Hepatitis B Specific Grant Information

Hepatitis NSW and Cancer Council NSW are providing small grants of up to $2500 to NSW
community organisations and health agencies, to run a range of activities prioritising different groups.
NSW Hepatitis Awareness Week and World Hepatitis Day are annual events that aim to raise
awareness of chronic hepatitis B.
NSW Hepatitis Awareness Week runs from the 27th of July – 2nd August, 2015 with Hepatitis NSW
supporting numerous awareness raising events around the State.
The aim of the HNSW & CCNSW Community Grants Program is to work with individual
workers, groups and communities within NSW to increase awareness of chronic hepatitis
Raise awareness of chronic hepatitis B issues, including prevalence, prevention, treatment or
discrimination in the community
Engage with policy and decision makers to raise the profile of chronic hepatitis B and have its
profile raised in the political arena
Promote collaboration and partnership between organisations and to build the capacity of
organisations receiving grants
Provide community organisations with opportunities to hold events/forums in which holistic
approaches to health promotion and access to services are increased for target groups.
NSW Non-government organisations
NSW Community groups
Individual activists/members of the affected community
Groups, agents or organisations outside of NSW
The private sector
Events with no element of hepatitis awareness such as a sausage sizzle
Wages for workers participating in grant activities
HNSW and CCNSW encourage creative approaches to local responses to viral hepatitis and such, all
applications will be considered. However, HNSW and CCNSW will offer significant support to
initiatives and activities that propose to do the following:
 Activities that aim to raise awareness of, and prevent transmission of viral hepatitis.
 Initiatives or activities held during NSW Hepatitis Awareness Week 27th of July – 2nd
August, 2015. Projects planned over a number of weeks or months should be launched or
commenced during NSW Hepatitis Awareness Week 2015.
 Events, initiatives or activities that work with groups identified as a priority population.
Including: Aboriginal people, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, young people,
people who inject drugs, or people affected by the criminal justice system.
 Activities which will increase awareness and understanding of chronic hepatitis B issues.
 Activities that respond to an identified need in the local area.
What types of activities would be eligible for a small or moderate grant?
Hepatitis NSW and Cancer Council NSW will consider all applications! You are strongly encouraged
to contact Kerry Walker or Fungi Siggins at Hepatitis NSW (contact details below) to discuss ideas,
activities, options and what support is available to applicants. After the initial call, an info pack will be
sent to you with more ideas, the grant application form and selection criteria.
 Community events: hold an awards event for local hepatitis champions and advocates; hold a
community forum to identify what service and education gaps exist in the local community and
how to address them.
 Creative activities: hold a photo competition with a hepatitis theme, hold art workshops, print
your own t-shirt, create a board game.
 Education initiatives: run a workshop, hold a forum with a component dedicated to viral
hepatitis, start a support group in your local area, run a health liver cooking class.
 Awareness raising activities: create posters, engage local and social media.
 Collaborative initiatives: Create a hepatitis B workers network in your local area, partner with
a community group or a larger organisation to hold an awareness event.
Hepatitis NSW and Cancer Council NSW work with non-government organisations, community
groups, and individuals to support meaningful engagement in NSW Hepatitis Awareness Week.
We encourage you to take advantage of a range of our services including: community awarenessraising materials and tailored education sessions on hepatitis B for workers or affected communities.
If you would like to arrange an education session, discuss your idea or if you have any questions
about the NSW Hepatitis Awareness Week Grants Program, please contact
 Kerry Walker ph: 02 82177711
email: kwalker@hep.org.au
Awareness Week runs from 27th
Applicants will be required to:
July to 2nd August 2015
 Call Kerry to discuss ideas and request an application form.
 Fill in the application form, describing the proposed activity/event/initiative and what you
expect to achieve from your activity/event.
 Provide an evaluation of the activity or event. This includes completing an evaluation form
and providing supplementary information in the form of:
Comments/feedback collected from participants
Copies of media coverage
All of the above!
Complete and return the evaluation and financial acquittal form (which will be sent to
successful applicants)
Final date for applications is 5pm, Friday 15th May 2015.
Applications will be evaluated by the Awareness Weeks Grants Project Officer and members of the
Grants Selection Committee. Applicants will be notified in the week ending 22nd May 2015.
Successful applicants will be required to invoice Hepatitis NSW by the 4th of June, 2015 for the
agreed amount and provide their ABN, Bank details (BSB and Account number).
Funds will be made available prior to the activities taking place, provided an appropriate invoice is
provided to Hepatitis NSW.
On receipt of the invoice, Hepatitis NSW will pay the invoice by direct bank deposit ONLY.
Grant money cannot be paid after the 30th of June 2015.
All invoices must be received prior to this date for grant money to be paid.
Grant money will NOT be approved to pay staff wages for time taken to plan or run activities.
1. Call Kerry to discuss your idea & to request an application form
2. Fill in the form and mail, fax or email it to Hepatitis NSW at the following:
Post: Po Box 432, Darlinghurst NSW 1300 – Attention: Kerry Walker
Fax: (02) 9332 1730—Attention Kerry Walker
Email: kwalker@hep.org.au