Pastor Tim`s Talk September 2013

Pastor Tim’s Talk
“Discerning God’s Vision for AUMC”
“Where there is no vision the people perish...”
Proverbs 29:18 KJV
As a part of the FCJ, process there is a team that has been
meeting to discern God’s vision for AUMC. The process
started with a Vision workshop led by our FCJ coach Tim
Cosby. After the workshop, several from our church
participated in conducting windshield tours, prayer walks,
and interviews with key community leaders. All this was done
to try to get a feel for the needs in the community and to
help AUMC better minister to the community.
Over the last few months, the Vision team has met several
times and has developed a draft mission statement for your
consideration. Key to the vision statement is our sense that
God is calling us to make disciples of Jesus Christ and that
AUMC has been blessed to be a blessing. We see this
happening as we individually and corporately live out “the 5
Practices of a Fruitful Congregation.”
Here is the draft Vision statement….
AUMC’s Vision Statement
Angola United Methodist Church seeks to be a fruitful
community of Christ followers. Our God given mission is…
…to make disciples of Jesus Christ
for the transformation of the world.
To accomplish this mission, we will strive to put into practice
our vision to be a community of faith…
called by God to grow as disciples through
striving to put the practices of a fruitful
congregation to use in our individual lives, using
intentional faith development and passionate
worship to strengthen our walk with Christ and
build up the body of Christ at AUMC.
blessed by God to share Christ’s love, hope, and
redemption by being channels of God’s blessing
to others through radical hospitality and
extravagant generosity, meeting the needs of
others to bring wholeness through Jesus Christ
sent by God to serve others through risk taking
mission and service thus equipping others of all
ages to use their spiritual gifts to effectively serve
in both the local community and throughout the
world in service, mission and ministry and to
develop Christian leaders and enable our youth to
become leaders in life and ministry
In short, AUMC’s vision is that we individually and
corporately we are called to grow, blessed to share, and
sent to serve.
Please let me know if this draft vision statement resonates
with you. Are there things we have left out of the
statement that we need to include without which the
statement will be incomplete? Are there things in the
statement that are hard to understand? What do you
Thanks for your input in helping us discern God’s vision for
All for Jesus,
Pastor Tim
New Friends’ Dinner
Sunday, September 22, 2013
4:00 PM
Fellowship Hall
If you have started coming to AUMC within the
last few months we would like to invite you to a
New Friends’ Dinner on Sunday, September
22nd. During the dinner, you’ll have a chance to
visit with the some of AUMC staff and key
Pastor Tim will be sharing about AUMC’s vision,
the 5 practices, and the next steps those who
are new to the church need to take if they want
to become members of AUMC.
Please call the church office at (260) 665-3914 if
you would like to join us for the New Friends’