US-CaseModuleTemplate-2014-ragdoll case study

Upper Secondary Workshop 2015
Case Module Template
Should I Get That Ragdoll?
Idea for the case or the case draft
Jane loves cats, so she was delighted when her parents finally agreed to buy her a 2 year old
Ragdoll. Jane enthusiastically named her Ragdoll Minny. A few months after Minny joined
her household, Jane noticed that Minny appeared extremely lethargic, had abdominal
swelling, and seemed to be dragging her hind legs along. Alarmed, Jane brings Minny to the
vet. She was informed by the vet that Minny has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy – a type of
blood disease where the heart muscle thickens. Apparently, this disease is common in the
Ragdoll breed. Jane felt shocked as she had never heard of such a thing before.
Resources: Include the main simulation or tool used and one additional resource
Journal Paper: Patterns of molecular genetic variation among cat breeds
virtual pedigree analysis lab at
Two possible investigations that involve students in inquiry (Copy of handout if possible.)
Heart structure and function
Find out consequences of thickened heart left ventricular muscle (not able to relax properly),
and how it relates to the symptoms of this disease.
What are the traits in pet breeding that are desirable to humans?
NIE 2014
Inbreeding is one of the ways of breeding pets, in order to preserve the gene pool of the desired
traits. The word inbreeding typically has a negative connotation to it, but is inbreeding always a
bad thing? Use Punnett Squares to show your reasoning.
This can also be demonstrated at the virtual pedigree analysis lab at
Are recessive genes are always “bad”?
Extend into discussion on ethics of pet breeding. What makes an ethical animal breeder?
Two possible student products
Pedigree chart
Increasing public awareness on buying pedigree breeds
One example rubric
Themes/major concepts of Upper Secondary Science Syllabus 2013 addressed
Major idea
- Artificial selection
Evolution (history, development of ragdoll breed)
Genes and alleles – dominant and recessive
Structure and function of the heart
Transport in Humans
Authors and school affiliations
Valerie Lim Suat Fong – NUS High School
NIE 2014
Koh Hsing Dee – Hai Sing Catholic School
Tay Wee Beng – CPDD, MOE
NIE 2014