The Concept of Functional Groups

The Concept of Functional Groups
James Richard Fromm
In organic chemistry, functional groups are specific groups of atoms within molecules, that are responsible
for the characteristic chemical reactions of those molecules. The same functional group will undergo the same or
similar chemical reaction(s) regardless of the size of the molecule it is a part of.
Functional groups consist of one or more atoms, and they can be atoms of identical or different elements.
The simplest organic molecule is one carbon bonded covalently to four hydrogens, CH 4. This compound, a gas, is
called methane and is a major component of natural gas. The principle used is that organic compounds are named
and generally understood as substituted compounds of carbon and hydrogen, the substitution being that of a
functional group for one or more hydrogens. The simplest compounds of carbon and hydrogen are the Alkanes,
followed by the Alkenes and Alkynes.
The first carbon after the carbon that attaches to the functional group is called the alpha carbon.
Functional groups are attached to the carbon backbone of organic molecules. They determine the
characteristics and chemical reactivity of molecules. Functional groups are far less stable than the carbon backbone
and are likely to participate in chemical reactions. Six common biological functional groups are hydrogen,
hydroxyl, carboxyl, amino, phosphate, and methyl.
The following is a list of common functional groups. In the formulas, the symbols R and R' usually denotes a
hydrocarbon side chain of any length, but may sometimes refer to any group of atoms.
Haloalkanes (also known as Halogenoalkanes) are a group of chemical compounds, consisting of alkanes,
such as methane or ethane, with one or more halogens linked, fluorine, chlorine, bromine or iodine, forming an
organic halide. The most widely known family within this group are the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). The
haloalkanes have the general formula R-X where R- represents some alkyl or aryl group and -X represents one of
the members of the halogen family: fluorine, chlorine, bromine and/or iodine.
An Alcohol functional group is a hydroxyl group bonded to an sp 3 hybridized carbon. It can be regarded as a
derivative of water, with an alkyl group replacing one of the hydrogens. If an aryl group is present rather than an
alkyl, the compound is generally called a phenol rather than an alcohol. Also, if the hydroxyl group is bonded to
one of the sp2 hybridized carbons of an alkenyl group, the compound is referred to as an enol. The oxygen in an
alcohol has a bond angle of around 109° (c.f. 104.5° in water), and two nonbonded electron pairs.
Alcohol Functional Group, Hydroxyl
Ethanol, Ethyl Alcohol, Grain Alcohol
An Aldehyde is an organic compound containing a terminal carbonyl group. This functional group, which
consists of a carbon atom which is bonded to a hydrogen atom and double-bonded to an oxygen atom (chemical
formula O=CH-), is called the aldehyde group. The aldehyde group is also called the aldo, formyl or methanoyl
group. The word aldehyde seems to have arisen from alcoholdehydrogenated.
Aldehyde Functional Group, Aldo
Methanal, Formaldehyde
Ether is the general name for a class of chemical compounds which contain an oxygen atom connected to
two (substituted) alkyl groups. A typical example is the solvent and anesthetic, diethyl ether, commonly referred to
simply as "ether", (ethoxyethane, CH3-CH2-O-CH2-CH3).
Ether Functional Group
Ethoxyethane, Diethyl Ether
Ketones are either the functional group characterized by a carbonyl group (O=C) linked to two other carbon
atoms or a compound that contains this functional group. A ketone can be generally represented by the formula:
A carbonyl carbon bonded to two carbon atoms distinguishes ketones from carboxylic acids, aldehydes,
esters, amides, and other oxygen -containing compounds. The double-bond of the carbonyl group distinguishes
ketones from alcohols and ethers. The simplest ketone is acetone, dimethyl ketone or propanone.
Ketone Functional Group, Keto Group
Propanone, Dimethyl Ketone, Acetone
Carboxylic Acids are organic acids characterized by the presence of a carboxyl group, which has the
formula -C(=O)OH, usually written -COOH or -CO2H. Carboxylic acids are Bronsted Acids — they are proton
donors. Salts and anions of carboxylic acids are called carboxylates.
The simplest series of carboxylic acids are the alkanoic acids, R-COOH, where R is a hydrogen or an alkyl
group. Compounds may also have two or more carboxylic acid groups per molecule.
Carboxyl Functional Group
Ethanoic Acid, Acetic Acid
Esters are organic compounds in which an organic group from an alcohol (symbolized by R') replaces a
hydrogen atom in the hydroxyl group of an organic acid. Organic acids are molecules which have an -OH group
from which the hydrogen (H) can dissociate as an H+ ion. The most common esters are the carboxylate esters,
where the acid in question is a carboxylic acid.
