The New Daddy Book - Minnesota Fathers & Families Network

October 31, 2014
Daddy Book Revision – Donations Needed
The Minnesota Fathers & Families Network (MFFN), under the guidance of
Dr. Glen Palm, is revising its successful “how to” publication on father
involvement and infancy, The Daddy Book.
Research shows that
early healthy father
involvement results in
long-term positive
outcomes for children
The Daddy Book fills a unique need in the arena of promoting healthy
father-child relationships. Research shows that if fathers get involved with
their children starting at infancy, they are more likely to stay positively
involved in their children’s lives, no matter what happens with their
relationship with the child’s mother. Research also shows that early healthy
father involvement results in long-term positive outcomes for children.
We need help in raising our goal of $4500 before December 31st to print the
revised Daddy Book. Individuals and organizations that recognize this
critical time in the development of father-child attachment are asked to
donate $100 or more to make this project a reality.
Checks can be made payable to MFFN, with The Daddy Book in the
notation, and sent to: MFFN, 3109 W 50th St. #134, Minneapolis MN 55410
History of The Daddy Book
One of the program supports MFFN has offered since 2008 is distribution of
The Daddy Book to new fathers of infants. It is available for download on
our website at
Dr. Glen Palm and colleagues working with the Dads Project of ISD 742 in
St. Cloud created the content for The Daddy Book. One of the problems in
providing parenting information to fathers is that most parenting materials
are written for and marketed to mothers. The Daddy Book addressed this
need by engaging fathers based on men’s tendencies to be interested in
connecting to their babies through interactive play and toys, engaging in
experiments with babies to understand their capabilities, and exploring
changes in couple and family relationship patterns. The first materials were
designed to be distributed in a short booklet and individual handouts used in
a class for fathers and newborns. In 2008, the Brainerd Lakes Area Early
Childhood Coalition, in conjunction with MFFN and the Initiative
Foundation, redesigned and published the material as The Daddy Book.
The Daddy Book has been widely distributed to various programs
throughout Minnesota via MFFN, and has nearly depleted our supply form
the original printing of 1,800. Examples of distribution are:
 In the Brainerd Lakes Area, it is distributed at Boot Camp for New
Dads at the Essentia Health-St. Joseph’s Medical Center. Crow Wing
County Social Services gives it to families receiving supportive
services. Crow Wing Public Health uses it in home visits, and in their
parent survey program. At the Crow Wing County Jail, The Daddy
Book is used in parent education classes. Brainerd Early Childhood
Family Education (ECFE) and Tri-County Community Action (TCC)
Head Start also participate in the local distribution network.
 DREAM for Kids of Big Stone County is a child abuse prevention
group that purchased a large supply of The Daddy Book as a way of
expanding its connection with fathers across the county. The Daddy
Book is distributed as part of a Daddy Pack, which is being given to
fathers of all babies born in Big Stone County in 2014.
 In St. Cloud, The Daddy Book has been distributed through the
Greater St. Cloud Area Thrive Initiative collaborative, through local
ECFE programs, to inmates of the St. Cloud Correctional Facility, and
at the annual community Celebration of Fatherhood.
The New Daddy Book
It is time to update the publication with current research and improved
graphics. The third generation of The Daddy Book will build on the initial
principles of designing the content to be focused on fathers and their
approaches to learning about and connecting to their babies. The revised
content will incorporate;
 Recent research on infant brain development
 New understanding about father-infant attachment dynamics and bio
behavioral changes in fathers
 New research on couples and family system dynamics during the
transition to parenting
 Use of video technology in helping fathers to develop sensitivity and
enhance synchrony
In addition, with the next generation of this resource we will explore the use
of supplements or a web presence to address unique interests and needs of
diverse groups of fathers. Examples include: unmarried fathers and legal
issues, teen fathers and developmental challenges, and immigrant and
minority fathers and cultural values.
Phase one of this new project will involve the research and writing, new
design, and reprinting of The Daddy Book. Phase two of the project will
involve a) hosting focus groups to identify specific needs and determine
interest in various media formats and b) hiring the necessary contractors to
produce interactive software applications and/or revised print formats.
Our initial budget expense total for phase one of The New Daddy Book is
$7,750. $2,000 of this amount supports the cost of text revisions, $1,250 for
the costs of layout and design, and $4,500 for reprinting. MFFN is seeking
donations from individuals and supporting organizations to support $4,500
of the total expense.
Questions regarding the revised Daddy Book project can be directed to
Lowell Johnson, 218-828-6233, or or Glen
Palm 320-420-0348 or