For example someone who does not engage in right brain functions

What On Earth Is Happening - 002
The Human Brain, Brain Imbalance, Manufactured Lack, Solipsism and the
ideologies it leads to
The human brain essentially has three components. These are the reptile brain, but mammal
brain, and the human brain. The reptile brain is otherwise known as the R-complex. This is the
brainstem. It is responsible for motor skills, our instinct for survival, and our fight or flight
response. This is the stress mode of the brain. The mammal brain is responsible for us being able
to experience emotions. The third part is the human brain or the neocortex and is responsible for
higher order thinking, conceptual thinking, reason, compassion, logic, creativity, compassion,
music, etc.
We study the neocortex further and discover it has two parts: the left and the right Hemisphere. It
is bilaterally symmetrical, meaning if you split it in half it will be symmetrically identical. The
left side has certain functions and qualities that it makes possible through human thought and
behavior which function as the male component of the brain. This is logic, science, math,
analytical thought, etc. This is everything rooted in the physical world. This is the world of
matter, the world of words and language in dealing with everyday physical situations. The right
brain hemisphere governs holistic thought functions. This is the feminine side of the brain, the
nurturing, intuitive, caring, compassionate qualities of the individual. It is also governs our
ability to be creative beings, to engage in art and music and dance, etc, anything that is creative
and expressive. It is the counterpart to the masculine left brain. Neither one of these hemispheres
should dominate the other given a brain that is working properly, given a brain that is balanced.
It’s important that we work with and develop all of those brain functions. It isn’t that one side is
good and one side is bad, or that we should one side all one layer all the other, but to have all of
these in our repertoire of thinking. We need to engage in all of them in balance, that is the key to
a properly functioning brain and to properly bring consciousness online.
What happens if we engage in imbalance in the left brain functions or in right brain
functions where there is predominance?
For example someone who does not engage in right brain functions, who lives in the left brain. If
a person through their interactions with other people, the media they take in, the material they
look at, the behavior with other people, the general experience in the world, if they become a
person that largely engages only in the physical world, never the creative, intuitive, or the
spiritual side of things than the left brain completely dominates the neocortical functions of the
brain, and right brain suffers as a result of this. These two parts of the brain are connected, they
are not really separate. They are connected through a bridge in the middle of the brain that goes
in between each hemisphere called the corpus callosum. It sends information back and forth
between the two hemispheres of the brain as the brain is working properly. If the left brain is
chronically engage in with little to no activity from the right brain. A focus on things, events,
matter, mere everyday occurrences, with no deeper thought to anything that is holistic or creative
or spiritual. Something happens to the entire neocortex where it stops functioning properly by
not acting in its intended role any longer. Intended role of the Neo cortex, the higher-order
thought center of the brain, will become destabilized to appoint where he will not act as the
executive command center of the whole brain complex (the three complexes of the brain).
An easy way to understand this is to envision the company where it has an executive officer
makes executive command decisions about the direction the business will be going in. This is the
CEO, the chief executive officer who makes decisions about where the company is going to go.
If that CEO became so ill that he could not fulfill his functions to the company, middle
management would step in. Looking at the neocortex as the CEO of this company, we associate
the two other brain complexes of the mammalian and reptilian brains as parts of middle
management and junior management. If the CEO or Neo cortex becomes destabilized because it
has gone into a state of left brain hemispherical imbalance whereby it dominates the right brain,
what happens is one of the other two lower complexes will invariably start to assume executive
control over the whole brain and therefore, essentially, over the behavior of the individual.
since Neo cortex has now become physically damaged, neurons do not fire in the proper way,
neural connections are not made in the proper way, and the areas of the brain actually become
darkened. There is no electrochemical and neural activity in certain areas of the brain that there
should be when the Neo cortex is functioning properly and making good reasonable executive
decisions. When (dominates, the limbic or emotional brain suffers the most and starts to shut
down, not function as it should by sending chemicals that help us experience our emotions into
the body. Therefore, the person becomes largely emotionless and not truly capable of
experiencing emotions in the same way that a healthy, holistically functioning brained person
would experience and feel emotions in the body. This person then becomes government, owned,
by the R-complex. The left brain, dealing only with the physical world, no consideration to the
spiritual, no consideration to the creative, no consideration to the intuitive, if that dominates
person’s thoughts the emotional center of the brain, the limbic brain, suffers the most and the
reptile lower (survival, stress, fight or flight) part of the brain takes over the entire consciousness
of the person’s pain. It becomes the governing executive controller of the brain, and the person is
essentially living in the reptile part of the mind.
