
Connotation- all the meanings, emotions, and
associations suggested by a word
Denotation- the explicit, literal, dictionary definition
of a word
Summarize- give the main points or ideas in a
passage or article
Explicit- something stated in very clear terms
Dynamic- character who shows a personality
change during the course of a story
Approximate- an answer that is not quite exact or
correct, but close enough for the given situation
Delineate- describe in very clear detail
Corroboration- confirmation that some fact or
statement is true
Apply- to put to some practical or specific use
Bias- to influence in an unfair way
Conclusion- a statement that tells the outcome of
an investigation; the data has been interpreted and
studied in relation to a hypothesis
Construct- put together out of components or parts
Constraints- something that would hold you back
Refine- to make improvements by introducing
subtle changes
Function- the special purpose something is used for
Cite- make reference to
Critique- to give your opinion about something (ie
poem, art, music, movies)
Evaluate- place a value on; judge the worth of
Distinction- a notice or marking of the differences
between things
Fundamental- a basic principle or necessary part
Determine- reach, make, or come to a decision
about something
Assess- to analyze and determine the nature, value,
or importance of
Diversity- the condition of having variety
Variable- a quantity that can assume any of a set of
Justify- show to be reasonable
Distinguish- to mark with a trait that makes
something different
Predict- to be able to tell about an event before it
Synthesize- to come up with a new idea that is
based on given information
Hypothesize- suggest an answer to a problem.
Your answer is based on information that you know
Logical- clear; reasonable; step by step thinking
Analyze- make a mathematical, chemical, or
grammatical analysis of; break down into
components or essential features
Reliable- able to be counted on, dependable
Inference- an educated guess about something that
is not directly stated in a passage but is strongly
hinted at or implied
Validity- state of being supported by facts
Reference- to cite specific information from a poem
or story to support a viewpoint
Scarcity- a small and inadequate amount
Cohesion- the state of sticking together or to
become bonded
Attributes- specific characteristics
Interpret- to show one’s own understanding of
something and make clear to others
Diffusion- spreading out from a crowded to a less
crowded area
Significance- a meaning or sense of importance
Identify- label, classify, describe, determinate
Elaborate- add details, as to an account or idea;
clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned
way, usually in writing
Adaptation- adjust to and use what’s in your
environment in order to survive
Context- the setting in which a word appears that
may help the reader understand the meaning of the
Transition- the process of changing or passing from
one form, state, subject, or place to another
Differentiate- distinguish, tell apart and recognize
differences between two or more items
Abstract- a concept or idea not associated with any
specific instance
Classify- to group things according to similar
Reaction- (chemistry) a process in which one or
more substances are changed into others