Supplementary Material ESM-3: X-ray synchrotron and computed microtomography SM 3.1 Methodology details: One of the key problems in Volcanology, and particularly in tephra analyses, is the 3D extrapolation from 2D information. Stereological assumptions are common and have been used to obtain volumetric measurements for bubble and crystal size distributions, and volumetric number density (e.g. Underwood, 1970; Toramaru, 1995; Higgins, 2000; Blower et al., 2001; Proussevitch et al., 2007). By contrast, X-ray computed microtomography (Ketcham and Carlson, 2001; Song et al., 2001; Gualda and Rivers, 2006; Polacci et al., 2006; Degruyter et al., 2010; Giachetti et al., 2010; 2011) provides 3D representations of the bubble network in pumice samples, which allows for direct quantification of parameters such as the permeability, hydraulic tortuosity, and pore-size and throat aperture size distributions, which are crucial to constrain the state of magma prior to fragmentation (Saar and Manga, 1999; Blower et al., 2001; Costa, 2006). Limitations of the microtomography technique include the resolution of the synchrotron and CT cameras used in this study (~2 or 4 m), causing some smaller features (e.g., bubble walls) to be lost. The small 5 mm diameter sample sizes may truncate large features (e.g., vesicles and crystals). In addition, all studied samples show a few irregularly shaped, anomalously large vesicles (>1600m in maximum diameter) that could not be included in the image analysis. However, these are not important for interpretation of degassing mechanisms, since they likely result from pre-eruptive nucleation and growth within the deeper magma chamber (c.f., Orsi et al., 1992). The analytical details for tomographic images of each analyzed sample can be seen in Table SM 3.1. Each sample was cored to 5 or 10 mm diameter cylinder (up to 10 mm high) and imaged over a volume indicated as “Sample field of view”. Sample sub-volume refers to the virtually cropped portion of each sample that could be uploaded (limited by a windows-64 bit 1 computer power) and used for 3D image processing and quantification. Pixel size refers to the resolution limit [voxel size = (pixel-size)3]. Table SM 3.1. Details on m-CT analyses for samples processed at the Lawerence berkely National laboratory (LBNL) with x-Ray synchrotron energy; and at the Institut des Sciences de la Terre d’Orléans (ISTO) with Computed m-CT. Slice interspacing is equal to the pixel-size. Unit Sample Glass Chemistry WholeRock Chemistry Lab L-Mgt L-Mgt U-Mgt Sw Sw Oru Oru Oru Okp Okp Okp Okp Okp IX-1b-1b IX-1b-2a IXe-1 Sw-5b-2b Sw-5b-4 M-Oru-2a M-Oru-3a M-Oru-4a Ph-16a-5a B13-Ph-16a-1c B50-Ph-16b-3a B50-Ph-16b Ph-2-1d-5x Yes No No NP-3 Yes Yes No No Yes No No No No No NP-75 NP-22 NP-38 NP-40 No No NP-52 No NP-60 No LBNL LBNL ISTO LBNL ISTO ISTO ISTO ISTO ISTO ISTO ISTO ISTO LBNL Processed tomographic images (#) x sub-volume 636 666 879 529 1261 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 1750 Pixel Size (m) Sample field of view (pixel×pixel) ( × # images) 4.4 4.4 3.6 4.4 4.4 3.5 3.5 4.2 4.2 4.0 4.2 2.0 2.0 2961×2805 (×420) 3526×3505 (×667) 1911×1983 (×879) 3552×3636 (×591) 1958×1934 (×1261) 1878×1953 (×1398) 1948×1978 (×1817) 2024×1650 (×1428) 1938×1992 (×1952) 2055×2016 (×1953) 1989×1926 (×2023) 1929×1932 (×1617) 3216×3500 (×1768) Subvolume size (mm3) (× # subvolumes) 9-21 (×4) 10-34 (×4) 9-10 (×4) 11-17 (×5) 16-18 (×4) 5-9 (×4) 5-7 (×4) 9-11 (×4) 11 (×20) 14 (×4) 13-14 (×3) 2 (×4) 0.5-1 (×3) After applying the median smoothing filter, a subset of image stacks