
From 2013 to 2015
With the many changes to the Camp Director’s Manual, we thought it necessary to offer
Directors a Bridge TOC so those who have been thoroughly familiar with the older TOC
can now find where the documents have been relocated in the new manual.
2013 or older
I. Introduction to
2015 Version
Mission Statement .............................................................................................. Mission Statement 1-1
The Purple Cord .................................................................................................. The Purple Cord 1-4
History of Royal Family KIDS. ...................... I-2-1
History of Royal Family KIDS 1-6
Organizational Chart ....................................... I-3-1
Organizational Chart 2-1
Job Descriptions ........................................... I-4-1
Job Descriptions 2-2
Leadership Qualities ........................................ I-5-1 New title Director’s Standards and Guideline 2-19
Church Objectives ........................................... I-6-1
Church Objective 2-21
Senior Pastor’s Responsibilities ..................... I-7-1 Senior Pastor’s Objectives & Responsibilities 2-22
Administrative Team Objectives ......................... I-8-1 Updated Administrative Team Objectives 2-32
Camper Objectives ................................................ I-9-1
Camper Objectives 2-14
RFK Rules and Policies....................................... I-10-1
Camp Rules 2-51
Use of the RFK Name and Logo ......................... I-11-1
Use of the RFK Name and Logo 2-58
Counselor Code of Conduct .............................. ..I-12-1 Counselor Objectives: Code of Conduct 2-16
Staff and Counselors’ Dress Code ...................... I-13-1
Dress Code 2-62
Guest Speaker/Performer Guidelines .................. I-14-1 Guest Speaker/Performer Guidelines 2-63
Responding to a Press Interview .......................... I-15-1
Responding to a Press Interview 2-64
RFK Operating Standards/Compliance I-16-1 Operating Standards/Compliance Assessment 2-60
Advice from Veteran Camp Directors
I-17-1 Advice from Veteran Camp Directors
RFK’s View of Foster Care Givers ........... I-18-1 Updated RFK’s Relationship with Care Givers 2-41
Camp Records Retention ...................................... I-19-1
Camp Records Retention 2-70
II. Preparing for Camp
RFK Planning Schedule for New Camps .............. II-1-1 Planning Sch for New Camps (Updated) 3-6
RFK Planning Schedule for 2nd Year
II-3-1 Planning Sch for 2nd Year Camps .......... 3-12
Key RFK Dates on Your Calendar
II-4-1 Key RFK Dates on Your Calendar
What Are Child Abuse and Neglect? ........................................................ Removed see C/S 101 Manual
Understanding Abusive Parents ................................................................ Removed see C/S 101 Manual
Are There Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect? ......................................... Removed see C/S 101 Manual
..................................................................................... Removed see C/S 101 Manual
Counselor and Staff Training Materials .................... II-9-1 Training Requirements & Materials 3-81
Being Esteem Builders ............................................................................. Removed see C/S 101 Manual
1st Training Agenda .................................................. II-12-1
1st Training Agenda 3-84
2nd Training Agenda ................................................ II-12-2
2nd Training Agenda 3-85
Restraining a Camper .................................................. II-13A-1
Restraining a Camper 3-38
Connie Counselor Skits
Fundraising .... .......................................................... II-15-1
Fundraising Basics 3-20
............................................................ I-16-1
Budget 3-21
Accepting Contributions for Your Camp ........................ II-17-1 Accepting Cont. for Your Camp 3-22
Staff Recruitment
Staff Recruitment 3-43
Teenager Recruitment ................................................... II-18A-1
Teenager Recruitment 3-47
Counselor Recruitment ..................................................... II-19-1
Counselor Recruitment 3-46
Recruiting Prayer Partners ............................................... II-20-1
Recruiting Prayer Partners 3-64
Ordering Supplies from RFK. ......................................... II-21-1 Ordering Supplies from RFK 3-86
Ordering Bibles — A Bible for Every ............ II-22-Now part of “Ordering Supplies from RFK” 3-86
Ordering Camp T-shirts ................................................... II-23-1
Ordering Camp Shirts 3-87
Sample: Current Order Form......................................... ..II-23-3
