
Homework assignment # 2 (due October 9, 2014 at 5:30 pm)
Develop and document your preliminary search strategy
Search date: October 5, 2014
Search string: ("diabetes mellitus, type 2"[MeSH Terms] OR adult onset diabetes
mellitus[Text Word]) AND ( “internet” OR “smartphone” OR “mhealth” OR “mobile
health” OR “web based” OR “ehealth” OR “telehealth” OR (“telemedicine”[Mesh]))
AND “intervention” AND (“adult” OR “adults”)
Database searched: Pubmed
Any filters: None
The number of results retrived from the search: 74
The number of results immediately discarded: 4
The number discarded after checked against inclusion/exclusion criteria:5
The # of results leftover for inclusion: 64
Establish your preliminary inclusion and exclusion criteria. Using the preliminary study edibility
criteria, screen first 10 abstracts and document the screening results using the following table.
Table Eligibility Criteria and Abstract Screening
Eligibility Criteria
Intervention or Exposure
Glasgow, Russell E., Deanna
Kurz, Diane King, Jennifer M.
Dickman, Andrew J. Faber,
Eve Halterman, Tim Wooley
et al. "Outcomes of minimal
and moderate support versions
of an internet-based diabetes
self-management support
program." Journal of general
Study Design
Other (specify)
Eligible? (yes, no, or unsure)
Adults with Type II Diabetes
Web based intervention
focusing on behavior change
and\or lifestyle change
Behavioral change including
dietary change, physical
activity level, improved
glucose monitoring,
improved medication
compliance, etc.
RCT, pre-post comparison
If not eligible, what is the
major reason for rejection?
internal medicine 25, no. 12
(2010): 1315-1322.
Sperl-Hillen, JoAnn, Patrick J.
O’Connor, Heidi L. Ekstrom,
William A. Rush, Stephen E.
Asche, Omar D. Fernandes,
Deepika Apana, Gerald H.
Amundson, Paul E. Johnson,
and Debra M. Curran.
"Educating Resident
Physicians Using Virtual
Case-Based Simulation
Improves Diabetes
Management: A Randomized
Controlled Trial." Academic
medicine: journal of the
Association of American
Medical Colleges (2014).
Population is physicians not
adult patients with Type II
Huang, Jeannie S., Laura
Terrones, Trevor Tompane,
Lindsay Dillon, Mark Pian,
Michael Gottschalk, Gregory
J. Norman, and L. Kay
Bartholomew. "Preparing
adolescents with chronic
disease for transition to adult
care: a technology
program." Pediatrics 133, no.
6 (2014): e1639-e1646.
Adolescent patients
transition not adult patients
van Vugt, Michael, Maartje de
Wit, Steven H. Hendriks,
Yvonne Roelofsen, Henk JG
Bilo, and Frank J. Snoek.
"Web-based self-management
with and without coaching for
type 2 diabetes patients in
primary care: design of a
randomized controlled
trial." BMC endocrine
disorders 13, no. 1 (2013): 53.
Control group also received
web based intervention
McKay, H. Garth, Diane King, Yes
Elizabeth G. Eakin, John R.
Seeley, and Russell E.
Glasgow. "The Diabetes
Network Internet-Based
Physical Activity Intervention
A randomized pilot
study." Diabetes care 24, no.
8 (2001): 1328-1334.
Moussa, Mahaman, Dennis
Sherrod, and Jeungok Choi.
"An e‐ health intervention for
increasing diabetes knowledge
in African
journal of nursing practice 19,
no. S3 (2013): 36-43.
Richardson, Caroline R.,
Kathleen S. Mehari, Laura G.
McIntyre, Adrienne W.
Janney, Laurie A. Fortlage,
Ananda Sen, Victor J.
Strecher, and John D. Piette.
"A randomized trial
comparing structured and
lifestyle goals in an internetmediated walking program for
people with type 2
diabetes." International
journal of behavioral nutrition
and physical activity 4, no. 1
(2007): 59.
Frost, Julia, Rob Anderson,
Catherine Argyle, Mark Daly,
Faith Harris-Golesworthy, Jim
Harris, Andy Gibson et al. "A
pilot randomised controlled
trial of a preconsultation webbased intervention to improve
the care quality and clinical
outcomes of diabetes
outpatients (DIAT)." BMJ
open 3, no. 7 (2013).
Carter, Ernest L., Gail Nunlee- Yes
Bland, and Clive Callender.
Patients had type 1 or type 2
"A patient-centric, providerassisted diabetes telehealth
self-management intervention
for urban
minorities." Perspectives in
Health Information
American Health Information
Management Association 8,
no. Winter (2011).
Reininger, Belinda, Laurel
Person Mecca, Kendra M.
Stine, Kevan Schultz, Luke
Ling, and David Halpern. "A
Type 2 Diabetes Prevention
Website for African
Americans, Caucasians, and
Mexican Americans:
Formative Evaluation." JMIR
research protocols 2, no. 2
Study Design does not fulfill
inclusion criteria