Ester Functional Group
Isoamyl Ethanoate, Flavor of Banana
Condensation reaction to form an ester is called esterification.
Amines are organic compounds whose functional group contains nitrogen as the key atom. Structurally
amines resemble ammonia, wherein one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by organic substituents such as alkyl
and aryl groups. An important exception to this rule is that compounds of the type RC(O)NR 2, where the C(O)
refers to a carbonyl group, are called amides rather than amines. Amides and amines have different structures and
properties, so the distinction is chemically important. Somewhat confusing is the fact that amines in which an N-H
group has been replaced by an N-M group (M = metal) are also called amides. Thus (CH3)2NLi is lithium
Amine Functional Group
An Amide
Amide Functional Group
Amide Functional Group
Nitroso refers to a functional group in organic chemistry which has the general formula R-N=O. Nitroso
compounds can be prepared by the reduction of nitro compounds or by the oxidation of hydroxylamines. A good
example is (CH3)3CNO, known formally as 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane.
Nitroso Functional Group
Azo Compounds refer to chemical compounds bearing the functional group R-N=N-R', in which R and R'
can be either alkyl or aryl. The N=N group is called an azo or diimide.
Many of the more stable derivatives contain two aryl groups due to the electron delocalization. The name
azo comes from azote, an old name of nitrogen that originates in French and is derived from the Greek a (not)
+ zoe (to live).
Nitro Compounds are organic compounds that contain one or more nitro functional groups (-NO2). They
are often highly explosive; various impurities or improper handling can easily trigger a violent exothermic
Azo Functional Group
Aromatic nitro compounds are typically synthesized by the action of a mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids on
a suitable organic molecule. Some examples of such compounds are trinitrophenol (picric acid) and trinitrotoluene
Nitro Functional Group
A Nitrile is any organic compound which has a -C N functional group. In the -C N group, the carbon
atom and the nitrogen atom are triple bonded together. The prefix cyano- is used in chemical nomenclature to
indicate the presence of a nitrile group in a molecule. A cyanide ion is a negative ion with the formula CN-. The CN group is sometimes, less properly, referred to as a cyanide group orcyano group and compounds with them are
sometimes referred to as cyanides. Nitriles sometimes release the highly toxic CN- cyanide ion.
Nitrile Functional Group
An Imine is a functional group or chemical compound containing a carbon-nitrogen double bond. Imines,
due to their diverse reactivity, are common substrates in a wide variety of transformations. An imine can be
synthesised by the nucleophilic addition of an amine to a ketone or aldehyde giving a hemiaminal -C(OH)(NHR)followed by an elimination of water to yield the imine.
Imine Functional Group
The Cyanate ion is an anion consisting of one oxygen atom, one carbon atom, and one nitrogen atom,
[OCN]-, in that order, and possesses 1 unit of negative charge, borne mainly by the nitrogen atom. The structure of
cyanate can be considered to resonate.
Cyanate Functional Group
An Isocyanide (also called an Isonitrile is an organic compound with the functional group R-N C. The C
N functionality is connected to the organic fragment via the nitrogen atom, not via carbon as is found in the
isomeric nitriles, which have the connectivity R-CN. Hence the prefix iso. Nitrogen and carbon are connected
through a triple bond with a positive charge on nitrogen and a negative charge on carbon.
Isocyanide/Isonitrile Functional Group
Isocyanate is the functional group of atoms –N=C=O (1 nitrogen, 1 carbon, 1 oxygen), not to be confused
with the cyanate functional group (see above).
Isocyanate Functional Group
Organic Peroxides are organic compounds containing the peroxide functional group (ROOR'). If the R' is
hydrogen, the compound is called an organic hydroperoxide. Peresters have general structure RC(O)OOR.
The O-O bond easily breaks and forms free radicals of the form RO-. This makes organic peroxides useful as
catalysts for some types of polymerization.
Organic Peroxide Functional Group
A Thiol/Mercaptan is a compound that contains the functional group composed of a sulfur atom and a
hydrogen atom (-SH). Being the sulfur analogue of an alcohol group (-OH), this functional group is referred to
either as a thiol group or a sulfhydryl group. Thiolate ions have the form R-S-. Such anions arise upon treatment of
thiols with base.
Thiol or Mercaptan Functional Group
A Thioether/Sulfide is a functional group that has the structure R1-S-R2. Like many other sulfur-containing
compounds, volatile thioethers characteristically have foul odors.
