Proven Adopting RFP Questions 16/17

2016-17 Proven Practices: Adopting Faculty RFP Questions
Course Information Section:
1. Campus Coordinator Name:
2. Name of Faculty:
3. Position: [drop down menu: Tenured faculty, Tenure-track faculty, Full-time lecturer,
Part-time lecturer]
4. Faculty CAMPUS E-mail:
5. Faculty Phone Number:
6. Full Name of Course:
7. Course Abbreviation (e.g., CHEM 101):
8. Number of Course Units:
9. Catalog Description:
10. Is this course a state-funded course?
11. How many students received repeatable grades in 2014-15 (i.e., D, F, W)?
a. Optional Comments or Context:
12. What percentage of students received repeatable grades in 2014-2015 (i.e., D, F, W)?
a. Optional Comments or Context:
Proposal Questions:
1. Have you participated in another Course Redesign with Technology (CRT) Program?
a. If yes, which academic year(s):
b. If yes, select which program(s): [check box: Proven Adopting, Promising, Quality
Assurance, Virtual Labs, Sustaining Success (multiple may apply)]
c. If yes, please supply the URL(s) for your ePortfolio(s).
i. Only generate 10c if submitter selects, Proven Adopting, Promising,
and/or Virtual Labs.
2. Has this course already been redesigned at your campus through a previous Course
Redesign with Technology Project? (Only courses that have not been previously
redesigned through a CRT grant are eligible for funding.)
3. How many sections of the proposed course were taught in Fall 2015?
4. What was the total enrollment in (all sections) for Fall 2015?
5. How many sections of this proposed course are being taught in Winter 2016 (appears
for Quarter campuses only)?
6. What is the total enrollment in (all sections) for Winter 2016 (Quarter campuses only)?
7. How many sections of this proposed course are being taught in Spring 2016 (Semester
campuses only)?
8. What is the total enrollment in (all sections) for Spring 2016 (Semester campuses only)?
9. When do you plan to redesign the course? These courses must be redesigned during the
2016-2017 Academic Year. [drop down menu: Fall 2016, Winter 2017, Spring 2017]
10. When do you plan to first offer the redesigned course? These courses must be offered
during the 2016-2017 Academic Year. [drop down menu: Winter 2017, Spring 2017]
11. How many seats will be available in each redesigned section?
12. In comparison to non-redesigned sections of this course, are these sections:
13. Briefly describe why this course needs to be redesigned. What are the bottleneck issues
in your course?
14. Is this course on the list of high-demand low-success courses (please select the course)?
15. Describe current student readiness, in addition to any curriculum and pedagogical
barriers to student success that the redesigned course will address.
16. Describe how the course redesign will be institutionalized (by ensuring the instructional
strategies are sustained with changes in course and instructor).
17. How will you track success of the redesigned course against previously taught sections,
or vs. non-redesigned sections? Please discuss assessment strategies and/or whether
Institutional Research will be involved.
18. As a result of redesigning, what percentage improvement do you anticipate in
repeatable grades (D, F, W)?
19. Will more seats will be available because of this course redesign?
20. What Supplemental Instruction (SI) services are required, if any?
21. Describe strategies you will use to reduce the cost of required student course materials?
22. Will this course also support a quarter-to-semester conversion redesign?
Commitment Questions:
1. Do you commit to working with CSU Chancellor's Office to engage in the Professional
Learning Community, which includes biweekly online webinars and archives, for the
redesigned course throughout the academic year?
a. If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
2. Do you commit to assessing and improving the accessibility of the instructional
materials in your course redesign?
a. If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
3. Do you agree to follow acceptable use policies for adopting the promising practices
including copyrighted information, fair use of content, and applying a Creative
Commons license to the faculty created information?
a. If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
4. Do you commit to aligning Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and assessment strategies
to provide evidence of improving student academic performance while maintaining
quality of instruction?
a. If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
5. Do you commit to creating a teaching e-portfolio that documents the content and
pedagogical practices, reflections and findings, student learning outcomes, and
assessment results?
a. If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
6. Do you agree to inform students, in the course syllabus, that they will be surveyed by
the Chancellor’s office about the course?
a. If maybe selected, open a [comment box]
7. Do you commit to participating in the Chancellor's Office Summer Institute for Course
Redesign (the week of June 20-24, 2016)? Location TBD and will require travel
somewhere within California.
Budget Questions:
The total award amount is typically no more than $20K which includes the following categories.
1. Release Time amount requested (automated):
Note: assigned time is awarded only to the faculty member teaching the redesigned
2. Instructional Support/Teaching Assistant/Supplemental Instruction funding request
(capped at $4,000):
a. Provide a detailed description of the type and cost of Instructional/Supplemental
Instruction support needed (this area should include SI Leaders, Teaching
Assistants, Graduate Assistants, student mentors, tutors, course coordinators,
and additional faculty participants, as appropriate).
3. Technology Support (capped at $6,000)
a. Hardware/Software Expenses:
i. Informational: No desktops or laptops will be purchased as part of the
course redesign funding. Also note there are system-wide software
licenses listed here. [hyperlink the word ‘here’:]
ii. Provide a detailed description of the type and cost of technology needed
that are specific to the redesigned course:
b. Indicate if you are planning to develop or use online videos in your course
i. According to the accessibility guidelines, videos should be captioned. If
you do not have campus resources to provide captioning, the
Chancellor’s Office CRT team can work with you to get your noncommercial videos captioned. If you need assistance with captioning,
please estimate how many minutes of video you need captioned for this
course. At a rate of $0.62/minute of video, what is your captioning
budget request?
Maximum funding is $1,000 or 1,600 minutes.
ii. Do you plan to develop affordable electronic learning materials for
Note: The CSU can use this tool to provide a complimentary 2-year
license of SoftChalk Cloud to faculty who would like to develop affordable
learning materials. The Chancellor’s Office will follow up with you for
licensing and training.
c. What other technology support are you requesting? Give detailed explanation of
budget request and rationale for the course redesign.
ii. Amount of budget request:
iii. Detailed Explanation:
4. Management and Technology-related Staff Costs (capped at $6000)
a. Provide a detailed description of the necessary staff costs for management and
technology support that are specific to the redesigned course:
b. Informational: during the grant period, the Chancellor’s Office support makes
start-up easier, but in the short and long term, the institution needs to commit
to the necessary staffing and infrastructure to support the ongoing success of
this project.
NOTE: Submission of this proposal signifies that your campus will take on the technical support
and services needed to sustain the course redesign technologies and funded software and
Administration Submission Approval:
The approvals listed below indicate that this proposal is endorsed as a valuable and important
effort on behalf of the faculty member toward teaching effectiveness and greater student
success in their courses.
● Department Chair Name:
● Chair E-mail:
● Dean Name:
● Dean E-mail:
● Provost Name:
● Provost E-mail: