1 Apologies ( see Appendix 1)
2 Introduction and Agenda – Michael Aitchison (chair)
Clinical Trials
MA explained that the Urology Pathway Board in approving the Renal Cancer
Guidelines asked for a section on Clinical Trials and Research to be included and this was the reason for these topics to be included on the agenda for the meeting.
3 Clinical Trials
MA produced a portfolio map of clinical trials that he had produced when Chair of the NCRI Clinical studies group and suggested the map could be used as a template for the current trials. Transitional cell, investigation and biomarker studies to be included with renal cancer trials.
A lead name would need to be included and an A4 sheet recording entry criteria kept for each trial.
KB offered to complete the template for current studies. It was agreed that the map would provide a good overview and awareness of current trials and this would enable a higher profile of these trials to clinicians aiding recruitment. It was also agreed that trials of surgical interventions including cryoablation should be included in the portfolio map.
MA informed the group that as research would now be part of the MDT meeting, he would present the populated portfolio map and use the meeting to align the current studies with RLH.
The combined portfolio map would be provided to London Cancer as part of the
MDT metrics going forward.
Other centres? It was agreed that Jonathan Shamash should be involved.
Investigator or Industry lead trials? It was agreed that a combination of both was required to provide a balance.
An update on the future funding of clinical trials through NHIR NCRN was provided by TP. NHIR will no longer ring fence funding for cancer and therefore clinical
trials and research will compete with other non-cancer programmes. Funding will go to programmes where recruitment is high. It was therefore important for renal cancer to consider trials that would attract 3 times the current numbers of participants. The current number of research networks was now reduced from 22 to 10 which could also mean that renal cancer studies would be in a poorer position to compete with other non-cancer studies. TP stressed that it would be important to show London Cancer that the specialist renal cancer centre was successful at recruiting patients going forward.
TP would meet with Phil Smith asap to identify possible trials that could include renal cancer patients. Trials may include questionnaire-type studies and multiplesite studies where no clinical procedure was required, e.g. DVT, pain relief.
It was agreed the SURAB study would be good candidate for funding. TP agreed that the focus would need to be on surgical studies going forward. AS proposed that the radiological studies proposed by Navin Ramachandaran and Rowland
Illing should also be included provided they were already on the NCRN database.
Rowland to report to the sMDT on progress in setting up the SURAB study with radiology. A launch meeting should be organised for Pathway members.
It was agreed that the re-organisation of the sMDT was a good time to increase the number of interventional observational trials. JP stated it was important to aid clinicians by having a standardised script when recruiting patients.
4 Research
MA stated that he would be asking all members to provide information on their current research and publications over the past 2 years. These should be renal cancer specific, include any ‘chapter’ contributions (excluding non-adrenal) and grants awarded.
As mentioned above, MA and TP have agreed that the sMDT meeting on
Wednesday morning at 09.30am would be used to hold a monthly research / educational meeting to include a research proposal and journal papers of interest.
Axel Bex from NKI would also join with this meeting once established providing an international link. It was agreed that the first Wednesday of the month would be the best week to hold the meeting and fit with other commitments, rotating around the centres. The first research meeting will take place at the beginning of August. GA to email
Pathway members
London Renal Cancer day 2015: This annual event will be held on Friday Feb
27 th 2015 at RFL. Posters will not be included at this event but centres will be asked to give a 7 minute presentation on work done. NKI and Rennes would also be participating in the meeting. GA to produce an advert asap.
5. Date/Time and Venue of Next Meeting:
Wednesday 10 th September 2014 17.30 – 18.30pm
Renal / Medical Library Royal Free London
Michael Aitchison
Tom Powles
Lead Renal Cancer Surgeon
Lead Renal Cancer Oncologist
Anju Sahdev
Vinod Nargund
John Peters
Katia Boleti
Geraldine Alder
David Cullen
Apologies received
Guy Webster
Gillian Smith
Consultant Radiologist
Consultant Surgeon
Consultant Surgeon
Consultant Oncologist
Project Manager RCC
Lead Renal Cancer CNS
Consultant Surgeon
Consultant Surgeon & Service Line
Barts Health
Barts Health