’s group scene: They are trying to help Rose sort out what is happening at the Castle
and where her friends have gone. They tell Rose she is in control of her own story, but
sometimes you have to be SONG: A little Bit Naughty (led by the 3 principal Apprentices).
8. Enchanted Group as Enchanted Objects: This will be the first time they have been seen as
enchanted objects and the lib will be split some before and some after the song. They will be
blaming each other for being caught by the enchantment before the song ‘I am what I am’
and continuing the argument afterwards (concluding with the end of the little joke scene
with the guards again).
9. Rose White’s scene: Rose is in the castle trying to find her friends, they are watching her as
the enchanted objects but she doesn’t realise this. She is imagining what it would be like if
she could write her own story (Audition piece for Rose), where she imagines she would be
Princess or Queen, and Bobby would be her Prince, SONG: First Time in Forever solo for
Rose, but Old Lady joins her for 2nd part of song.
10. Final Scene, William enters to find Rose at end of song and informs her they are to be
married as the mirror has said so. When they look at the mirror they are sure they see Prince
Bobby, William leaves to find his mother, but the Old Lady comes forward to speak to Rose.
She reveals herself as her Fairy Godmother and leads into final song Let it Go (Full Company,
but is solo at the start for Fairy Godmother)
11. Pre 2nd half: SONG: Kiss from a Rose Full Company
12. 2nd half has a small narration to welcome audience back and remind what is going on into
SONG: Wanna be startin Something (Full Company)
13. Scene where Rose decides she is now going to stay in the Great Hall every night so she can
be with Bobby and her friends,; Rose, Dusty and Fiona discuss their ideal partner, and the 3
of them lead the SONG: CANDYMAN
14. Queen’s group; The Queen now enters and realises something is NOT right. Blue & Green
persuade her to ask the mirror, knowing that the mirror really is Magic, much to the disgust
of the Sage who tries to stop the Queen from speaking to the mirror. When the mirror calls
the Queen Evil, she can’t help turn around and sees that it is Bobby in the mirror. The King
also sees this and realises things have gone too far. He tells the Queen there will be changes
and tells the Sage to go and find the Sorcerer to sort the mess out. William also turns against
his mother and leads the group with SONG: Mama I’m a Big Boy now.
15. Sorcerer’s group: The sorcerer is still practicing Potions, but the Fairy Godmother thinks they
should use a spell to reverse the magic. They are arguing about this when the apprentices
suggest they should capture some objects to practice on. SONG: Undeniable (group
16. At the end of the song the principal apprentices exit to capture some objects, with the
Sorcerer and Fairy Godmother still arguing over potions & spells. The Sage appears with
some of the Queen’s entourage, all in disguise as lowly servants, asking for help. The
Sorcerer asks the audience of they should truse them and the Fairy Godmother pulls off
their cloaks to reveal who they are. They all agree they need to reverse the spell and will
need a lot of help to sort it out. The Sage mentions about the Queen clapping her hands as
the spell was cast and this gives the sorcerer an idea. As the apprentices return with some
objects this group lead the audience participation in a clapping competition.
17. Back at the Castle: Rose is waiting in the Great Hall for a chance to speak with Bobby, when
William appears. He knows Rose speaks to Bobby and wants her to put in a good word for
him with Fiona. They all end up forgiving each other, which leads into the SONG: For Good,
they are joined part way through the song by the now reformed Queen and King.
18. Reversing the enchantment: The Fairy Godmother sends them all off to get a good night’s
sleep while they get the help of all of their friends to try and reverse the enchantment.
Audience to join with cast in the song: HAPPY, as the enchantment is reversed. By the end of
the song, the Full Company are on except for the 6 who sang FOR GOOD.
19. Small scene of lib as the remaining 6 cast join the company, all ends happily ever after. Song:
Man in the Mirror Full Company with solos and bows
20. Finale Song: You Can’t Stop the Beat (Full Company)