1.800.447.3794 | SQPBiodiesel.com Who We Are Founded in 2005, SeQuential Pacific Biodiesel is a jointventure between SeQuential Biofuels of Oregon and Pacific Biodiesel of Maui, Hawaii. As the longest-running commercial biodiesel producer in the Pacific Northwest, SeQuential Pacific is deeply committed to improving the environment and invigorating the local economy by providing a clean burning, renewable fuel that is sustainably produced from regionally sourced feedstocks. SeQuential Pacific makes its biodiesel from recycled cooking oil collected from thousands of restaurants and businesses throughout the region. Every drop of oil the company collects is turned into biodiesel that is then distributed back into the local community. What’s the Impact? In 2012 SeQuential Pacific Biodiesel produced just over 5 million gallons of biodiesel. With up to 78% fewer emissions of carbon dioxide and other harmful gasses than petroleum diesel, biodiesel yields significant environmental benefits. The 5 million gallons SeQuential Pacific produced is enough to offset nearly 10 million gallons of carbon. That’s the same as: Replacing 98 thousand incandescent light bulbs with CFLs Not driving for 86 million miles, or nearly 28 thousand coast to coast trips across the US. Planting 27 thousand trees Fuel Up. Feel Good. Buying SeQuential Pacific Biodiesel products helps to improve the environment and support the local economy. A complete list of retail locations is available at http://www.sqbiofuels.com/locations/FuelingLocations For more information, please contact Rachel Shaver at (503)-351-6839