Particulate matter in Sydney’s West Particulate matter is an ongoing air pollution concern. Emissions of particulate matter vary across Australia depending on the nature of local industries and urban populations. Areas like Sydney’s West face particular challenges in balancing productive industry and household activities with good air quality. Particulate matter Sydney’s West Airborne particulate matter (PM) is a widespread air pollutant consisting of a mixture of solid and liquid particles suspended in air. PM varies in size: some particles are large enough to be seen as soot or smoke while others can only be seen using a microscope. Particles can be classified on the basis of their size. Coarse particles (PM10) are those between 10 and 2.5 micrometres in diameter; fine particles (PM2.5) are smaller than 2.5 micrometres. Sydney’s West has a diverse mix of industry within a highly urbanised environment. This region is an example of an area that faces particular challenges to balance productive industry and household activities, such as residential wood heaters and the use of motor vehicles, with good air quality. Particles can also be classified according to their chemical composition, which often depends on the source. Some particles are emitted directly into the air from a variety of sources that are either natural or related to human activity. Natural sources include bushfires, dust storms, pollens and sea spray. Those related to human activity include the burning of fuels (for example motor vehicles and other engines), industrial processes (for example electricity generation, mining and processing), and wood heaters. PM pollution is the major cause of reduced visibility. Figure 1: Top emission sources of PM10 in Sydney’s West Figures 1 and 2 show the top emission sources of PM10 and PM2.5 respectively, in Sydney’s West.1 Non-metallic mineral mining & quarrying 1,920 Residential wood heating 1,910 Other 941 Waste collection, treatment & disposal services 908 Ceramic production manufacturing 671 Road, brake & tyre wear 407 Diesel vehicle exhaust Basic chemical and chemical product manufacturing The toxicity of PM depends on both its size and chemical composition. When breathed in, PM10 and PM2.5 are small enough to reach the lungs and can cause a number of health problems including respiratory illnesses, such as asthma, bronchitis, and cardiovascular disease. These effects are often more pronounced for vulnerable groups, such as the very young and the elderly. 326 212 Agriculture 130 Glass & glass product manufacturing 118 Non-metallic mineral production manufacturing 95 Tonnes per year Source: NSW Air Emissions Inventory, 2008, LGA’s of Auburn City, Bankstown City, Blacktown City, Fairfield City, Holroyd City, Liverpool City, the City of Parramatta and Penrith City. 1 Image credit: Arthur Mostead Figure 2: Top emission sources of PM2.5 in Sydney’s West Residential wood heating 1840 Other 592 Ceramic product manufacturing Basic chemical & chemical product manufacturing Waste collection, treatment & disposal services Glass & glass product manufacturing Non-road vehicles & equipment Basic ferrous metal manufacturing While state and territory governments have primary responsibility for managing air pollution, including controlling emissions from industrial sources, the Australian Government has also taken action to reduce emissions of PM. This includes ongoing implementation of vehicle emission and fuel quality standards. 469 Diesel vehicle exhaust Non-metallic mineral mining & quarrying Road, brake & tyre wear 316 274 216 194 172 National Clean Air Agreement 114 77.93 67.45 Tonnes per year How are emissions tracked? State and territory governments monitor and regulate emissions from a range of facilities such as mines, power stations and industrial sites as well as other sources such as households and transport. The NSW Environment Protection Authority maintains a detailed air emissions inventory for the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Region, as an information source for the community, researchers and policy-makers. Further information can be found via: The Australian Government also publishes state-level emissions data on the National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) online database ( Facilities that meet NPI reporting thresholds are required to report their annual emissions of 93 pollutants to their state or territory NPI team, which assess the reports for accuracy and quality, and submits the facility data to the Australian Government for publication. This allows communities to view annual data regarding the emission of pollutants that may affect them locally. What are governments doing to combat particulate matter? The Australian Environment Minister, the Hon. Greg Hunt MP, has secured the agreement of all Australian environment ministers to establish a National Clean Air Agreement (the Agreement) to ensure that the community continues to enjoy clean air and address the impacts on human health and the environment. Australian environment ministers are working to develop an Agreement by July 2016. The Agreement will focus on actions to reduce air pollution and improve air quality through cooperative action between industry and government at the national, state and local level. The Agreement is designed to incorporate a range of existing, new and complementary measures to improve Australia’s air quality. Further information can be found via: eement. National Environmental Science Programme The Australian Government is supporting practical and applied environmental research under the National Environmental Science Programme, including $8.8 million in funding for ‘Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub’. This Hub will focus on increasing the understanding of the environmental and social impacts of air pollution in urban and peri-urban areas. A Western Air-Shed and Particulate Study for Sydney project will contribute to the understanding of the main drivers of poor air quality events within the NSW greater metropolitan region. The project will help inform future plans for monitoring air quality and policies designed to reduce exposure to particulate matter, with a focus on the growing population in Sydney’s West. National ambient air quality standards Wood heaters The National Environment Protection (Ambient Air Quality) Measure (Ambient Air Quality NEPM) establishes national ambient air quality standards and provides a national framework for monitoring and reporting on six common air pollutants, including PM2.5 and PM10. Emissions from wood heaters contain PM, as well as other pollutants, which can be significant contributors to air pollution, particularly in the cooler months. Environment Ministers are considering changes to strengthen the Ambient Air Quality NEPM to allow stronger actions to mitigate particulate matter pollution. Proposed changes include: changing the advisory reporting standards for PM2.5 to performance standards an annual average standard for PM10 more stringent reporting standards for PM10 and PM2.5 introducing an exposure reduction framework to further reduce particle exposure, and the handling of natural events and the number of allowable exceedances per year. Non-road spark ignition engines and equipment Emissions from non-road spark ignition engines and equipment can be a significant source of air pollution in some urban airsheds. These engines cover a wide range of petrol powered equipment, including marine outboard engines and gardening equipment such as leaf blowers and chain saws. This equipment is a significant source of pollution because it doesn’t have the same advanced emission controls found in on-road engines. It emits PM at much higher rates and contributes to ground level ozone formation. The Australian Government, in cooperation with states and territories, is working towards a national approach to minimise PM emissions from non-road engines. Environment Ministers are considering additional work to further mitigate particulate matter pollution from non-road spark ignition engines and equipment. The Australian Government has undertaken a number of programmes with a focus on wood heaters and is currently working with states and territories to find ways to further minimise PM emissions from wood heaters. Environment Ministers are considering these options to further mitigate particulate matter pollution from wood heaters. Review of Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 The Australian Government has commenced a review of the Fuel Quality Standards Act 2000 to ensure that Australian motorists have access to high quality fuel, which will continue to deliver improved air quality outcomes. The review of the Act will commence in June 2015 and report in late 2015. The review will investigate and report on best management practices for fuel quality. A subsequent stage will be to consider current fuel quality standards, including the petrol and diesel standards, to ensure that they deliver the best possible air quality outcomes. © Commonwealth of Australia, 2015. This fact sheet is licensed by Commonwealth of Australia under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Australian Government or the Minister for the Environment. Note: While the Commonwealth has made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy, correctness or completeness of the material, the Commonwealth does not guarantee, and accepts no liability whatsoever arising from or connected to, the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of this material.