Ferns and Grass Common Name Latin name Christmas fern Polystichum acrostichoides Eastern woodfern Dryopteris marginalis Ostrich fern Matteuccia struthiopteris Purple love grass Eragrostis spectabilis Indian grass Sorghastrum nutans T Moist Height, 2-3’, moist to wet shady areas, spreads slowly Height, 8-18", fall bloom creates beautiful hazy purple cloud-like effect Height, 3-8’, tall, bunching sodformer, broad blue-green to blades, soft, golden-brown seed head, deep orange to purple fall color Little bluestem grass Schizachyrium scoparium Description 1-2’, an evergreen fern to Height, that grows in clusters, it likes cool moist soil, Height, 1-3', evergreen, non colonizing fern for a woodland landscape Height, 1.5-4’, open areas, graceful Shrubs, Trees and Vines Height, 10-40’, small maroon flowers in spring followed by Common pawpaw tree large tropical like leaves. Host Asimina triloba for Zebra swallowtail and Pawpaw sphinx Coral honeysuckle vine Lonicera sempervirens Grey dogwood Cornus racemosa to Length 3-20’, red flowers, MarJune followed by red-black berries. Favorite of hummingbirds. Lindera benzoin Height, 6-12’, white flowers to early spring followed by red to fruits in fall. Host for Spicebush and Easter Tiger swallow tail butterflies. Summersweet Clethra alnifolia Height, 5-8', white flowers in Aug., great nectar shrub Height, 3-6', White flowers in June, spectacular fall color Cornus sericea SpicebSpiceush Virginia sweetspire Itea virginica to Salvia coccinea Tropical Milkweed Asclepias curassavica Height, 3-4’, red flowers, monarch host and nectar plant Key sunny part shade shade deer resistant hummingbird favorite bee favorite dry medium wet wet butterfly host or nectar plant sb song birds favorite attracts beneficial insects Native Plant Sale Black Hill Regional Park 20930 Lake Ridge Drive Boyds, Maryland 20841 to Height, 10-15', white flowers in June, deciduous shrub, berries, reddish fall color Height, 6-10', deciduous shrub, white flowers in late May, reddish fall color, red winter stems, soil stabilization Red-twigged dogwood Wildlife Non-Native Nectar Plants Hummingbird vine Vine with beautiful red Campsis radicans flowers Height, 4-5’, orange Mexican Sunflower flowers, great nectar Tithonia rotundifolia plant Height, 4-5’, white Queen Anne’s lace flowers, great nectar Daucus carota plant Texas Sage Height, 3-4’, red flowers April 25, 2014, 3-7 p.m. Plant Prices April 26, 2014, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Most herbaceous: $4 - $6.00, Shrubs: $10 - $25 April 27, 2014, 1-3 p.m. see www.blackhillnature.org as more info is available Photos by Barbara Kreiley and Mary McKnight, FOBHNP; and Robert H. Mohlenbrock, Larry Allain, R.A. Howard, Jeff McMillian, Jennifer Anderson, Stan Gilliam, Rusty Russel, J.S. Peterson, William S. Justice, USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database Proceeds benefit Black Hill Nature Programs Herbaceous Natives Common Name Latin Name Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta Blazing star Liatris spicata Lt. Moist to Blue false indigo Blue mistflower to Conoclinium coelestinum Browneyed Susan Rudbeckia triloba Butterfly weed Asclepias tuberosa Cardinal flower to Lobelia cardinalis Baptisia australis Clustered mountainmint Pycnanthemum muticum Common milkweed Asclepias syriaca Common sneezeweed Helenium autumnale Dogbane Apocynum, sp Dotted mint Monarda punctata to to Aquilegia canadensis Eastern wild columbine Foam flower Tiarella cordifolia Foxglove penstemon Penstemon digitalis Height, 1-4’, purple flowers, JulAug, beautiful purple spikes Height, 1-3.5’, blue-violet flowers Jul-Oct, great late bloomer for