Setting Request for Education Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment. PLEASE READ THE GUIDANCE AND CRITERIA DOCUMENT FOR EDUCATION, HEALTH AND CARE NEEDS ASSESSMENTS REQUESTS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM. If an EHC Needs Assessment is initiated this form will constitute all or part of the educational advice and will be shared with other agencies as appropriate. It is the schools/settings responsibility to obtain permission from relevant professionals when including additional evidence. DETAILS OF CHILD/YOUNG PERSON FOR WHOM ASSESSMENT IS BEING REQUESTED: First Name: Surname: Previous names (if applicable): Gender: Male Female (please circle) Date of birth: Address: Name of all parent/carers with parental responsibility: Parent/carer address and contact details (if different from above). Please ensure a contact number or email for parent/carer is included. Is child/young person currently looked after? If yes please include which authority. Ethnic origin: Child’s first language: Parent’s first language: Details of any special requirements which may be necessary to support communication with parent/carer (i.e. interpretation/signing). Yes Local authority (where applicable): School details: School child/young person is currently attending: May 2015. No Previous setting (where transfer has occurred in the last year): School year group: Personalised approach: What are the views, wishes and feelings of the child/young person: (Hint – you might find it helpful to compile a One Page Profile or similar document to record these details. A One Page Profile captures all the important information about a young person on a single sheet of paper under 3 simple headings – ‘what people appreciate about me’, ‘what’s important to me’ and ‘how best to support me’. For further information on One Page Profiles please refer to SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS: In which areas is the child experiencing significant need? Main Need (tick one only) Other Needs (as appropriate) Communication/Interaction Cognition/Learning Social, Emotional and Mental Health Sensory/Physical Date SEN was identified: …………………………………………………………………. Reasons for making EHC Needs Assessment Request now: May 2015. SUMMARY OF STRENGTHS AND NEEDS. Only complete those sections which are relevant to the child/young person’s needs – however please complete the relevant sections fully and provide the requested additional documents as appropriate. COMMUNICATION/INTERACTION: Brief overview of learner’s strengths and needs in communication and interaction. Please include an overview of the learner’s strengths in this area as well as their needs. This will also include information about the outcomes identified for the learner to work towards and the impact of interventions offered. Strengths: Needs: Identified Outcomes: Medium term (in the next year) Short term (in the next term) Summary of support interventions in place: Impact of interventions (including measures used): Communication/Interaction Tests and Assessments: Test/Assessment Date Results Evidence submitted (tick) COGNITION/LEARNING: Brief overview of learner’s strengths and needs in cognition and learning. Please include an overview of the learner’s strengths in this area as well as their needs. This will also include information about the outcomes identified for the learner to work towards and the impact of interventions offered. May 2015. Strengths: Needs: Identified Outcomes: Medium term (in the next year) Short term (in the next term) Summary of support interventions in place: Impact of interventions (including measures used): Cognition/learning tests and assessments: Curriculum Related Measures: EYFS, P-Scales, curriculum attainment, teacher Assessments, SATs. Early Years Foundation Stage: 2 Year Progress Check: Phonics Test: EYFS Profile Scores – At end of Reception Year (where child is younger please provide details of current assessment levels and their age at time of this assessment). Area of Learning & Development Aspect Making Relationships May 2015. EYF Stage at end of Reception Year. Or current EYF Stage (delete as required) Personal, Social & Emotional Development Physical Development Communication and Language Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design Self-confidence & selfawareness Managing feelings & behaviour Moving and handling Health and self-care Listening and attention Understanding Speaking Reading Writing Numbers Shape, Space and Measure People and Communities The World Technology Exploring and using media and materials Being imaginative Curriculum Attainment (P-Scales/NC Levels etc): Please enter levels for current and ALL previous year groups. NC Levels should be available prior to September 2014. If alternative means of assessment are being implemented post September 2014 please provide details of the assessment score as well as the assessment tool/evaluation process. Primary Phase Year 1 Date: English Reading English Writing Maths Science May 2015. Year 2 Date: Year 3 Date: Year 4 Date: Secondary Phase Year 5 Date: Year Year 6 7 (SAT) Date: Date: Year Year 8 9 Date: Date: Year 10 Date: Year 11 Date: Attainment and Cognitive