Bites and Stings Test


Ch-19 Bites and Stings Test

1. About 80 percent of all animal-bite injuries in the United States are due to:

A) cats

B) dogs

C) hamsters

D) ferrets


Special concerns resulting from a dog attack to the face are:

A) copious bleeding

B) disfigurement and scarring

C) complete or partial loss of an eye

D) all of the above


Which animal bite may pose a risk for rabies?

A) rattlesnake

B) iguana

C) raccoon

D) all of the above


The virus causing rabies is usually spread through:

A) infected saliva

B) infected air

C) infected feces

D) all of the above


Which animal is least likely to carry rabies?

A) dog

B) skunk

C) raccoon

D) bat


Which animal is a high-risk species for carrying rabies?

A) skunk

B) raccoon

C) bat

D) all of the above


Which bite has the greatest likelihood of becoming infected?

A) dog

B) cat

C) human

D) snake


Which type of human bite occurs when the victim cuts his or her fist on another person's teeth?

A) tooth bite

B) true bite

C) fight bite

D) clenched-fist injury


First aid for human bites includes which of the following?

A) wash the wound for 5 to 10 minutes with soap and water

B) apply an antiseptic solution

C) seek medical attention

D) all of the above


Which type of snake is responsible for most venomous snakebites in the United States?

A) coral

B) rattlesnake

C) water moccasin

D) copperhead


Which of the following snakes are pit vipers?

A) rattlesnake

B) copperhead

C) water moccasin

D) all of the above


A triangular, flat head wider than the neck, elliptical pupils, and a heat-sensitive pit between the eye and nostril are all characteristics of:

A) coral snakes

B) cobra snakes

C) king snakes

D) pit viper snakes


The first step in caring for the victim of snakebite is to:

A) keep the victim quiet

B) cut and suck the venom out

C) get away from the snake

D) wash the area with soap and water


Antivenom must be given within ____ of the snakebite.

A) 30 minutes

B) 1 hour

C) 4 hours

D) 12 hours


America's most poisonous snake is the:

A) cobra

B) coral

C) rattlesnake

D) king


What shape of wound do nonpoisonous snakes leave?

A) 1 or 2 fang marks

B) a scratchlike wound

C) a horseshoe-shaped wound

D) numerous puncture wounds


First aid for nonpoisonous snakebites includes which of the following?

A) wash the area with soap and water and seek medical attention

B) wash the area with rubbing alcohol and seek medical attention

C) apply the Extractor and seek medical attention

D) all of the above


Which of the following insects leaves its stinger behind in the skin?

A) wasp

B) honeybee

C) yellow jacket

D) all of the above


Anaphylactic reactions generally happen within ____ after the sting.

A) 1 to 2 minutes

B) 5 to 10 minutes

C) 30 to 45 minutes

D) a few minutes to 1 hour


Worrisome reactions to insect stings include:

A) hives

B) swelling of lips or tongue

C) wheezing

D) all of the above


Which spider has a characteristic red spot on the abdomen?

A) black widow

B) brown recluse

C) tarantula

D) aggressive house spider


What characteristic identifies a female black widow spider?

A) red spot on abdomen

B) bites humans

C) very large size

D) all of the above


Which spider bite will result in a blister developing within 48 to 72 hours after the bite?

A) black widow

B) brown recluse

C) tarantula

D) aggressive house spider


Which of the following are signs and symptoms of a brown recluse spider bite?

A) ulcer formation at the bite site

B) severe muscle pain

C) heavy sweating

D) faint bite mark
