Welcome Griffith University School of Dentistry & Oral Health

Workplace Health and Safety
To inform students of the mandatory
Workplace Health and Safety requirements to
progress through their program
Explain the schedule for testing and recording
of health information
Inform students about:
the general forms to be completed
Applications required
Competencies that are mandatory to be maintained
Where to locate the required resources
Hepatitis B (Adult course)
takes about four months
Start early as this process
Measles, Mumps & Rubella (MMR),
Diptheria,Tetanus & Pertusis (DTP-Adult
Varicella (Chickenpox)
Hepatitis A (optional)
Influenza Vaccination (optional)
Yearly test for:
HIV& Hepatitis C (EPP form)
 Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) levels (EPP
Keep original EPP form and take back to your GP each
year of your program for testing and recording.
Tuberculosis(TB) Screening (once only I & H
Record Form)
Exposure Prone Procedure (EPP) form
Immunisation and Health Record Form
Exposure prone procedures* (EPPs) are a subset of
invasive procedures characterised by “potential for
contact between the skin (usually finger or thumb)
of the health care worker and sharp surgical
instruments, needles or sharp tissues
(splinters/pieces of bone/tooth) in body cavities or
in poorly visualized or confined body sites including
the mouth.”
(NSW Health (2007) Occupational Assessment, Screening &
Vaccination Against Specified Infectious Diseases
Make an appointment to see your doctor
Take the EPP form & Immunisation & Health
Record forms with you to your appointment
You will need enter your name, DOB & student
number on both of these forms
Your doctor or the registered nurse need to
complete these forms
Griffith Health Deed poll
Statutory Declaration
Authority to release information
Lab & clinical placement rules
Standards of Confidentiality
Please read this form carefully as you are
signing a statement that is a legal document
Student confirms that he/she:
Understands Clinical & Laboratory requirements
 Read the Health Policy
 Completed all required immunisations, and TB
 Undertaken CPR and FA – currency
 Read and understood the GU Radiation Safety and
Protection Plan
 Blue card holder, etc
Is signed and dated = Legal document
QLD & NSW Health may request
information such as proof of immunisation,
blue card, police check as part of your
placement agreement and compliance with
provider policies
Please read carefully as you will be signing an
agreement to abide by the rules of the
school laboratories, clinic & Placements
This document outlines your responsibilities
regarding confidentiality & your signature
confirms that you agree to abide by the
requirements for confidentiality as set down
in these standards.
The School of Dentistry and Oral Health
require you to maintain current First Aid and
CPR competencies throughout the course of
your program.
Training is to be provided by an accredited
organisation (RTO)
Apply First Aid is valid for 3 years, includes
Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is valid
for 12 months only (annual updating required).
Blue Card ( end 1st yr)
Radiation Licence (end 2nd yr; D Tech
students exempt)
Criminal History Check (end 1st yr; AFP)
All application forms are available on the
School website under the “Pre-placement
Requirements” link.
Workplace Incident/Injury
What should be reported?
 Incident/accident
 Injury, work caused illness and significant first aid treatment
 Near miss (an incident which could have caused serious injury or extensive property
damage but did not)
 Dangerous event (eg failure of specified high risk plant, implosion, explosion or
uncontrolled fire, collapse of a structure, escape of hazardous material or dangerous
goods, object falling from height)
 Property damage or hazardous activity observed.
Incident/Injury report form to completed if incident/injury occurs in GH1 or
For more information go to:
1) the Portal: search <Insurance and Risk Management> <Forms and
Resources> <Incident/Injury report>
2) Email: safety@griffith.edu.au
Mail: H&S Operational Unit, G09 1.65
Please view the School website, “Pre-placement
Requirements” to view all documentary
requirements and links to download forms.
Clinical Placement Officer #80670
or doh-placement@griffith.edu.au