of some of the most contrasting textures was imported in ImageJ and saved as .avi to produce videos showing the texture across each sample (see Video 1; Table SM 3.2). Table SM 3.2. Details of 2D images (.tiff) illustrated in video format (.mov) Texture illustrated in video 1 Whole-diameter image stacks: Used image resolution (pixel × pixel; pixel size) Zoomed texture image stacks (pixel × pixel) Fluidal Microvesicular Dense Microfibrous 2961 × 2805; 4.4 m 1958 × 1934; 4.4 m 1958 × 1934; 4.4 m 3200 × 3500; 2.0 m 600 × 1228 600 × 600 500 × 500 1600 × 1750 SM 3.2 Groundmass crystallinity, corrected vesicularity and mafic crystallinity: Microlites include plagioclase, pyroxene, and titanomagnetite, and were defined as those crystals with maximum length L <35 m. Figure 4, in the main manuscript, shows examples of the microlite content variation in each pumice texture. 2 Groundmass crystallinity (), defined as the microlite content (%), and the microlite area number density (𝑁𝑥𝑎 ) were calculated from binary images of thin sections. Truncated crystals along the edges of the images were excluded from the analysis and the resulting was normalized to the vesicle-free area (corrected). The microlite mean size [d; d = ( × 𝑁𝑥𝑎 )1/2] was used to convert 𝑁𝑥𝑎 into volumetric number density (𝑁𝑥𝑣 ) (Table SM 3.3), following Underwood (1970), where: 𝑁𝑥𝑣 = 𝑁𝑎 𝑑 [Eq. 1] Errors in the conversion of 2D measurements to 3D arise from: (1) the sectioning of crystals along dimensions smaller than their greatest length (cut-section effect), and (2) the intersection-probability effect whereby small crystals are intersected less often than large crystals. Similarly to Castro et al., (2003) we did not use the stereological conversion of Sahagian and Proussevitch (1998) because their technique was developed for measuring vesicles with small aspect ratios and a limited range of shapes. It also requires particle counts of more than 102 for each size class and total counts of about 104 to ensure accurate tailing corrections. The thin section data included in this study contain too few measurements (total counts=820-2150 in all cases except Mgt, where only 23-145 microlites where found). Castro et al., (2003) found that CSD calculated in 3D with the stereological approache of Underwood (1970), compare to the real 3D distribution if the extreme large and small sizes of the given distributions are not incorporated into the analysis. Vesicle number densities and proportions (Table SM 3.4) were normalized to melt volume to minimize the influence of bubble expansion as well as the volumetric participation of preexisting phenocryst phases (e.g., Gurioli et al. 2005; Shea et al., 2012). Firstly, the groundmass crystallinity was substracted from the total vesicle-free volume analyzed in 3D. The melt-referenced vesicle number density then follows as: 3 𝑁𝑣𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟 = 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠⁄(𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑠 + 𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑚𝑒𝑙𝑡) [Eq. 2] Similarly, the crystal number density (Table SM 3.5) calculated for the mafic phases (𝑁𝑃𝑥 , for pyroxene and 𝑁𝑀𝑡 , for titanomagnetite) as digitally separated using the tomography data (including crystals with L >35 m), were also normalized to the vesicle-free volume. The fitting line used to correct microlite-rich samples with microlites smaller than the EMPS beam-size is shown in Fig. SM 3.2. Table SM 3.3. Groundmass crystallinity results. Microlite Texture Glass