Sponge Lab - Merrillville Community School

Zoology – Sponge Lab
This lab is a slight modification from the Perry and Morton Biology Laboratory Manual, Exercise 22 – Sponges and
Cniderians, beginning on page 285 in the lab manual. Follow the procedures in the lab book using the specimens listed
Procedure A. Class Calcarea: Calcareous sponges
Part 1. Use a dissecting scope with a whole mount slide of Grantia. Sketch and label (osculum, pores, spicules)
Part 2. Use a compound microscope and a prepared slide of Grantia Spicules. Sketch a few spicules to show their shape
Part 3. Use a compound microscope and a prepared slide of Scypha (ls). Sketch and label (incurrent canal,
spongeocoel, choanocytes). Also trace the flow of water by drawing arrows to represent the direction of water flow. Also
observe a prepared slide of Grantia choanocytes. Observe and sketch choanocytes under high power. Label the collar
and the flagellum.
Procedure B. Class Demospongiae: Commercial and Freshwater Sponges
Part 1. Observe samples of commercial sponges, both with and without the dissecting microscope. Note the
arrangement of pores and the texture of the spongin.
Part 2. Observe (if available) a living freshwater sponge specimen. Observe the structure of the sponge and note the
presence of gemmules.
Do the prelab questions #1-5 on page 297 and the postlab questions 1-5 on page 299
Grantia Whole Mount
Grantia Spicules
Scypha (ls)
Grantia Choanocytes
Prelab Questions (p. 297 #1-5)
Which of the following is characteristic of animals?
a. heterotrophy
b. autotrophy
c. photosynthesis
Sponges are atypical animals because they
a. reproduce asexually
c. lack definite tissues
b. are sessile as adults
d. lack a head region
The skeleton of a typical sponge is composed of
a. bones
b. cartilage
c. spicules
d. scales
Many sponges produce both eggs and sperm and thus are
a. monoecious
b. dioecious
c. hermaphroditic
d. a and c
Freshwater sponges reproduce asexually by forming resistant internal buds called
a. spicules
b. larvae
c. ovaries
d. gemmules
Postlab Questions (p.299 #1-5)
List 6 characteristics of the animal kingdom
d. b and c
Describe 3 ways that sponges reproduce
Identify the illustration
Define cell specialization and indicate how
sponges exhibit this phenomenon
How do the 3 body types of sponges differ from
each other