flower border Height, 1.5-4.5’, yellow-orange flowers Jun-Oct, plants are smaller than black-eyed Susan Height, 1-3’, orange flowers MayJul, bright color for the border, Monarch butterfly host Height, 2-4’, red flowers Jul-Oct, wonderful late blooming plant with red flower spikes Height, 2-3’, pinkish flowers in fall, silvery foliage, great nectar source Height, 1.5-6’, yellow flowers JulSep, plant tends to be covered with flowers Height 1.5-2’, pink to purple flowers July-Sept Common Name Latin Name Lt. Frost aster Symphyotrichum pilosum sb sb, Indian pink Spigelia marilandica Height, 0.5-1’, white flowers AprJul, on many lists of easy to grow plants Height, 2-5’, white tubular flowers May-June, great nectar plant for bees Arisaema triphyllum Joe Pye weed to Eupatorium, sp Joe Pye weed Eupatorium dubium 'Little Joe' to Jack-in-the-pulpit to Lyreleaf sage Description Height, 1-2.5’, yellow flowers Apr-Jun, bright flowers for front of the border early color Height, 0.5-2.5’, yellow flowers Apr-Aug, nice early flowering ground cover Height, 1-3’, red and yellow flowers Mar-May, beautiful flowers; late in shooting new growth, Garden Club of America’s 2010 plant of the year Height, 3-7’, purple flowers Julysept., great nectar plant Height, 3-4', light pink flowers in late summer, dwarf species Height, 1-2’, violet flowers Aug – Oct, compact plant, great fall nectar plant New York aster to Height, 1-4’, blue to violet flowers Jul-Oct, smaller aster with pretty fall flowers to Height, 3.5-8’, purple to white flowers Aug-Oct, beautiful flowers for back of the border in wet area to Seaside goldenrod Solidago sempervirens Height, 1-5’, yellow flowers JunSept, all summer bloomer to add bright yellow to the landscape New York ironweed Vernonia noveboracensis Ox-eye sunflower Heliopsis helianthoides to Height, 1-2.5’, pink turning blue flowers May-Jun, pretty early bloomer to Chelone glabra White wood aster to Eurybia divaricata Height, 1.5-6.5’, white flowers Jul-Oct, host for Baltimore checkerspot butterfly Whorled milkweed Asclepias verticillata Whorled stonecrop sb Sedum ternaturm 'Larinem Park' Wild blue phlox Phlox divaricata Wild bergamot to to to Wild germanium to Geranium maculatum Wild ginger Asarum canadense Wild bleeding heart Dicentra eximia Height, 1-6.5’, yellow flowers Aug-Nov, important goldenrod for late season nectar Description Height 3-6’m, pinkish flowers in summer, beautiful flower Monarda fistulosa Moist White turtlehead Height, 1-3’, pink-purple flowers June-July, Height, 1-3’, striped purple or green flowers, May-Jun Lt. Asclepias incarnata Swamp rose to mallow Hibiscus moscheutos to Tickseed sunflower Bidens Virginia bluebells Height, 1-5’, blue flowers AugOct, wonderful long spikes of color Symphyotrichum novae-angliae ‘‘Purple Dome' Latin Name Mertensia virginica New England aster Common Name Swamp milkweed fall, survives dry conditions, great bee and nectar plant Height, 1-3’, blue to violet flowers in spring, leafy rosette is Salvia lyrata Herbaceous Natives Wildlife support to Height, 1-3’, full white flowers in to Zizia aurea Golden ragwort Packera aurea Great blue lobelia Lobelia siphilitica Hairy beardtongue Penstemon hirsutus Symphyotrichum novibelgii Height, 0.5-3’, red-yellow flowers Apr-Jul, wonderful plant for early flowers Moist Golden Alexander Height, 3-5’, blue-purple blooms, May-June, long-lived easy to grow, on MD’s Expert Plant Picks” as very hardy and tolerant Height, 1-3’, white to pink flowers June-Aug., good nectar source but not for small gardens Herbaceous Natives Wildlife support Height, 1-3’, yellow flowers Jun- song birds (sb) Sept., biennial plant, blooms second year