PART 1 - INTRODUCTION TO THE INTERNET 1. J.C.R. Licklider of MIT first proposed the idea of a global network of computers. 2. Lawrence Roberts of MIT was the first person to connect computers over the phone lines in different states. 3. The Internet was first called the ARPANET and which the following 4 universities were connected to. The 4 universities consisted of UCLA, Stanford Research Institute, UCSB, and the University of Utah. 4. Email was first developed in July 1992. 5. Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). The protocols that are the basis for transmitting and routing data packets on the Internet. 6. File Transfer Protocol (FTP). The Internet protocol that permits you to transfer files between your system and another system. 7. The first non-library Internet index was called Archie and it was created in 1989 by Peter Deutsch and his crew at McGill University in Montreal. 8. News groups are are discussion groups focusing on a topic, followed, providing a means of exchanging information throughout the world. 9. The first user-friendly interface to the Internet was called The Gopher and it was created at the University of Minnesota. 10. In 1991 Tim Berners-Lee and CERN created a new protocol for information distribution which became the World Wide Web. It was based on hypertext--a system of embedding links in text to link to other text. 11. Netscape Corp produced the most successful graphical type of browser and server. 12. The company that first offered commercial online service for the general population was Delphi in July 1992. PART 2 - INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER (ISP) ISP Type Canada Online DSL Distributel DSL ADVNET DSL Speed 5500/1000 5 Mbps / 800 Kbps 5mb Cost Email Accounts Web Space provided $34.99 999 Yes $36.95 5 Yes $29.99 2 Yes Other Service/Products Dial Up, Dry DSL, Point to Point, Wireless Cable, Dial Up, Dry DSL 10mb PART 3 - HOW SEARCH ENGINES WORK Search Engines on the Web are websites designed to help find information from other websites. They extract certain key words or phrases from your search and give you a list of the best possible results. You are then given a choice of what website to choose from and most even give you quotes involving the words from your search. Name of Search Engine Special Feature Blackle U could haz a theme Saves Energy Searther Saves Energy bing Links to MSN, Hotmail Canoe News Ask Pro of Search Engine Con of Search Engine Example of Advanced Search Option Simple Search before acces to “Images” Country No “Images” None Ads Articles None Only from Canada Ads Shopping Very Simple Links to websites (ex. Youtube. Facebook…) Allows you to be more specific without use of Literal String Link to Google