Removed Now Online only
Interviewing Counselors .................................................. II-24-1
Interviewing Counselors 3-65
Interviewing Staff
Interviewing Staff.... 3-66
Interview Process
II-26-1 (Updated) Interview Process.... 3-67
Checklist for Interviews ............................................... II-27-1 Now part of “Interview Process” 3-67
Conducting Background II-27A-1
Conducting Criminal Background Screens (Updated) 3-74
Part-Time Volunteers ........................................................ II-27B-1
Part-Time Volunteers 3-52
Activity Centers
Activity Centers.... 3-91
Camp Environment ............................... II-29-1 Now part of Church and State Concerns (NEW) 2-23
Teachable Moments .............................. II-30-1 Now part of Church and State Concerns (NEW) 2-23
Reading Resources List .................................................... II-31-1
Camp Facilities - Selecting a Camp Location ................. II-32-1 Camp Facilities - Selecting a C. Loc. 3-3
Placing Campers - Child Placement Procedure ................ II-33-1
Child Placement Procedure 3-32
Establishing Rapport with Social Services ....... II-34-1 Establishing Rapport with Social Services 3-26
Child Placement Coordinator Checklist ............... II-35-1 Child Placement Coordinator Checklist 3-33
II-36-1 Insurance (Updated) ................................. 2-71
Sample: Certificate of Insurance ......................... II-36-2 C & C Sample Certificates of Insurance 2-74
Nurse’s Insurance
II-36-3 Now part of “Nurse / Medical Care” ....... 4-26
Rainy Day Alternate Plans ...................................II-37-1
Rainy Day Alternate Plans 4-10
Name Tags for Staff/Counselors/Campers ........... II-38-1 Name Tags for Staff/Counsel/Campers 3-89
Additional Resources
Matching Up Camper to Camper & Cou to Cou .. II-41-1 Matching Up Campers & Counselor 3-35
III.The Week of Camp
Circles of Prayer
II-1-1 Circles of Prayer.......................................... 4-13
Counselor/Staff Dep for Camp on Sun ............. III-2-1 Counselor/Staff Dep. for Camp on Sunday 4-11
Informing Counselors about Campers .............. III-2A-1
Informing Counselors about Campers 4-1
Camper Registration/Departure for Camp ........ III-3-1 Camper Registration/Departure for Camp 4-14
Registration/Departure Procedures .................. III-4-1 Camper Registration/Departure for Camp 4-14
Hospitality to Bus Drivers .......................................... III-4A-1
Hospitality to Bus Drivers 4-20
Camp Schedule
Camp Schedule 4-3
Daily Counselor Meeting Announcements .................. III-6-1 Daily Counselor / Staff Meetings 4-21
Swimming Procedures ..................................................III-7-1
Swimming Procedures 4-35
Nurse’s Station
Nurse / Medical Care 4-26
Nursing Supply List for Consideration ....................... III-9-1 Now part of “Nurse / Medical Care” 4-26
Meals and Snack 4-36
Spiritual Impact
III-11-1 Now part of Church and State Concerns 2-23
Importance of Music at RFK Camp
Music 4-43
Devotional Material for Staff/Counselor Meetings III-13-1 Devotional Material for S/C Meetings 4-38
Bible Instruction
Bible Instruction 4-39
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club .. 4-41
Drama 4-42
Room Devotions
Room Devotions 4-45
Now part of Meals and Snack 4-36
Camper Photographs .................................................... III-19-1
Camper Photographs 4-46
Counselor Support ........................................................ III-20-1
Counselor Support 4-56
Detachment .... 4-48
Release/Sign-Out Procedure for Campers ...... III-22-1 Release/Sign-Out Procedure for Campers 4-52
Bed Wetting
III-23-1 Now part of “Nurse / Medical Care” 4-26
IV.Follow-up to Camp
Reuniting Camper and Caretaker ................................ IV-1-1 Reuniting Camper and Caretaker 4-53
Camper Follow-up ....................................................... IV-2-1
Follow-up with Children 5-1
Prayer Partner Follow-up ............................................IV-3-1
Prayer Partner Follow-up 5-4
Donor Follow-up
Donor Follow-up .... 5-5
IV-5A-1 Now part of Camp Records Retention .. 2-70
“Welcome Home” Dinner for Staff/Cou ................... IV-5-1“Welcome Home” Dinner for Staff/Co 5-8
Welcome Home Dinner Idea: “Oscar Night” IV-6-1 Welcome Home Dinner Idea: “Oscar Night .. 5-9
Welcome Home Dinner Idea: “Royal Court Menu” IV-7-1
Royal Court Menu 5-10
One Final Note
One Final Note 5-11
V.RFK Camp Glossary ................................................................................ V-1-1
VI.Forms Index ................................................................................................ VI-1-1