SiO2 3LD = mode of the volumebased CSD n˚ (mm-3) Nxt = total number of crystals per unit volume (mm ) (mm ) Vesicle-Free crystallinity [%] Thin Pumice Texture section Unit LD = average size from CSD [mm] d (mm) (mean size) 12148 1.4 × 107 9.6 0.001 0.001 0.002 5.3 × 1010 3.6 × 107 22332 2.3 × 107 20.2 0.001 0.001 0.003 2.5 × 1010 2.2 × 107 1313 7.2 × 105 4.4 0.001 0.001 0.003 2.7 × 109 3.0 × 106 283 1.2 × 105 1.7 0.002 0.002 0.006 7.1 × 107 1.5 × 105 Nxa -2 Nxv -3 wt% ± Sw D3 Microvesicular Spiky 62.40 0.27 Sw D5 Dense* Spiky 70.70 L-Mgt C11 Foamy Subhedral 60.19 L-Mgt C12 Sheared* Subhedral 57.38 U-Mgt D2 Microsheared Spiky 64.15 0.63 14462 1.6 × 107 11.9 0.001 0.001 0.004 8.8 × 109 1.1 × 107 Oru D12 Dense Subhedral-Euhedral 72.18 1.34 26226 2.9 × 107 21.9 0.001 0.001 0.002 2.0 × 1011 1.2 × 108 Okp E5 Fibrous* Subhedral-Euhedral 68.76 15754 1.5 × 107 17.5 0.001 0.002 0.005 1.3 × 1010 2.0 × 107 0.25 Nxa: areal microlite number density; Nxv: microlite volume number density calculated following Underwood (1970). Eruption units: Sw: Shawcroft; L/U-Mgt: Lower/Upper-Mangatoetoenui. M-Oru: Oruamatua; L/U-Okp: Lower/Upper Okupata Samples marked with “*” were corrected due to the large EMPA beam size compared to microlite size. Correction for microlite-rich groundmass composition Groundmass crystallinity 25.0 y = 1.392x - 78.21 R² = 0.980 20.0 Microvesicular 15.0 Dense* Foamy 10.0 Sheared* 5.0 Microsheared Dense 0.0 Figure SM 3.1 Samples not marked with “*” follow a linear consistent with increasing glass SiO2 with groundmass crystallinity. The fitting line equation was used to extrapolate SiO2 for the crystallinities calculated for samples marked with “*”. Fibrous* Glass SiO2 4 Table SM 3.4. Vesicularity results complementary of Table 1 in the manuscript. Unit Sample Steady column: Sw-b Sw-2b Sw-5b Oscillatory column: IX-1b-1 L-Mgt IX-1b-2a U-Mgt IX-1e-2 Collapsing column (wet): Texture Tot Vol [mm3] Tot. Ves. Vol. [mm3] Ves. Free Vol. [mm3] no Ves. Ves. [%] Melt Vol. [mm ] [mm3] Nv -3 VVD Corrected 1 [m] Peaks 2 VSD Corrected 3 CVSDCorrected n0 -L/GT L(mm) Nt Microvesicular Dense 71 68 42 35 29 33 37811 10980 59 52 535 162 26 26 Skewed ~Unimodal 316 40 200 2.E+04 7.E+05 146 914 0.068 0.011 3.E+06 7.E+08 Exponential Power-law (d =-6.4) Foamy Sheared Microsheared 66 68 38 49 47 20 18 20 19 20142 21170 12068 73 70 51 304 312 316 17 20 16 Skewed Polymodal Unimodal 794 1259 794 316 40 5.E+04 7.E+04 1.E+06 172 224 986 0.006 0.045 0.010 9.E+06 2.E+07 1.E+09 Exponential Power-law (d =-2.52) Exponential Oru2a Microsheared 33 16 16 17403 50 533 13 Unimodal 40 2.E+06 980 0.020 1.E+09 Exponential Oru 3a Oru 4a Fibrous Dense 24 42 12 22 12 20 12415 9449 51 52 518 226 10 16 Unimodal ~Bimodal 32 32 126 1.E+06 1.E+06 1181 1167 0.085 0.009 2.E+09 1.E+09 Exponential Exponential Collapsing column (dry): L-Okp Ph16a-5a Microvesicular A Microvesicular B Microvesicular C 58 75 38 30 28 15708 15970 17843 52 55 49 271 22 ~Bimodal Polymodal ~Bimodal 40 32 40 10 79 158 2.E+06 6.E+05 1.E+06 1336 1130 916 0.075 0.009 0.011 2.E+09 6.E+08 9.E+08 Exponential Power-law (d =-4.94) Exponential Microvesicular D 43 21211 62 ~Bimodal 79 10 6.E+05 782 0.013 5.E+08 Exponential 5.E+05 599 0.017 3.E+08 Power-law (d =-4.67) 6.E+04 896 0.011 5.E+07 Power-law (d =-3.78) Oru U-Okp 10 Average 215 70732 54 B13-Ph16-1c-6a Microvesicular 55 17 38 41805 32 756 30 Unimodal 79 B50 Ph16b-3a Fibrous 41 25 16 1252 61 31 13 ~Bimodal 79 B50Ph16b_1 Fibrous 7 3 4 7883 43 1185 3 Polymodal 25 40 6 Ph-2-1d-5x Fibrous 2 1 1 10032 41 5280 1 Polymodal 79 251 141 158 Power law (d =0.31) 2.E+07 556 0.018 Exponential 1.E+10 ~Exponential Tot. Vol.: total volume analysed; Ves: vesicularity data; n 0 Ves: number of vesicles. Nv: vesicle number density (un-corrected). VVD: vesicle volume distribution; VSD: vesicle size distribution; CVSD (Cumulative vesicle size distribution). Eruption units: Sw: Shawcroft; L/U-Mgt: Lower/Upper-Mangatoetoenui; M-Oru: Oruamatua; L/U-Okp: Lower/Upper Okupata. 