Many people are imbalanced to the left side of the brain, more so than there are imbalanced to
the right side drain, but most people are indeed imbalanced to one side or another.
What happens when the right side of the brain dominates?
If the person chronically lives in the right brain modality thought functions such as nurturing,
creativity, compassion, feelings, etc. all the time and never really engages physical reality is
always in a spiritual state of mind, not being grounded, not considering the physical domain
important, for always thinking of the of the world or world to come. Always wanting to live for
basic pleasure, not wanting to look at anything that the so-called dark or negative, not really
wanting to engage in problems, engaging in escapism. When this happens something happens to
the whole-brain complex as well. On the right side of the brain becomes dominant what we see is
the limbic brain, or the emotional brain, basically runs haywire. This is the reverse of what
happens when the left frame becomes dominant witches the limbic brain shutting down, in this
case the limbic brain is hyperactive and out-of-control, a slave to their feelings and emotions.
They cannot control that which is going on within them, they either live in fear or they become
somebody who can’t really discern truth because they will believe whatever they’re told. They
have become far too fast, as compared to the left brain imbalance of someone becoming far too
aggressive. Right brain imbalance makes someone become far too passive, essentially allowing
himself to be walked on. This is because when the brain becomes balanced in this way the reptile
brain is shut down. This is the reverse of the other time to bring balance where the left brain
dominance causes the limbic brain to shut down the dominant reptile brain. When the
right brain is dominant the limbic brain becomes dominant while the reptile brain shuts
When a person becomes completely imbalanced towards the left hemisphere of the brain, the
masculine, they become dominated. They want to control other people, they want control over
people’s actions, the decisions they make over their lives, and you’ll often become physically
aggressive about it. This is the “Master” of brain imbalance. This is part of the schism of the
mind takes place right behind your eyes. When you are imbalanced towards the right side you
get the “Slave” tendencies of the brain. The person will have feelings of unworthiness selfloathing, many times addictive tendencies, and become someone who’s willing to follow orders.
One form of brain imbalance, the left brain imbalance, will create a master type or slave driver
type, a dominator. The other form of brain imbalance essentially creates somebody who is
willing to be dominated, slaves. This explains just about everything we are experiencing at this
time in human history.
There are people who will say this is reductionism, this is too simple, that it is more complex
than this. Well, not really. The way the brain functions essentially determines how we behave
and what we experience in the world. You don’t take care of the Temple in man, Temple in you,
we are going to experience negative consequences because we are not taking care of the greatest
gift which has ever been given to our species. We are letting it fall into states of dysfunction and
this array. When we do this we will get uncomfortable and unpleasant results. You really have to
understand how we work, because there are a lot of other people that sure as hell understand how
we work and they are using as a weapon against us. Most of us are completely uneducated about
how those methodologies of mind control really work.
-= 40m-72m Call in from Bob Tuskin =-Bob calls in, discuss pineal gland activation when unified brain, on marijuana as escapism/abuse,
fluoride, Pavlov and controlled scarcity, energy control, scarcity fear reptile brain mode, scarcity
of security, Tesla wireless electricity grid from ionosphere charge, if other people are suffering
we are suffering as well, people don’t want to lose their jobs so they follow orders, truth and
morality are less important than money for most, Milgram experiment.
-Bob Tuskin calls in and talk about a few topics.
Bob mentions having future guest on the show called Rama, who talks about the pineal gland.
Has something called pineal gland activation which is basically a form of meditation in which he
believes you can become more in touch with your pineal gland.
Mark responds: a pineal gland is what becomes awakened and active when the two hemispheres
of neocortex act in unison and balance. The pineal gland actually activates higher levels of
awareness but only really comes online when you bring the mail and the female side of the brain
together in harmony and balance where neither is dominant over the.
Bob suggests the symbolism of the hermaphrodite.
The upward equilateral triangle is an archetypal symbols representing the sacred masculine,
referred to as a spear, representing the yang principle. The inverted equilateral triangle with a
point facing downwards. It represents the sacred feminine principle of yin, called the chalice.
