Classes 5/6 and 61, MONTH 2013/2014 Focus OVERALL EXPECTATIONS o to explore art planning beginning with Thumbnail sketches o to create a variety of drawings in contour including those of unrecognizable objects such as popcorn and crumpled paper, paper bag o draw and shade geometric solids, review one point perspective o to exaggerate drawing the proportions of the face and create a wire line portrait sculpture after looking at works by artists such as Pablo Picasso and Alexander Caulder o Draw a pumpkin still life in both contour and shading with a light source Making a Seasonal Card o Use a choice of media to create a mixed media Seasonal Card COLOUR: Exploration, the tertiary colour wheel grade 6, the 6 section colour wheel grade 5, radial balance o Creating a design based tertiary colour wheel o Creating wet chalk drawings and tempera Batik o Recognize and apply the concept that colour can be used expressively o o DRAWING September October November December LONG RANGE PLANS for Ms. Davies Drawing in line, contour drawing and drawing to create the illusion of 3 dimension A continuation of the big ideas from September NORVAL MORRISEAU RESOURCES o o o teacher demonstrations looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work o o 5 steps to Shading model for self reflection o Introduce personal reflection of artwork o o o o teacher demonstrations looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work self reflection characteristics of the Woodland School of Art o How to Critique Artwork model recognizing the use of the Elements and Principles of Design in the art work of others o teacher demonstrations o looking at both student and professional art examples o studio creative work January February March BALANCE-creating Different Types of Symmetry CLAY EXPLORATION PRINTMAKING o formal and informal balance with Japanese Notan designs o create a portrait in pastel u o o o teacher demonstrations o looking at both student and professional art examples o studio creative work working with form, experimenting with surface texture o teacher demonstrations glazing or painting clay o looking at both student and professional art examples o creating a personal stamp o o studio creative work teacher demonstrations o Styrofoam printmaking o looking at both student and professional art examples create Optical Illusion art o o studio creative work teacher demonstrations o looking at both student and professional art examples, Bridget Riiey, Vasarely, etc. studio creative work o April MOVEMENT IN ART OP ART o May o To Be Determined o June o To Be Determined o GRADE: 7 LONG RANGE PLANS for Ms. Davies MONTH Focus DRAWING:Drawing/Value/Gradation to create contrast /2 sides of an issue September OVERALL EXPECTATIONS o two point perspective Cityscape or Fantasy Drawing showing two opposing sides of an issue o create a watercolour background on a square, layout/print a repeated images showing radial balance o pumpkin still life showing naturalistic colour shading with a light source o Use a choice of media to create a mixed media Seasonal Card Drawing/Value/Gradation to create the illusion of 3 dimensions PRINTMAKING Radial Balance October Continuation from September CREATE A SEASONAL CARD PAINTING PUMPKINS Year at a Glance RESOURCES o o o o o teacher demonstrations looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work model for self reflection steps to creating depth in a drawing (eg. perspective lines, atmospheric perspective, placement on the picture plane, etc.) o o o o model a personal reflection teacher demonstrations look at both student and professional art examples studio creative work November December January o contour drawings o gesture drawings FIGURE PROPORTION o human proportion PRINTMAKING o look at the work by Canadian artist Michael Snow, in particular his Walking Woman series o students create a repeated figure print in Speedy Cut and again with a stencil method o create a wire and foil figure in action sculpture o look at work by Pop artist Keith Haring,tissue collage create a co-operative Keith Haring figure mixed media artwork WIRE AND FOIL FIGURE IN ACTION SCULPTURE GROUP OF SEVEN LANDSCAPE February CUBIST CARTOON CHARACTER o o look at the artwork by The Group Of Seven o experiment with painting techniques to achieve different textures and effects o create a Group of Seven inspired landscape painting o o look at the art work by Pablo Picasso Discuss VALUE o o o o teacher demonstrations looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work use model for self reflection o o o o o teacher demonstrations looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work model for self reflection o o o teacher demonstrations looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work o o o teacher demonstrations looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work March o Combined creature o o o o teacher demonstrations looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work o Review colour schemes. Students draw/paint a bike close up using a variety of Analogous colour schemes o o o o teacher demonstrations looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work o Grid Celebrity Drawing o o o teacher demonstrations looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work o Create a personal T-Shirt using Silkscreen o o o o teacher demonstrations looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work CLAY April COLOUR THEORY/PAINTING WAYS OF ABSTRACTION May DRAWING AND THE CONCEPT OF SCALE June Scratchboard/Silkscreeen GRADE: 8 MONTH September Year at a Glance Focus Drawing /Creating the Illusion of Texture/Movement OVERALL EXPECTATIONS o experiment with pen and ink and gel pen o co-operative quilt square o create gradation of value with hatching, cross hatching and stippling o two point perspective fonts/lettering o intensity of colour o absence of colour and focal point o Use a choice of media to create a mixed media Seasonal Card Gradation of Value COLOUR THEORY October NON REPRESENTATIONAL ARTWORK RESOURCES o o o o o o o o teacher demonstrations looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work model for self reflection teacher demonstrations looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work self reflection CREATE A SEASONAL CARD November PAINTING o The Pop Art Movement and Andy Warhol December Looking at Art still life of canned/dried food to be donated to food bank afterwards o o o o o look at the work of a variety of artists o o select two or more styles or images they like and do research on the art and artists o o o PLASTER MASK IN THE STYLE OF A FAMOUS ARTIST teacher demonstrations looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work self reflection looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work self reflection o January create a body cast of arm, face, or leg/foot to collage expressing an emotion tying it in to feeling towards an issue/concern of interest to the student o create a print showing implied texture o GEORGE SEGAL o March o o Magazine Collage May SILKSCREEN T-SHIRTS o o o looking at both student and professional art examples studio creative work self reflection looking at both student and professionsl art examples studio creative work self reflection o o look at examples of texture both real and implied studio creative work self reflection create a magazine collage on a theme or to relay a message compositional strategies such as Rule of Thirds or Compositional Triangles o o o look at examples studio work self reflection plan and create a stencil for silkscreen o Show examples of professional PRINTMAKING April o o o CLAY-TEA POT CHALLENGE o February create a teapot that functions and takes on a unique form with an interesting contrast of textures artists such as Andy Warhol who have worked in silkscreen o June SILKSCREEN T-SHIRTS o Continue with Silkscreen/assist with graduation artwork o