5 Table SM 3.5. Vesicle-Free, mafic-crystallinity results, complementary to Table 1 in the manuscript. Unit Sample Steady column: Sw-2b Sw-b Sw-5b Oscillatory column: IX-1b-1 L-Mgt IX-1b-2a IX-1e-2 U-Mgt Collapsing column (wet): Oru2a Oru Oru 3a Oru 4a Collapsing column (dry): Ph16a-5a L-Okp U-Okp B13-Ph16-1c-6a B50 Ph16b-3a B50Ph16b_1 Ph-2-1d-5x Nmafics-Corr. All mafics [mm-3] All mafics-CVD [mm-3] All mafics-CCSD Interpretation of mafic crystal volume and size distributions [%] ± 7432 622 20.2 11.8 2.3 4.8 8322 Polymodal 642 Polymodal 631 316 40 50 251 126 Power-law (d = -3.37) Power-law (d = -4.66) Multiple stages of nucleation and growth (3) Multiple stages of nucleation and growth (3) 3.5 3.0 1.6 3713 4075 1326 17.0 37.2 9.5 3.5 2.6 1.3 3713 Polymodal 2603 Unimodal Skewed 88 398 40 479 251 794 Power-law (d = -2.20) Power-law (d = -4.15) Power-law (d = -2.79) Multiple stages of nucleation and growth (4) One stage of nucleation and growth One stage of nucleation and growth 2.1 7.3 8.2 1392 3349 1297 5.9 7.4 21.9 1.5 2.8 11.7 1689 Polymodal 1774 Polymodal 2186 Polymodal 794 398 63 316 50 100 63 200 251 Power-law (d = -2.82) Power-law (d = -3.85) Power-law (d = -3.82) Multiple stages of nucleation and growth (3) Multiple stages of nucleation and growth (3) Multiple stages of nucleation and growth (3) 1700 550 380 760 7.4 2.9 7.8 8.7 6.7 14.9 49 21 29.5 8 7 4 12 Polymodal Polymodal Polymodal Polymodal 794 1000 501 794 100 398 794 398 251 100 100 200 Power-law (d = -3.21) Power-law (d = -2.97) Power-law (d = -3.4) Power-law (d = -2.79) Multiple stages of nucleation and growth (3) Multiple stages of nucleation and growth (3) Multiple stages of nucleation and growth (3) Multiple stages of nucleation and growth (3) 400 626 3500 8500 Polymodal Polymodal Polymodal Unimodal 79 79 63 40 501 794 126 316 251 200 Power-law (d = -3.5) Power-law (d = -3.5) ~Exponential Power-law (d = -3.7) Multiple stages of nucleation and growth (3) Multiple events of nucleation and growth Multiple events of nucleation and growth One stage of nucleation and growth [%] ± 21.5 15.6 2.4 6.5 17.0 36.7 33.7 6.4 19.5 22.4 10.5 10.7 30.1 10.3 27.7 54.7 23.2 29.5 NPx-Corr PxCorr 9.8 9.3 3.8 2.8 5.9 2000 2400 5500 8500 2.6 5.3 0.9 4.6 2.9 [mm] Peak 1 Peak 2 Peak 3 Nmafics-Corr.: total mafics number density (vesicle-free). Px%: pyroxene content; NPx-Corr.: pyroxene number density (vesicle-free). CVD: mafic crystals volume distribution; CCSD: mafic crystals cumulative size distribution. Eruption units: Sw: Shawcroft; L/U-Mgt: Lower/Upper-Mangatoetoenui; M-Oru: Oruamatua; L/U-Okp: Lower/Upper Okupata. 6 SM 3.3 Decompression rates: Toramaru’s (2006) method was used to calculate the absolute values of magma decompression rate (𝑑𝑃⁄𝑑𝑡), using: the groundmass glass silica content (𝐶𝑠 , in wt%), the average vesicle number density of pumice clasts within each unit (non-corrected N, given in m-3), the initial water content (𝐶𝑤 , in wt%), and the corresponding initial water saturation pressure (𝑃𝑤 ) (Table SM 3.6). Note that several typographical errors appeared in the original version of Toramaru (2006); these errors are corrected here. Toramaru’s (2006) decompression