Michelson Interferometer Techniques Mark Hoffmann, Peter Draznik, and Christian Montibrand Department of Physics and Astronomy, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL 61201 Abstract: We measured the wavelength of a laser to be 620 + 117 nm as well as the average wavelength of a sodium lamp to be 584 + 62 nm. The individual wavelengths that make up the average wavelength of the sodium lamp were then calculated to be 584.3 + 62 nm and 583.7 + 62 nm. Compared to the accepted values of 650 nm and 589.3 nm for the wavelengths of the laser and sodium lamp respectively, both of our experimental results fell within error. The separation of sodium D-lines in this experiment was measured to be 0.6 + 0.1 nm, falling within error to the accepted value of 0.6 nm. The apparatus used in this experiment for these measurements was a Michelson interferometer. I. Introduction Interferometers were crucial in the late 19th century in observing wavelengths by looking at interference fringes [2]. The Michelson interferometer allows light to be split and recombined by means of a half mirror, which then shows a series of bright and dark fringes around the central wavelength. By adjusting the movable mirror in the setup and counting the number of fringes within a given distance the mirror is moved, the average wavelength of the light source can be determined. We measured the wavelength of a laser to be 620 + 117 nm as well as the average wavelength of a sodium lamp to be 584 + 62 nm. Compared to the accepted values of 650 nm and 589.3 nm for the wavelengths of the laser and sodium lamp respectively, both of our experimental results fell within error. The separation of sodium D-lines in this experiment was measured to be 0.6 + 0.1 nm, falling within error to the accepted value of 0.6 nm. II. Experimental Setup The experimental setup consisted of a Michelson interferometer, a diode laser, and a sodium lamp. The interferometer has a square-like arrangement with the light source entering the setup from one of the edges. The light then passed through a half mirror and was split, reflecting half at a 90-degree angle and allowing the other half to pass straight through. The half of the beam that passes straight through the half mirror also passes through a compensator plate equalizing the distance the light has to pass through glass. The two halves of the light source are then reflected back towards the half mirror where they are recombined and head towards the viewing screen. The length of half of the beam path can be adjusted by moving one of the mirrors with a knob. The laser was projected onto the wall after recombination, showing a nice set of interference fringes. Because the sodium lamp does not have as much power as the laser, its fringes were counted by looking at the half mirror directly. This projected the interference pattern on the back of our retinas for us to count. The Michelson interferometer setup can be seen in Figure 1. Figure 1: The Michelson Interferometer [2] III. Results To calculate the average wavelength of the laser, the adjustable mirror was moved to allow 10 light fringes to 2𝑑 pass a given point. The wavelength then satisfies the relationship 𝜆𝑎𝑣𝑒 = where d is the distance the mirror 𝑛 moved and n is the number of fringes. The same process was then applied to the sodium lamp, but instead with counting 50 fringes. Since the sodium line is actually made up of two wavelengths very close together, we can use algebraic manipulation to solve for the distance between the two wavelengths. This is found by taking the distance between where fringes are clear past the wash section to where fringes are present again with the sodium light source. The sodium source does this because the two wavelengths are similar, but slightly different so where they are more lined up on top of each other they constructively and destructively interfere very nicely. When moved too far however, they fill in each others gaps to not interfere with each other much, 𝜆2 but create a wash of semi-bright light. The equation derived for this relationship is ∆𝜆 = 𝑎𝑣𝑒 where ∆𝜆 is the 2𝑑 distance between wavelengths and d is the distance between clear fringes cycled past a wash section. The full derivation can be seen in the lab notebook. From the separation between the wavelengths, the individual 1 wavelengths can then be determined by 𝜆𝑎𝑣𝑒 ± ∆𝜆 = 𝜆. The wavelength of a laser was measured to be 620 + 2 117 nm as well as the average wavelength of a sodium lamp to be 584 + 62 nm. The individual wavelengths that make up the average wavelength of the sodium lamp were then calculated to be 584.3 + 62 nm and 583.7 + 62 nm. Compared to the accepted values of 650 nm and 589.3 nm for the laser and sodium lamp respectively, both of our experimental results fell within error. The separation of sodium D-lines in this experiment was measured to be 0.6 + 0.1 nm, falling within error to the accepted value of 0.6 nm. IV. Discussion The wavelength of a laser was measured to be 620 + 117 nm as well as the average wavelength of a sodium lamp to be 584 + 62 nm. Compared to the accepted values of 650 nm and 589.3 nm for the laser and sodium lamp respectively, both of our experimental results fell within error. To reduce the error in both of our measurements we could have counted more fringes, thus reducing fractional error in the uncertainty of fringes to the total counted. The separation of sodium D-lines in this experiment was measured to be 0.6 + 0.1 nm, falling within error to the accepted value of 0.6 nm. To obtain the separation, we had to measure the distance between clear sections of fringes. Since this is more qualitative, we took multiple measurements and then computed the standard deviation of the mean as our error [1]. In order to make this process more precise, we could have taken more measurements, making our standard deviation of the mean smaller. From there, individual wavelengths that make up the average wavelength of the sodium lamp were then calculated to be 584.3 + 62 nm and 583.7 + 62 nm. Compared to the accepted values of 589.6 nm and 589.0 nm for the laser and sodium lamp respectively, both of our experimental results fell within error. Of course, in this case the error bars overlapped both of the individual wavelengths. In order to get a much more precise value for each of these, we would have to have a higher precision interferometer as well as counted many more fringes. References [1] J. Taylor, An Introduction to Error Analysis. Sausalito: University Science Books, 1997, pp. 181-207. [2] The Michelson Interferometer