Putting these two together you get the seal of Solomon, representing the left brain hemisphere in
unison with the right brain hemisphere. The seal is also referred to as the star of David. In the
original representation from the word Solomon, we have the word ‘sol’ meaning sun and the
word ‘mon’ meaning moon.
Bob mentions archaeological evidence of marijuana discovered in an allegedly tomb for
Marijuana is one of the shamanic entheogenic substances, that if you use in the context of
awakening higher levels of consciousness, can produce that effect, it can actually balance the
brain hemispheres. Not using it as escapism, not using it as frivolous entertainment, but really
used to work on one’s self.
Bob mentions the real Rastafarian religious teachings. Also, those who are tired of dealing with
the man, with an attitude of rebellion, you want to kick back and escape a little which is a natural
reaction that the powers that be are counting on and anticipating, hoping that we fall into
escapism and further become slaves.
It can be used to properly balance the brain, but at some point if someone uses it so chronically
that they fall into a pattern of abuse which will him balance the Neo cortex to the right brain
hemisphere which brings the modality of the slave. Balance needs to be walked if one is start
using entheogenic compounds.
Bob mentions the effect of fluoride and calcification of the pineal gland, dumbing down, making
people docile. There is also no evidence to support ingestion of fluoride in our water supply,
compared to the allegedly evidence for topical application on the teeth through toothpaste. Both
are invalid.
Bob brings up free energy and Tesla, he believes there will need to be a paradigm shift where we
are removed from a scarcity-based system of control to an abundance-based system. Pavlov did a
test with chickens in which he provided the chickens with an abundance of food and water so
that whenever they needed to eat or drink they would just go to the dispenser and it would be
available. When Pavlov introduced the concept of scarcity to their food and water, their behavior
changed. They began to board food and water supplies. At times, he could get them to fight one
another for food or even kill each other for food.
The control of energy and resources is the control of people. Energy is one of the biggest ways
that we are control. Oil is essentially the currency that is running the world. It is making
everything that we base our civilization upon go. What Tesla discovered is that we do not have to
have the scarcity and lack-based energy system that people always were over. As discussed, once
people are put into the scarcity-based mindset, they go into the reptile mode of thinking.
Bob mentions the scarcity of security for our lives. Where they get you to fear based on an
allegedly were presumed lack of security.
When people fall for this they will always be living in the fight or flight lower base reptilian part
of the brain.
Free energy in relation to Tesla’s technology doesn’t necessarily mean extracting energy from
quantum vacuum or any such thing. Tesla may have experimented with such technology, the free
energy discussed now is more of a shared free energy. This is basically taking energy reserves
from places that nature naturally stores them and then bringing them to places we need to use it.
The ions from the sun that bombard the Earth’s magnetosphere are stored in the Earth’s
ionosphere. Tesla had a methodology to bring this energy from the ionosphere down to the earth,
and in doing so distribute the energy to specific regions of the earth with the earth acting as a
storage capacitor for all this energy.
Bob asks how come the elite do not want all of this energy because it would be a great business
venture, correct?
They do not want to level the playing field. If not want Third World countries to come up to our
level of technology and the understanding that comes along with that technology, because then
an even faster awakening would be on their hands. Tesla understood we were not going to be
able to attain this capability until we came up to a higher level of consciousness.
Mark was once talking with someone at a bar regarding the propagation of free energy across the
globe. He asked the person he was speaking with what he thought of the economic models of the
Middle East where their economies are largely dependent upon oil trade and how this free energy
would render their oil economy useless. This person’s response was “who cares, let whatever
happens to them at that point happened to them”. Mark responded “that’s why we can’t have
this.” We want to think that we can essentially do things that we want in whatever consequences
happen that create suffering for other people are okay. This is not okay. Until we get to the level
of consciousness where we understand, as other people suffer then we suffer ourselves.
Until we get out of this level of consciousness we will not develop free energy technology and
use it to benefit all of humanity. Over 40% of people on this planet still not have electricity
running into their homes. We think the whole world is looking at electrical energy, but it is not.
The playing field would be leveled fairly well if all Third World countries would be brought up
to our level, the awakening would happen a lot quicker. But all these good efforts are suppressed,
because people will do anything for a simple paycheck or enough money in hand because they
are in that reptile lower base brain function.
Bob has spoken to police officers about them upholding their constitutional both as opposed to
following orders from superior. They responded that if they get an order, they are not going to
risk losing their job by not taking the order, irregardless of their alleged constitutional oath.
