Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory

Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
Research Fellowship Information for Scientists
1. Purpose: This program provides financial support to defer the costs of working at RMBL for
scientists at the postdoctoral stage and beyond. Graduate students should submit a Graduate
Student Fellowship application. As of Dec, 2015, RMBL has $15,000 to award in Fellowship
funds for scientists in 2016. $10,000 are for general research, $5000 are to fund geological
research, and some small funds will be awarded in recognition of scientists’ contribution to
scientific communication and education.
2. Conditions: Grants are restricted to scientists working at RMBL. Allowable expenses
include all RMBL fees (station fees, housing, meals, parking, storage, and lab rental), supplies,
equipment, travel, and child care for your family (as appropriate). Nondisposable supplies and
equipment purchased with fellowship funds are the property of RMBL and must be labelled as
such. Salaries are not allowed. Funds can be used for yourself or members of your research
3. Applications: Applications must be received by 15 Feb to be considered for funding for the
subsequent 12-month period. Applicants must have either an approved research plan or a
research plan under review. Materials should be submitted by email to the Science
Director. The application consists of the following materials (see below):
* itemized budget;
* summary of results of previous years working at the RMBL (if applicable).
The Fellowship Committee will be provided a copy of your most recent research application as
well as the CV that was submitted when the research plan was filed. If you wish to update any
of that information, please contact the Science Director.
4. Screening of applications: The Fellowship committee will evaluate proposals based upon
scientific soundness, feasibility, suitability of RMBL as the study site, scientific promise of the
applicant, evidence of past productivity, and impact of assistance on the project.
5. Awarding of grants: Final delivery of an award requires that the proposal be approved
according to the normal RMBL procedures for screening research applications. The applicant
must pay applicable RMBL fees. The awardee will provide a written report of the work
accomplished (maximum 2 pages) by December 31 of the year in which the funded season of
research is concluded. This report becomes the property of RMBL and may be used in any
reasonable way (such as publication in the RMBL Newsletter). By the same Dec. 31 deadline,
scientists receiving fellowship support must submit metadata and data to the RMBL database for
the research project that was funded by the fellowship. Data do not need to be made public, but
they need to be archived. For data that are part of long-term datasets, a timeline for prepping
data and archiving the long-term dataset needs to be in place by Dec.31. Acknowledgment of
RMBL is expected in any publication resulting from funded research. Failure to carry out the
proposed research, to submit an adequate final report, to archive data, or to acknowledge the
fund in publications may disqualify an applicant from receiving further support.
Application for RMBL Fellowship
(The information provided on this form will be kept confidential.)
Applicant's name:
Date Submitted:
Budget: Please provide an itemized budget of research expenses at the RMBL. Applicants
should include the expected/desired number of individuals on the research team, including the
applicant, and the number of days they will be at the RMBL. Rates can be found
Budget justification: Please explain your projected expenses within the context of your
research proposal.
Funding sources: Please provide information on other funding sources, noting whether the
funding sources are confirmed or pending. Please note if you have previously received RMBL
research support.
---------------------------------------------Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory
Results from Previous Work at the RMBL
Please list the number of summers spent working at the Lab, with information on career stage
during those summers (e.g., graduate student, postdoc, assistant professor, etc.).
Please provide citations for published or submitted articles based upon work at RMBL, noting
any undergraduate or graduate co-authors. Articles not listed in the RMBL publications database
or submitted to the Science Director for archiving will not be considered.
Please provide any information on the number of students trained (undergraduate, graduate, or
postdoc) in different years, as well as any information on their career pathway.
Please provide any information on how science conducted at the Lab has informed management
or policy decisions.
To qualify for the NEW Outstanding Science Communicator Fellowship, please provide
information about your science communications efforts and outcomes of those efforts both at
RMBL and at your home institution.
Outreach at RMBL includes volunteering for Science Tours, Kids Nature Camp, the high school
course, the Education Program, teacher professional development, events, videos, blogs, social
media, etc. For example, some folks have been featured on BBC or National Geographic. We
know that the films crews were out, but we'd like to know how to access videos or articles.
Outreach at home institutions can include all of those kinds of items, but we'd like to see a
somewhat "RMBL-centric" bent to them. One major intention is to recognize and reward
effective science communication. In addition, we would like to learn about the communication
work that RMBL scientists are already doing, so we can push it out to the larger world. That kind
of advertising helps our scientists and helps us.
The communication fellowship may be awarded as a stand alone award or in conjunction with
another fellowship.
Please provide any additional information not captured above on significant outcomes based
upon research conducted at the Lab.
----------------------------Thank you!