A thioether is similar to an ether except that it contains a sulfur atom in place of the oxygen. Because oxygen
and sulfur belong to the chalcogens group in the periodic table, the chemical properties of ethers and thioethers
share some commonalities. This functional group is important in biology, most notably in the amino acid
methionine and the cofactor biotin.
In organic chemistry , "Sulfide" usually refers to the linkage C-S-C, although the term thioether is less
ambiguous. For example, the thioether dimethyl sulfide is CH3-S-CH3. Polyphenylene sulfide has the empirical
formula C6H4S. Occasionally, the term sulfide refers to molecules containing the -SH functional group. For
example, methyl sulfide can mean CH3-SH. The preferred descriptor for such SH-containing compounds
is thiol or mercaptan, i.e. methanethiol or methyl mercaptan.
Thioether/Sulfide Functional Group
Disulfides - A disulfide bond is a single covalent bond derived from the coupling of thiol groups. The
linkage is also called an SS-bond or disulfide bridge. The overall connectivity is therefore C-S-S-C. The
terminology is almost exclusively used in biochemistry, bioinorganic and bioorganic chemistry. Formally the
connection is called a persulfide, in analogy to a peroxide (R-O-O-R), but this terminology is rare.
Three sulfur atoms singly bonded in a sequence are sometimes called a trisulfide bond, although there are in
fact two S-S bonds. Disulfide bonds are usually formed from the oxidation of sulfhydryl (-SH) groups.
Disulfide Functional Group
Sulfonic acids are a class of organic acids with the general formula RSO3H, where R is usually a
hydrocarbon side chain. Sulfonic acids are typically much stronger acids than their carboxylic equivalents, and have
the unique tendency to bind to proteins and carbohydrates tightly; most "washable" dyes are sulfonic acids (or have
the functional sulfonyl group in them) for this reason. They are also used as catalysts and intermediates for a
number of different products. Sulfonic acid salts (sulfonates) are important as detergents, and the antibacterial sulfa
drugs are also sulfonic acid derivatives. The simplest example is methanesulfonic acid, CH3SO2OH, a reagent
regularly used in organic chemistry. p-Toluenesulfonic acid is also an important reagent.
Note that the sulfonic acids and sulfonates are analogous to carboxylic acids and carboxylates; in both cases,
-C(=O)- is replaced by -S(=O)2-. Chemical properties are similar as well, although sulfonic acids are often even
stronger acids than carboxylic acids, the hydrogen being easier to leave than in most compounds, and they readily
form esters.
Sulfonic Acid Functional Group
A Sulfoxide/Sulfinyl contains a sulfinyl functional group attached to two carbon atoms. The general
structural formula is RS(O)R where R and R' are the organic groups. Sulfoxides can be considered as oxidized
sulfides. A common sulfoxide is DMSO.
Sulfinyl Functional
Alliin, an example of a sulfoxide
occurring in nature.
Group, RS(O)R
A Sulfone/Sulfonyl contains a sulfonyl functional group attached to two carbon atoms. The central sulfur
atom is twice double bonded to oxygen and has two further hydrocarbon substituents. The general structural
formula is RS(O)2R where R and R' are the organic groups. A common sulfone is sulfolane C4H8SO2.
Sulfonyl Functional Group, RS(O)2R
Phosphine is the common name for phosphorus hydride (PH3), also known by the IUPAC
name phosphane and, occasionally, phosphamine. It is a colorless, flammable gas with a boiling point of -88 °C at
standard pressure. Pure phosphine is odorless, but "technical grade" phosphine has a highly unpleasant odor like
garlic or rotting fish, due to the presence of substituted phosphine and diphosphine (P2H4). Phosphines are also a
group of substituted phosphines, with the structure R3P, where other functional groups replace hydrogens. They are
important in catalysts where they complex to various metal ions.
Phosphoranes are functional groups in chemistry with pentavalent phosphorus. It has the general structure
PR5. The parent compound is the non-stable phosphoran PH5.
Phosphate is also an organophosphorus compounds with the formula OP(OR) 3. Organophosphates are most
commonly found in the form of adenosine phosphates, (AMP, ADP and ATP) and in DNA andRNA and can be
released by the hydrolysis of ATP or ADP. Similar reactions exist for the other nucleoside diphosphates and
triphosphates. Phosphoanhydride bonds in ADP and ATP, or other nucleoside diphosphates and triphosphates,
contain high amounts of energy which give them their vital role in all living organisms. They are generally referred
to as high energy phosphate, as are the phosphagens in muscle tissue. Compounds such as substituted phosphines,
have uses in organic chemistry but do not seem to have any natural counterparts. In organic chemistry, a phosphate,
or organophosphate, is an ester of phosphoric acid.