State Thoracic Society Meeting – February 1

State Thoracic Society Meeting – February 1-3, 2013
Venue, City, State
6:00-6:45 PM
6:45 – 7:00 PM
President’s Welcome, Discussion of Ballots for Officers, Request for topics for
next meeting– First Last, MD
7:00 – 7:20 PM
Cystic Fibrosis in Adults: An Under-Recognized Condition
Faculty First Last, MD
Case Study and Didactic Lecture with Q&A
Learning Objective
 Recognize that cystic fibrosis is commonly diagnosed in the adult
population and that patients diagnosed in adulthood present with a
different set of symptoms than those diagnosed in childhood.
 Identify current diagnostic tests useful for making a diagnosis of cystic
fibrosis in the adult population and recognize the limitations associated
with each testing method.
7:20 – 7:40 PM
Airway Disorders in Gulf War Veterans
First Last, MD
Case Study and Didactic Lecture with Q&A
Learning Objective
 Accurately define the epidemiology, clinical, pathological, and
radiographic features, of airway diseases, including constrictive
bronchiolitis, associated with environmental exposures in the Gulf War
and be more apt to suspect these conditions when evaluating patients.
 State the physiological, pathological, and radiographic features of
bronchiolitis obliterans that distinguish this disease from other, more
common, airway disorders such as asthma and COPD and apply this
competence to patient diagnosis and treatment.
7:40 – 8:00 PM
TB Testing: Skin Test Versus Interferon Assay. Which is Best?
First Last, MD
Case Study and Didactic Lecture with Q&A
Learning objective
 Recognize the potential risks and benefits of novel treatments such as
anti-IgE therapy and articulate these to patients and families during the
decision-making process for treatment of moderate to severe childhood
8:00 – 8:20 PM
Define differences in treating moderate to severe asthma in adults
versus children and be more apt to base current treatment on history of
childhood response to therapies.
Anti-immunoglobulin E Therapy in Pediatric Asthma
First Last, MD
Case Study and Didactic Lecture with Q&A
Learning objective
 Recognize the limitations of traditional TB skin testing and compare and
contrast the newer interferon based assay testing for sensitivity and
specificity in normal and immunocompromised hosts.
 Decide on appropriate use of drug therapy for tuberculosis
8:20 – 8:40 PM
8:40 – 9:00 PM
9:00 – 9:20 PM
9:30 PM
Update in Use of Imaging in Diffuse Interstitial Lung Disease
First Last, MD
Case Study and Didactic Lecture with Q&A
Learning Objectives
 Identify causes of lung disease, especially interstitial lung disease that
can be radiographically identified with high and low confidence
 Distinguish between cases of usual interstitial pneumonitis (UIP) and
non-UIP interstitial lung disease
Cystic Lung Disease in Adults
First Last, MD
Case Study and Didactic Lecture with Q&A
Learning Objective
 Distinguish correctly between lung cysts and blebs on radiographic
imaging studies, and generate a broad and inclusive list of possible
diagnoses for diseases associated with these findings.
 Discuss and apply screening studies and lung biopsy in the diagnosis of
the patient with lung cysts or blebs, and a rational disease specific
approach to treating pneumothorax, a common complication of cystic
lung disease.
Shortness of Breath and Infiltrates in a Man Using CPAP Therapy
First Last, MD
Case Study and Didactic Lecture with Q&A
Learning Objective
 Recognize the characteristic clinical and radiographic findings of
hypersensitivity pneumonitis and be more apt to consider it in diagnosis
and consider CPAP humidifier as a potential cause.
 Instruct patients in importance of and logistics of CPAP humidifier
cleaning and look for other sources of bacteria/fungus causing lung
disease in the home environment.
*Please choose from the following teaching methods:
o Didactic lecture (with Q & A)
o ABIM Learning Session (built around a
o AMA Quality Improvement Model CME (PI
o Break-out sessions (smaller groups)
o Case studies (alone or as follow up to
o Consecutive Case Conference
o Consensus Conference with Jury
o Hands on skill building workshop
o Internet course (with live audience either in
one place or dispersed
o Research results/poster presentation
o Lecture with interactive components (e.g. audience
o Medical guideline presentation
o Meet the professor (bring cases/questions from
your practice)
o Pathology case w/ quiz (alone or part of wider
case discussion)
o Pre-test or post test discussion
o Pro Con debate
o Radiology presentations with quiz (alone or as part
of a case)
o Simulation (e.g. a PFT lab, or a patient undergoing
a diagnostic procedure)
o Other (please explain )