meter establishes that: 𝑑𝑃 𝑑𝑡 = 𝑎 × 𝐷 × 𝜎 2 × 𝑃𝑤 −1/3 × 𝑇 −1/2 × 𝑁 2/3 [Eq. 3] Where 𝑎 is a constant (1.5 × 1015), 𝐷 is the water diffusivity in a silica melt (m2/s), calculated following equation 4-6 of Toramaru (2006) and assuming P = 𝑃𝑤 ; is the supercritical water fluid/silica melt interfacial surface tension (N/m), calculated from: 𝜎 = 0.2366 × 𝑒 1 1 )/𝑅]} 𝑇 1273 {[(−0.35 × 10−8 )−(11 × 103 )]× [( − [Eq. 4] R is the gas constant 8.3 J/K and 𝑇 is the magma temperature (in K), following Toramaru (1995): 1000 𝑇 = 0.16+0.01𝐶 𝑠 [Eq. 5] In this study, a constant 𝐶𝑤 of 5.3 wt% was assumed for all eruptions, obtained from the average of the maximum contents measured by the Fourier Transform infra-red technique 7 (micro-FTIR) in pyroxene-antecrysts melt inclusions (10 inclusions per eruption unit; Pardo, 2012). This 𝐶𝑤 corresponds to a 𝑃𝑤 of 191 MPa (7 km depth) using the solubility model of Newman and Lowenstern (2002). Although melt inclusions have been only found within antecrysts, the estimated saturation depth is consistent with the magma storage region (2-9 km) proposed for Ruapehu from similar inclusions in recent eruptives (Kilgour et al., 2013) and with existing geophysical data (Ingham et al., 2009; Rowlands et al., 2005). Therefore, values considered here are realistic approximations. A correction factor = 0.46 for heterogeneous nucleation (Cluzel et al., 2008) was used to convert the calculated to an “effective” surface tension (EFF), following Shea et al. (2011): 𝜎𝐸𝐹𝐹 = 𝜎𝜑1/3 [Eq. 6] For comparison, a theoretical surface tension value of 0.083 N/m for dacitic melts and one of 0.090 N/m for rhyolitic melts were used, based on the experimental data of Gardner and Ketcham (2011). Table SM 3.6 Magma decompression rate (dP/dt) calculated for each unit. Unit SiO2 EFF teo -3 T (K) D (m2/s) Nv (m ) (N/m) (N/m) (N/m) wt% dP/dt [Pa/s] [EFF] [teo] Sw 62.02 1280 0.122 0.094 0.083 2.3E-11 4.2E+11 5.9E+05 4.6E+05 L-Mgt 61.63 1288 0.123 0.0946 0.083 2.5E-11 3.5E+11 5.5E+05 4.3E+05 U-Mgt 64.15 1246 0.118 0.0914 0.083 1.9E-11 3.8E+11 4.2E+05 3.5E+05 Mgt 61.88 1267 0.120 0.093 0.083 2.2E-11 3.6E+11 4.9E+05 3.9E+05 M-Oru 73.34 1125 0.106 0.0815 0.090 1E-11 4.8E+11 2.2E+05 2.7E+05 M-Oru-a 73.34 1125 0.106 0.0815 0.090 1E-11 1.4E+12 4.6E+05 5.6E+05 M-Oru-b 73.34 1125 0.106 0.0815 0.090 1E-11 2.4E+12 6.5E+05 7.9E+05 L-Okp 71.69 1147 0.108 0.0834 0.090 1.1E-11 1.0E+12 4.1E+05 4.8E+05 U-Okp 71.69 1173 0.111 0.0856 0.090 1.3E-11 1.3E+12 5.7E+05 6.3E+05 Okp 71.69 1160 0.109 0.0845 0.090 1.2E-11 1.1E+12 4.9E+05 5.5E+05 T (K): Magma temperature calculated with equation Eq. 5 (Toramaru, 1995) : supercritical water fluid/silica melt interfacial surface tension. EFF: effective surface tension. teo: theoretical surface tension, based on experimental data reported by Gardner and Ketcham (2011) dP/dt: decompression rate calculated following Toramaru (2006), and considering the different surface tensions. Eruption units: Sw: Shawcroft; L/U-Mgt: Lower/Upper-Mangatoetoenui. M-Oru: Oruamatua (suffix “a” and “b” denote two alternative calculations for Oru using different combinations of Nv data of fibrous textures (see Fig. 7 in the manuscript); L/U-Okp: Lower/Upper Okupata. 8 References Blower JD, Keating JP, Mader HM, Phillips JC (2001) Inferring volcanic degassing processes from vesicle size distributions. Geophys. Res. Lett. 28 (2): 347-350 Castro, J.M., Cashman, K.V., Manga, M., 2003. A technique for measuring 3D crystal-size distributions of prismatic microlites in obsidian. Am. 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