~COMMON CORE WEEKLY PLANNER~ WEEK OF 11/12/2012 TEACHER/GRADE: Susan Magarie STANDARD(S): Subject(s): ELA_ Religion _ Math X CCSS.3.0A5; CC.3.OA.7; CC.3.OA.9 Soc Stud _ Science _ Art _ Music _ Phys. Ed _ Spanish _ Use drop down menu next to each subject to select “X” for the appropriate subjects SUGGESTED PRE-ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES TO ACCESS PRIOR KNOWLEDGE Quiz/Test Survey KWL Chart Brainstorm Journal Self-assessment Questioning INSTRUCTIONAL MATH PRACTICES: INSTRUCTIONAL ELA PRACTICES: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Use informational texts Write to state opinion or argument with evidence of claim Read closely Site evidence from multiple sources Analyze the 5 W’s and H of multiple texts Interpret words and phrases Integrate and evaluate content Include speaking and writing activities SUGGESTED CLOSURE/ASSESSMENTS: BEST PRACTICES: Exit cards Quiz/Test Observation Checklist Projects Presentation Written Assessments Use: Degrees of Knowledge Wheel: Levels 3-4 Bloom’s Taxonomy Include rubric when applicable Differentiate according to intelligence/learning styles/Lexiles : Whole, Flexible, One-To-One Identify the Standards to be taught Identify the Skills to be taught Identify the Learning Targets Categories Explaining/Demonstration Learning Centers Collaborating/Discussion Modeling & Structured Practice Guided Practice/ Independent Practice Defending/Debating/ Real World Prompts Tech _ ~COMMON CORE WEEKLY PLANNER~ ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What strategies can you use to multiply? Monday LEARNING STANDARD(S) What will the students know/do? Tuesday Know: How to use a variety of strategies to multiply by 7. Do: Use Commutative or Distributive Properties to model and solve multiplication problems. Know: What the properties of Multiplication are and their relationships to multiplication. ACTIVATE PRIOR KNOWLEDGE What do the students now before the lesson? INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES* Practices used to determine how students are showing they are mastering the standardsbased learning. Click here to enter text. Know: How to use properties to explain patterns from the multiplication table. Thursday Friday Know: How to use to use strategies to multiply with 8 as a factor. Do: Use a number line, doubles, or Associative Properties to multiply to multiply by 8. Do: Use Associative Property of multiplication to multiply with 3 factors. Do: Using the Multiplication Table, students will identity patterns to help easily multiply factors. Commutative Property and Distributive Property of multiplication Associative Property of Multiplication Table Doubles Number Line Students should know how to draw arrays Students should know the Associative Property of Addition Students need to know how to use the Multiplication table and skip count. Students should know how to use a number line. Using the Smartboard lesson, students will ‘break apart’ arrays to demonstrate Distributive properties when multiplying. Using Smartboard and assigned problems, students will solve multiplication sentences by grouping 2 factors, multiplying them, then multiplying the product to the third factor. KNOW: DO: VOCABULARY: Wednesday Using a Multiplication Table on Smartboard, students will demonstrate how to identify & explain various multiplication patterns. Using Smartboard, students will solve multiplication problems with 8 as a factor. ~COMMON CORE WEEKLY PLANNER~ CLOSURE/ASSESSMENT* Evaluate for the level of success. . Assigned problems will be used. Assigned problems will be used. Assigned problems will be used. Assigned problems will be used. Practice workbook Pages 75 and 76 Practice workbook Pages 77and 78 Practice workbook pages 81 and 82. Click here to enter text. _ use text based evidence _ use text based evidence _ use text based evidence _ use text based evidence _ write from sources _ write from sources _ write from sources _ write from sources _ build academic vocabulary _ build academic vocabulary _ build academic vocabulary _ build academic vocabulary _ build academic vocabulary _ increase text complexity _ increase text complexity _ increase text complexity _ increase text complexity _ balance inform /literary txts _ balance inform /literary txts _ balance inform /literary txts _ balance inform /literary txts _ increase text complexity _ build knwldg in disciplines _ build knwldg in disciplines _ build knwldg in disciplines _ build knwldg in disciplines X focus X coherence _ rigor X fluency X application X deep understanding X focus X coherence _ rigor X fluency X application X deep understanding X focus _ coherence _ rigor X fluency X application X deep understanding X focus _ coherence _ rigor X fluency X application X deep understanding Homework: ELA SHIFTS: (USE DROP DOWN MENU TO PLACE AN “X” NEXT TO THE DIFFERENT OPTIONS. _ use text based evidence _ write from sources _ balance inform /literary txts _ build knwldg in disciplines Math Shifts: (USE DROP DOWN MENU TO PLACE AN “X” NEXT TO THE DIFFERENT OPTIONS X focus X coherence _ rigor X fluency X application X deep understandi ng