People are so brainwashed into not wanting to lose their job that they just follow orders.
The human condition degrades when we diverge from an understanding of what is actually
taking place in the world, when we refuse to acknowledge and admit truth into our lives. When
we come into harmony with truth, when we accept it, when we live according to the principles of
natural law then the human experience essentially flowers, opens up, and it comes something
really worth participating in.
Scarcity and how it affects the consciousness of people who are subject to it. The types of
behavior they become engaged in, how they become fearful of not having, of lack, and how that
roots then into the lower base brain consciousness of the R-complex.
Police and the mentality that many of them have, that songs they have a paycheck they will
follow whatever orders are given to them. As long as that is not threatened it will follow
whatever orders they are given and continue to do things that they really do not have a right to
do, such as usurp other people’s rights.
Bob mentions the Nuremberg trials where this justification was attempted. Also at the same time
it was a sleight-of-hand for the Allied powers yet engaging in similar behavior. To take orders or
justify something from orders is one of the scariest things that we can never deal with. Bob asks
Mark if he is familiar with the Milgram experiments and then proceeds to detail it. One person in
the experiment is the question asker, the other person is the one who responds to the questions.
These people are separated each in their own room. The person responding to questions is
hooked up to an electric shock system, and the person asking the questions increases the voltage
of the shocks as each question is answered incorrectly. The person asking the questions hears the
painful response of the person in the other room through an intercom system when the shock is
applied. They continue to administer greater and greater shocks because they are told by the
scientist that if they stop they will compromise the whole experiment and insists that they
continue to shock the person that ever increasing levels. Originally 30-40 years ago and the
experiment was done it was about 85% of people who continued all the way. Having redone the
experiment more recently, it is above 90%
**Milgram Experiment, Stanford Experiment, CBC - The Human Behavior Experiments, Derren
Brown - The Experiment, PsyWar**
What this really gets down to is personal responsibility. People want to claim that someone
else is ultimately responsible for their own behaviors. And this just is not true you are
responsible for what you do, no one else is. In these experiments, all of these people
abdicated their personal responsibility to another authority figure. People kept going along
with the experiment even though they knew it was causing suffering for other people. It is
the epitome of irresponsibility, and illustrates perfectly why we are in the mess we are in.
Total freedom means nothing else than total responsibility. If we are not willing to take
total responsibility for the actions we take in this world in our own lives, we are never going
to have freedom.
-= End call in: 72m =-
Speaking about the End the Fed rally march, Mark says we need people to not show fear. To
look them in the eye and not be afraid of them. This is the institution was behind the exploding
of the president’s head full daylight you in front of the general population. Let’s make no
mistake, we know that Kennedy through his beginning of the process of an interest-free
monetary systems being one of the main reasons for him being taken out. We need to stand
together in solidarity if we are ever going to make any real change happen. You can’t just say
you don’t want something you know that is immoral in the world, you have to take action and
actually get involved and educate other people by bringing information forward. First understand
the information and then educate others about. The monetary system is but one aspect.
-= Call in from Kevin from Germ books 79m =Kevin quotes from Aristotle:
“Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.”
People take desperate actions when faced with desperate measures and scarcity, because again,
their consciousness goes straight downward into the R-complex of the brain. You cannot make
good reasonable decisions when the reptile brain governs the actions of the individual. There is a
physiological basis to this with respect to the brain-body complex. When you drop into the Rcomplex of the brain, all of the blood leaves the torso and head toward the extremities, spoken
about previously. Little blood flowing to the head and to the internal organs, hence little ability
to think properly. This is what artificial manufactured scarcity does to the human consciousness.
This is one of the biggest methodologies they use to control people.
Kevin mentions the movie They Live, and remarking about how we all do it to ourselves, and
reminiscent of the movie Idiocracy.
Mark mentions that science fiction isn’t fiction, but that it’s more of an allegory of the world.
Kevin mentions how his wife says that films are a reflection of the fears of society at large.
Mark agrees, stating that art imitates life.
-= End call =Allegories are fictional tales that are really telling us something about events that are really
playing out in the real world around us contains moral information in detail. It is structured to
teach a lesson.
