English 9 Day 1 Vocabulary List From “Lamb to the Slaughter” 1. placid Part of speech Definition adjective pleasantly calm or peaceful; unruffled; tranquil; serenely quiet or undisturbed Etymological from L. placidus "pleasing, gentle," from placere "to be acceptable, be liked, be root approved," related to placare "to soothe, quiet," other words from same root please, placate, pleasure 2. precinct Part of speech Definition noun a district, as of a city, marked out for governmental or administrative purposes, or for police protection. Etymological from L. præcingere "to gird about, surround," from præ- "before" + cingere "to root surround, encircle" other words from same root cinch, succinct 3. congeal Part of speech Definition verb to change from a soft or fluid state to a rigid or solid state, as by cooling or freezing Etymological from L. congelare "to freeze together," from com- "together" + gelare "to freeze," root other words gel, gelato, gelatin from same root 4. tranquil Part of speech Definition adjective free from commotion or tumult; peaceful; quiet; calm Etymological L. tranquillus "quiet" root other words quiet, quiescent (at rest), acquiesce (agree peacefully) from same root 5. hospitality Part of speech Definition noun the friendly reception and treatment of guests or strangers. Etymological from L. hospitalitem "friendliness to guests," from hospes (gen. hospitis) "guest" root other words host, hospital, hostel, hospitable from same root From “The Interlopers” 6. plight Part of speech Definition Etymological root other words from same root noun a condition, state, or situation, especially an unfavorable or unfortunate one from Old English pliht “to endanger or put at risk” play, pledge 7. ambush Part of speech Definition noun an act or instance of attacking unexpectedly from a concealed position. Etymological from O.Fr. en- "in" + busch "wood," root other words bush, bushes from same root 8. interloper Part of speech Definition noun a person who interferes or meddles in the affairs of others; a person who intrudes into a region or field. Etymological “inter” = between + Middle English lepen, Old English hlēapan to leap, run; root other words from same root Leap, lope, elope 9. reconciliation Part of speech Definition noun bringing into agreement or harmony; making compatible or consistent; winning over to friendliness Etymological from L. re- = “again” + conciliatus, "to bring together, unite in feelings, make friendly," root other words from same root council, counsel, counsellor 10. precipitous Part of speech Definition Etymological root other words from same root adjective extremely or impassably steep: from L. præcipitare "to throw or cast down headlong," precipitation, precipice From Cat’s Eye: 11. euphoria Part of speech Definition Etymological root other words from same root noun a state of intense happiness and self-confidence: from Gk. euphoros, lit. "bearing well," from eu- "well" + pherein "to carry" phor, fer (to carry): infer, metaphor eu (good, well): euphony, euphemism, euthanasia 12. quavery Part of speech Definition Etymological root other words from same root ajdective shaking tremulously; quivering or trembling From M.E.: blend of quake and waver quake, earthquake, 13. lethargy Part of speech Definition Etymological root other words from same root Noun the quality or state of being drowsy and dull, listless and unenergetic from Gk. lethargos "forgetful," originally "inactive through forgetfulness, from lethe "forgetfulness" + argos "idle." latent, lethargic 14. silhouette Part of speech Definition noun the outline or general shape of something, especially a dark image against a light background Etymological from Fr. silhouette, in allusion to Étienne de Silhouette (1709-67), Fr. minister of root finance in 1759. Usually said to be so called because it was an inexpensive way of making a likeness of someone, a derisive reference to Silhouette's petty economies to finance the Seven Years' War, which were unpopular among the nobility. But other theories are that it refers to his other words from same root brief tenure in office, or the story that he decorated his chateau with such portraits. No root in language = no family words. 15. warily Part of speech Definition adverb In a watchful, careful way; being on one's guard against danger. Etymological O.E. warian "to guard against," (cf. O.Fris. waria, O.N. vara); related to O.E. wær "aware" root other words beware, aware from same root “Long, Long After School” words 16. alumni Part of speech Definition noun graduates or former students of a specific school, college, or university. Etymological from L. "a pupil," lit. "foster son," from alere "to nourish" root other words alumni is a plural noun. The singular form is alumnus from same root 17. coax Part of speech Definition Etymological root other words from same root verb to attempt to influence by gentle persuasion, flattery, etc. originally in slang phrase to make a coax of, from earlier noun coax, cox, cokes "a fool, ninny, simpleton" 18. incongruous Part of adjective speech out of place; inappropriate; Definition Etymological From L. in = “not” + con = “together” + gruere + “to fall” root Literally, “not falling together” other words congruent from same root 19. legislate Part of speech Definition Etymological root other words from same root verb to make or enact laws; to control by the use of laws from L. legis = law legal, law, legislature 20. unheralded Part of speech Definition adjective appearing without fanfare, publicity, or advance acclaim; not previously announced, notified, or expected Etymological herald means to give news or tidings of; announce; proclaim root Old French herau *heri army + *wald commander other words from same root “Blue Bead” words 21. nuisance Part of speech Definition noun a person or thing that causes annoyance or bother Etymological from L. nuire "to harm or to hurt" root other words noxious, obnoxious, innocent (“not hurting”), innocuous, from same root 22. putrid Part of speech Definition adjective in a state of foul decay or decomposition; rotten. Etymological from L. putrere "to rot," root other words putrefaction from same root 23. antediluvian Part of speech Definition Etymological root other words from same root adjective very old, old-fashioned, or out of date; antiquated; primitive "before Noah's flood," from L. ante- "before" + diluvium "a flood" many words use ante- as a prefix deluge, dilute. (luv- or lav- means “to wash” lavatory, latrine, lather) 24. dislodge Part of speech Definition Etymological root other words from same root verb to remove or force out of a particular place: from O.Fr. des- “do the opposite” + loge "hut, cabin, shelter” literally, “to remove from shelter” lodge (hotel) 25. juggernaut Part of speech Definition noun any large, overpowering, destructive force or object Etymological fr. Hindi Jagannāth “ lord of the world” (i.e., the god Vishnu or Krishna), root equivalent to jagat world + nātha lord Devotees of the god are said to have thrown themselves under the wheels to be crushed to death in their frenzies of devotion other words from same root Part of speech Definition Etymological root other words from same root