Height, 3-6’, pale purples flowers May-Aug, host for Monarch butterfly Description Wildlife support Height, 4-6’, pink to reddish flowers May-Jun, pretty nectarrich flower, Monarch host Height, 3-6’yellow flowers JulyAug, pretty, nectar- rich flower Height, 0.5-3’, white flowers JulOct, does well in shade Height, 1-2’, white flowers JulAug, small milkweed plant with pretty fall colors Height, 6", white flowers in early spring, groundcover Height, 1-1.5’, pink-purple flowers Apr-Sept, beautiful early flowers, good ground cover Height, 1.5-3’, pink to purple flowers Jun-Sept, dependable bloomer, mildew resistant sb Height, 1.5-2’, pink to white flowers, Apr-Sept, great plant, with pretty foliage sb Height, 1-2’, lavender-pink flowers Apr-Jul, forms a nice ground cover Height, 0.5’, purplish flowers Apr-May, pretty low green ground cover for shady areas Ferns and Grass Common Name Latin name Christmas fern Polystichum acrostichoides Eastern woodfern Dryopteris marginalis Ostrich fern Matteuccia struthiopteris Purple love grass Eragrostis spectabilis Indian grass Sorghastrum nutans T Moist Height, 2-3’, moist to wet shady areas, spreads slowly Height, 8-18", fall bloom creates beautiful hazy purple cloud-like effect Height, 3-8’, tall, bunching sodformer, broad blue-green to blades, soft, golden-brown seed head, deep orange to purple fall color Little bluestem grass Schizachyrium scoparium Description 1-2’, an evergreen fern to Height, that grows in clusters, it likes cool moist soil, Height, 1-3', evergreen, non colonizing fern for a woodland landscape Height, 1.5-4’, open areas, graceful Shrubs, Trees and Vines Height, 10-40’, small maroon flowers in spring followed by Common pawpaw tree large tropical like leaves. Host Asimina triloba for Zebra swallowtail and Pawpaw sphinx Coral honeysuckle vine Lonicera sempervirens Grey dogwood Cornus racemosa Red-twigged dogwood Cornus sericea Summersweet Clethra alnifolia Virginia sweetspire Itea virginica Spicebush Lindera benzoin to Length 3-20’, red flowers, MarJune followed by red-black berries. Favorite of hummingbirds. Tropical Milkweed Asclepias curassavica Height, 3-4’, red flowers, monarch host and nectar plant Plant Prices -Indicated by Stick Color or as Marked Key sunny part shade shade dry medium wet wet deer resistant Height, 6-10', deciduous shrub, white flowers in late May, reddish fall color, red winter stems, soil stabilization Height, 5-8', white flowers in Aug., great nectar shrub Height, 3-6', White flowers in June, spectacular fall color Height, 6-12’, white flowers to early spring followed by red to fruits in fall. Host for Spicebush and Easter Tiger swallow tail butterflies. Tan (not dyed) hummingbird favorite Green$6.00 bee favorite Blue $8.00 butterfly host or nectar plant sb song birds favorite attracts beneficial insects Red $4.00 $10.00 A few plants have price marked on a tag placed in the plant. Plant Prices - Salvia coccinea to Height, 10-15', white flowers in June, deciduous shrub, berries, reddish fall color to Wildlife Non-Native Nectar Plants Hummingbird vine Vine with beautiful red Campsis radicans flowers Height, 4-5’, orange Mexican Sunflower flowers, great nectar Tithonia rotundifolia plant Height, 4-5’, white Queen Anne’s lace flowers, great nectar Daucus carota plant Texas Sage Height, 3-4’, red flowers Most herbaceous: $4 - $6.00, Shrubs: $10 - $25 Photos by Barbara Kreiley and Mary McKnight, FOBHNP; and Robert H. Mohlenbrock, Larry Allain, R.A. Howard, Jeff McMillian, Jennifer Anderson, Stan Gilliam, Rusty Russel, J.S. Peterson, William S. Justice, USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database March 1, 2014 Version