Project Plan

BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC
Project Execution
BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC will be known as the acting project manager
throughout the development and implementation of the Electronic Health Record (EHR)
database project for Aurora Healthcare of Southeastern Wisconsin. BAMP Professional
Management Group, LLC assumes the responsibilities that are necessary to see the project is a
success. In order to accurately identify the needs of the client, BAMP Professional Management
Group, LLC has broken the project into five phases. Each phase must be completed before the
next phase can begin. Below is a list the phases and a brief description of the work that will be
completed within that phase:
Phase 1: Initiating. Involves developing and assessing the feasibility of the overall project
concept. Key activities include the owners’ partnership agreement and the initial
feasibility study.
Phase 2: Planning. Involves the development of plans and strategies required in
managing the project. Key activities include creating the project plan, creating the
business plan, and completing pre-implementation studies.
Phase 3: Executing. This phase involves the actual implementation of the EHR database
with an increased focus on ensuring the database is secure.
Phase 4: Monitoring and Controlling. Involves the process of finalizing the
implementation into each facility, preparing it for the rollout, and turning over
operations to client.
Phase 5: Closing. Involves internal project management functions required to close the
project, including the project review and final client report.
In addition to this, BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC has also created Table 1.1 that
provides a standard overview of which phase of the project management life cycle that each
deliverable will be performed in. Table 1.1 can be found in Appendix B.
BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC
Change Management Plan
BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC has created a Change Management Plan for the
EHR database project in order to set expectations on how the approach to changes will be
managed, what defines a change, and the overall change management process. All stakeholders
for this project will be expected to submit project changes in accordance to the Change
Management Form (Table 2.1) in Appendix B. The Change Management approach for the EHR
database project will ensure all proposed changes are defined, reviewed and agreed upon so they
can be properly implemented and communicated to all stakeholders.
Changes that are expected throughout the life of the project include scheduling changes, budget
changes, and scope changes. All changes submitted will be reviewed and analyzed by the
Change Control Board (CCB) for the benefit of the project. The change control board will keep
in mind the current state of the project, what the project has accomplished at the time the
change request is submitted and the resource impact that the change may have in order to
approve or deny the change. The members of the change control board have set out a set of
criteria which a change must meet before the change can be submitted to the board. Criteria
analyzed are based around the following: impact of overall project, feasibility of change, new
risks associated to the change, impact on other aspects of the project that have already been
approved and ease of implementation.
The Change Control Board will be made up of the following project Members:
 Aurora Healthcare
 I-Tech Medical Consortium
 BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC
 Risk Manager
The change control process will follow the organizational standard for all proposed changes for
this project set forth by BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC. The need for change will
be identified and a change request form will be submitted to the project manager. The project
manager and the change requestor will meet and conduct a preliminary analysis on the impact of
the change. If the project manager agrees the change meets the criteria of the project, the project
BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC
manager will then submit the change to the CCB. The CCB will then make the final decision
about the change and the change will be implemented or rejected.
Any changes approved by the board will be communicated to the project stakeholders by the
project manager. The project manager will also be responsible for creating and tracking the
proper documentation about the change and filing the appropriate documents within the
project records.
Configuration Management
The EHR database project revolves around the implementation of a newly developed system
that allows the sharing of patient information in a real time environment between multiple
facilities. The technology involved will require system updates and network maintenance on a
continuous basis. Cost savings and profitability of the Aurora Healthcare system will be visible
through the use of the shared database in part due to the ability of the database to save time and
effort for both facility employees and patients. The elimination of paper files will increase
accuracy in patient data and will reduce the risk of losing patient information as well as increase
security over patient records. In order for the system to continue to provide value to Aurora
Healthcare, BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC has created a Configuration
Management Plan.
BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC will be working with the project team responsible
for creating the database in order to establish configuration controls and management items. A
configuration control board will be created to ensure proper configuration management is kept
and the new system is fully functioning after the implementation phase. The board will be
composed of the following:
 Aurora Healthcare
 I-Tech Medical Consortium
 BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC
 System Developer
 System Administrator
Configuration items the team will be responsible for are as follows: full system implementation,
direct user and administrator support, data backup and storage, and network support. Software
BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC
testing will be done by the project team and any changes that are suggested will go through the
process for change control covered earlier in this document.
A maintenance schedule will be designed to ensure proper functionality of the system is
maintained. As part of the maintenance schedule, a test scenario will be developed to ensure
proper application of the software is contingent. The test scenario will include system checks
that shall remain fully functional throughout the lifetime of the database such as: updating
existing information, creating a new patient file, adding data to an existing file, changes in
insurance, pharmacy, and history.
The EHR database will allow the end user to access the data on the database system they
require to perform individual functions within the facility. It will make the database available
for different logical views required by the end users and increase healthcare provider efficiency.
The levels of clearance will be based on the users job position, title, and job function. As part of
the security effort, each clearance level will be monitored per established regulations. User
clearance is as follows:
Job Function
Systems Administrator
Systems maintenance
All levels of access granted.
Oversees facility operations
All level of access, no back end
data changes.
Provides services to patients
Patients’ records,
editing/updating, changing
select fields.
Initial consultations with
View only patient history and
all other records.
Quality Management Plan
A well designed database and information policy will ensure the needs of Aurora Healthcare are
met. BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC will work closely with the software
development group to oversee processes for data management and quality. BAMP Professional
BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC
Management Group, LLC’s metrics for quality will revolve around the implementation of the
EHR database, within which quality measures and processes will be established.
The metrics through which BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC will be fulfilling its
quality standards are as follows:
 Schedule
o System implementation has been achieved within scheduled time.
 Cost
o Project has been kept within established budget.
 Performance
o System is in working order, installed without glitch and meets Aurora
Healthcare’s requirements.
 Customer Satisfaction
o Aurora Healthcare staff feels confident in their ability to use the system.
Continuous process improvements will be developed during the implementation of the new
patient database which will analyze items such as ensuring data quality and internal database
administration. In order to provide high quality service to its patients, Aurora Healthcare will be
responsible for ensuring any data transferred to the new patient records database is reliable and
accurate. BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC will implement a quality audit team to
ensure duplicate and inaccurate data is removed.
Communication Plan
All communications between stakeholders and project management teams will be documented
in order to maintain the integrity of the project. Communications planning will be handled by
the Project Managers at BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC. Communication actions
will be outlined in the work breakdown structure and will begin with a detailed project
proposal. The project manager will ensure all stakeholders, as well as any party involved in the
project, is informed of any relevant information.
The communication plan will be revised at the beginning of each milestone and phase and will
be adjusted to the project needs. Feedback will be analyzed and used to improve the
BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC
communication plan. All communication will be stored for use in case of legal action,
misinterpretations and if applicable future projects.
The project team leaders are responsible for reporting all project performance to the project
manager. Specific measurements, metrics, and standards are to be developed in accordance with
the Quality Management Plan. The project manager, in consultation with the team leaders and
the Quality Manager, will determine who is to collect, assemble, and report on each performance
objective. Performance reporting shall be carried out as described in the Stakeholder
Communications Chart (Table 3.1). Any change requests resulting from performance
measurement will require that form be completed and reported in accordance with procedures
described separately.
Reporting of project results is through the team leaders to the project manager. The project
manager is the only person authorized to release information related to milestones or phase
completion. Results are to be distributed in accordance with the Stakeholders Communications
Table 3.1 can be found in Appendix B.
BAMP Professional Management Group, LLC
Table 1.1 - Phase/Process Breakdown
Pg. 7-9
Table 2.1 - Change Management Form
Pg. 10-15
Table 3.1 - Stakeholder Communication Chart
Pg. 16-18