Allegories are a great way to get ideas across to people because, being that it is a creative
method, people going to the receptive mode of thinking of the right side of the brain. Art and
creativity are a big part of this. Allegories are great way to get stitches into people’s
consciousness. Avatar is an example of the recent allegorical movie. Most military bases did not
want avatar shown on the basis because they understand the power of allegory for reaching the
human mind and specifically reaching the human conscience. They do not want soldiers
understanding the message in the movie, they don’t want it seeping into their consciousness, they
want keep them right where they want them in a state of mind control.
The pineal gland
What happens when the brain hemispheres are balanced?
When you bring the left and right brain hemispheres into conjunction, into unison, into harmony,
one brain hemisphere is not dominant over the other. It is a balanced brain. The Neo cortex, the
higher order thought center of the brain, acts in its proper role as the executive command center
over the whole brain complex functionality. The person is not governed by an out-of-control
emotional state, nor by total fight or flight, stress, or desire to control other people. When the
brain is balanced person is neither a master or slave of others. They are a master of themselves.
They have achieved a state of Dominion, which is a state of self ownership, self-governance, self
rulership. That being is not divided amongst itself anymore. So they think, so they feel, and so
they act.
The third eye, or what has been called the one I, the all seeing eye, the human pineal gland which
is exactly in the center of the head, inside what is called the middle chamber, the limbic brain.
Limbic brain is the emotional part of the brain that generates the chemicals that helps us feel the
emotions we experience in the body. The hypothalamus, hippocampus, the pituitary gland, the
amygdala, and the pineal gland are all located in the limbic brain. It is located in the center of the
head from the middle of the ice and just above the eyes, going back to the middle of the head
inside the limbic is called the pineal gland because it is shaped like a pine cone. This
gland becomes active and essentially awakens a human beings entire state of awareness about
what is actually taking place within and around them. They have true discernment when this state
of consciousness opens up which is done by balancing the brain hemispheres. We will get into
the techniques to make this state of consciousness occur.
Let’s talk about some symbolism associated with this state.
There are a few symbols that have been associated with this mode of consciousness for
thousands of years. One of them is the male aspect of being, the male side of consciousness, the
yang energy. The general symbol that this form of consciousness was associated with was the
blade. This is an upward pointing triangle. This is a rudimentary phallic symbol. This is
associated with action, and anything that goes outside of oneself and interacts with the world
around one’s self. It is the active male component. The reason it is associated with the phallic
symbol is because it is the thrust force. Is the force through which we project outward to others
around us, our actions in the world. This is associated with the left brain hemisphere.
The reversal of this archetypal is the inverted triangle with the point downward. This is a
rudimentary womb simple shaped like a feminine womb. This is the sacred feminine dealing
with emotional states, the right brain hemisphere. This is the part of the consciousness that looks
and works. This is the internal aspect of conscious. When we bring these two together very
recognize symbol in different cultures, used throughout the world to describe the state of
consciousness when one has a balanced brain. Seal of Solomon’s two interlocked triangles, not
one on top of the other. This state of consciousness is also called the chemical wedding, because
the chemical and electrical activity of the human brain is functioning in wholeness, in oneness, in
harmony. It is called seal of Solomon because the male side of the brain is representative of the
active solar, Yang energies. Action is associated with the sun and daytime. The word for the sun
solar. Sol. And they have the lunar form of consciousness, the sacred feminine, the moon
energy, the right brain. When they come together it is a chemical wedding, state of the balanced
brain, the beginning of the awakening of the pineal gland or the all seeing eye.
We need to make this our goal if we are going to come out of the problems we are facing as a
species. We need to work on ourselves. Work on what different mystical traditions have called
the Temple inside, which is the human brain. It is really the underlying focus, the underlying
causal factor of what generates our experience in the world. This is not reductionist thinking or
reductionist philosophy. It can’t be overstated or over calculated how important the brain is
towards what we experience. You see people doing all kinds of crazy destructive behaviors to the
brain through substance abuse, engaging in activities that will irreparably damage the brain such
as writing a motorcycle without a helmet, cage fighting or boxing. There’s not much respect for
the Temple in man in these individuals. To desecrate a gift like that for whatever justification or
money, it is hard to comprehend. To understand what makes capable, understand what the brain
generates an experience and the external world we experience, it is all a reflection of what’s
going on inside us.
Solipsism - The Big Lie
This is the ideology that leads to all the other dangerous and destructive worldviews that people
hold in the world that lead to more and more human suffering. This is the lie that if you buy into,
essentially the spiritual journey comes to a halt. The spiritual journey is about seeking truth.
Solipsism is the notion that perception is reality. Thinking that however you perceive it is how
the truth is. The truth isn’t something you discover, but something you make up based on your
own personal preferences, what you’re comfortable with, and what information you have at a
given moment. That nothing exists independently of the individual who is observing. There is no
external reality. There is no truth. Whatever I decide is the truth is essentially what I’m
going to live my life according to. It can be described someone who is attempting to become
their own personal arbiter of truth. Someone who subscribes to the notion that there is no such
thing as objective truth. That nothing can be known in and of itself. That only perception governs
There are many people who subscribe to this ideology. If you don’t believe there are actual
events that take place, and that they can be known, that is called the truth of what happens on this
planet, then there is really no helping you. You need to use your will to come out of that state of
mind. There is such a thing as truth. It is that which is. if you want to get scientific about it, the
truth is the wave functions that are spoken of in quantum mechanics. The waves of possibility.
All of the possibilities that have existed in what we know of as the past that have coalesced,
condensed, collapsed, and become actual events in the now, in the present moment. That is what
the truth is. Is that which has already occurred, that which has undergone the formality of
actually taking place and occurring in the world. It is not up for debate, it is that which is, already
occurred, it happened. Now whether we discover truth is another story, but it exists.
Mark describes the first and only the requisite leap of faith that must be taken on the entire
spiritual journey. There is no other belief or faith that is required after this initial leap of faith, to
believe that there is such a thing as truth. At first you do not know there is such a thing as truth,
you do have to have some form of belief that truth does exists to go seek it. You do not have that
first. A truth seeker does not already have truth otherwise it would not be seeking. Solipsist to
someone who does not believe in objective truth and therefore never actually begins the spiritual
Mark knows from first-hand experience, that the dark occultists refer to this state of
consciousness in different ways. Dark occultists who are actively using techniques of mind
control and manipulation have a popular name for the people who have bought the biggest lie,
they call them the dead. There are people out there who referred to living people as the dead due
to them being completely off the mark about the nature of reality in which they live.
Solipsist, the person who thinks they are the arbiter of truth, truth doesn’t exist, they get to make
it up, our perceptions are the truth, nothing exists independently of us, we get to make it up, not
something that is objective but something subjective, I get to decide something is truth based
on whether I like it or not, how I feel about it.
The other word the dark occultists use is the un-begun, or the uninitiated. In other words, those
who have not begun, because subscribing to solipsism means you have not begun the spiritual
journey towards truth. Dark occultists want people in the state of mind, and they have many
people there.
The ideologies solipsism leads to
If there is no such thing as truth, most solipsists believe there is no such thing as God. Atheism
goes hand-in-hand with the ideology of solipsism. Some say atheism is the root of solipsism and
solipsistic beliefs, and some say the opposite that atheism comes from solipsism and therefore
there is no truth and therefore there is no God or vice versa there is no God therefore there is no
truth. Solipsism is the idea that I get to determine, based on my own personal preferences, what
the truth is. This inextricably leads to an ideology known as moral relativism. This is the notion
that there is no such thing as objective right and wrong. Since, there is no such thing as truth, no
objective truth, therefore, there is no such thing as objective morality. After all, I get to
determine which Earth is, but I also get to determine what morals are, what is and what is not
moral. What is good for me is good, and what is bad for me is bad. It does not matter how it
affects someone else. I get to make up. After all there is no truth, after all there is no God, there
is no such thing as natural law consequences to our actions. Morality is completely subjective
and based in the perceptions of the beholder. This is complete and utter nonsense.
This is why we have so many people taking all the immoral actions that they are in the world,
stomping on other people’s natural human rights, as if it does not matter what they do to them as
long as the paycheck is flowing, as long as they can transfer the responsibility to someone else.
Once you have moral relativism, other interesting things start to pop up, the beginning of this
slide down into total tyranny, because if there is no such thing as right or wrong than nothing that
anyone does anyone else really matters. The ideologies that social Darwinism, where the
evolution of the species is determined by those best socially prepared to deal with anything that
may occur in the culture. A higher star class of society has the right to rule over society and even
kill or destroy lower classes below it. We get things like eugenics, killing people based on your
assessment of their breeding and gene pool worth. This leads to totalitarianism and tyranny.