Standardised Tests: Test (Name of test used) Date Age Standardised Score Percentile Evidence Submitted (tick) Post 16: For Post 16 students please provide details of courses currently being accessed and evidence of progress within this course(s). SOCIAL EMOTIONAL AND MENTAL HEALTH DIFFICULTIES: Brief overview of learner’s strengths and needs in social, emotional and mental health. Please include an overview of the learner’s strengths in this area as well as their needs. This will also include information about the outcomes identified for the learner to work towards and the impact of interventions offered. Strengths: Needs: Identified Outcomes: Medium term (in the next year) Short term (in the next term) Summary of interventions in place: May 2015. Impact of interventions (including measures used): Social, emotional and mental health difficulties tests and assessments: Rating scales, self-report measures, behaviour logs, analysis and impact of interventions. Test/Measure Date Results Evidence submitted (tick) SENSORY/PHYSICAL. Brief overview of learner’s strengths and needs in sensory and physical. Please include an overview of the learner’s strengths in this area as well as their needs. This will also include information about the outcomes identified for the learner to work towards and the impact of interventions offered. Strengths: Needs: Identified Outcomes: Medium term (in the next year) Short term (in the next term) Summary of interventions in place: Impact of interventions (including measures used): May 2015. Sensory/physical tests and assessments: Test/Measure Date Results Evidence submitted (tick) ADDITIONAL RELEVANT INFORMATION – PLEASE LIST BELOW AND ATTACH. Please provide any information which has not been covered above. E.g – PSP, PEP, Early Help Assessment/Plan, TAC action plans, health care planning, independent professional reports. PLEASE ALSO PROVIDE EXAMPLES OF THE LEARNER’S WORK AND A COPY OF THEIR CURRENT ATTENDANCE CERTIFICATE. CURRENT SCHOOL PROVISION FOR THIS CHILD/YOUNG PERSON. Please provide information about the school/settings best endeavours to support this child/young person. As a minimum we require: a) A copy of their individual provision map/support timetable. b) Progress information for example their current Individual Education Plan or Individual Learning Plan as well as reviewed copies. Additional professional support/advice sought and implemented by setting. Please provide details of the additional professional advice you have sought to support you in meeting this learners needs and details of the advice given/impact of this intervention. We would expect this request to have been at least discussed with a professional outside of the setting before submission. Name of professional providing support/advice and date. May 2015. Recommendations How has this made been implemented? i.e what has been put in place and for how long? Impact of the intervention? What difference has this made? Evidence. What is the evidence of this intervention? Is the professional report attached? EVIDENCE OF CO-ORDINATED SUPPORT TO THE CHILD/YOUNG PERSON AND FAMILY. Please provide any details of external professional support (current or historical) provided to the child/young person and/or their family (if not covered above). Where appropriate provide reports. OTHER THINGS WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO KNOW ABOUT CHILD/YOUNG PERSON AND FAMILY. Please provide details of any other information you would like us know – ideally in consultation with the child’s parent or young person themselves. For example any history, diagnosis, medication, self-help skills, likes/dislikes, strengths/difficulties, aspirations, main areas of worry (if not covered above). Parent/Young Person Consent for Request for Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment. Consent: I am in agreement with the request for an Education, Health & Care Needs Assessment. I agree to Southampton City Council seeking any relevant information from other professionals to help them in deciding whether it is necessary to carry out an Education, Health & Care Needs Assessment. If an Education, Health & Care Needs Assessment is approved I agree to Southampton City Council seeking further professional advice and/or assessment to help them decide whether it is necessary to issue an Education, Health and Care Plan. Freedom of Information and Data Protection. May 2015. Your details will be used in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000 and the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998 or other appropriate legislation, and will be stored electronically. If information you have provided is personal, as defined under the DPA, we will only use it for the purpose for which you provided it. We only share your personal data with a third party if we are required to do so by law or if we need to in order to provide the service you requested. Parent/Carer/ Guardian Signature: Young person signature (as appropriate): Name and role of person making this request: Please send this form and all associated paperwork to: SEN Team 0-25 SEND Service Ground Floor North Block Civic Centre Southampton SO14 7LY. May 2015. Date: