Pedigree Charts (Genetics 101)

Pedigree Charts (Genetics 101)
A _________________ _________________is a diagram that shows the occurrence (or
presence) of a particular trait within a family - from one generation to the next.
Below is an example of a pedigree chart. Notice the shape that represents each gender.
Draw the shape that represents a female in the pedigree chart:
Draw the shape that represents a male in the pedigree chart:
Pedigree for “Curved Little Finger”
Notice the roman numerals (I,II,III) to the left of the “level” on the chart. What do you think
the numerals represent?
How are individuals expressing (showing) the particular trait distinguished from those not
expressing the trait?
In the space below, complete a simple Pedigree Chart representing your parents and siblings.
Remember that vertical lines connect descendants of a parental union and horizontal lines
connect both the siblings of a parental union and the parental unions themselves.
Shade in any individual that expresses “curved little fingers” in your pedigree.
Going Further . . .
On a separate sheet of paper, create a pedigree chart the includes three generations and indicates the presence of ONE
of the following traits: tongue rolling, widow’s peak, left thumb on top hand clasping, or free ear lobe.