You Said We Did (2013

You Said … We Did …
IT Services received the following feedback from students via various surveys which took place up
to January 2014.
We include our responses below each point, along with any updates to our responses since
January 2014.
You Said …
”We want Wi-Fi which is always connected and with sufficient bandwidth in all the buildings on
campus which includes the spaces between our buildings”.
We did …
During 2012/13 we have continued to invest in extending the existing Wi-Fi Facilities. The IT
Infrastructure Team have visited and checked the following spaces on campus:
JBP Building and Student Central.
Horton A & D and Chesham B & C.
Pemberton and Ashfield Building.
Norcroft Conference Centre.
Bright Building.
Heaton Mount (including Bedroom Block).
Richmond Building (including Workshop Blocks).
Most areas that would be expected to have a good signal are operating to specification, though
some overlapping Wi-Fi channels have now been addressed to ensure signals do not “drop out”
Improvements that were identified include:
The bridge between Pemberton and Ashfield (Postgraduate Space) - this is being addressed
by the School.
Significant parts of Richmond that are not covered - however, at present the School of Life
Sciences have not requested this.
No signal in the Simulation Suite on L Floor; which we would have expected as part of a
refurbishment project – we will follow this up with Estates.
(Update - September 2014: this is now complete).
The University of Bradford retains copyright for this material, which may not be reproduced without prior written
permission. We welcome feedback on our documentation.
25 September 2014
Refurbished space in Chesham C0 – we will follow this up with Estates.
(Update - September 2014: this is now complete).
The Bright Building – this is being followed up by Estates.
(Update - September 2014: this is now complete).
We have also …
Re-configured the Wi-Fi Service of several base stations to maximise performance levels
(which should result in Wi-Fi improvement; particularly to the JBP Building.
Launched and promoted Eduroam as the way to keep connected on campus and between
In specific response to the survey we specifically investigated Wi-Fi in the lecture theatres in
Horton and Chesham including C3.07, reviewing the School of Management teaching and
social areas, Richmond lecture spaces and F42 computer aided assessment facility and
Pemberton top floor.
There is a major investment plan business cases for “stadium capacity” Wi-Fi which will be
implemented subject to approval.
(Update - September 2014: this project has been approved. Please see the project website at:
You Said …
”We need more printers that are always working and are more evenly spread across the campus”.
We did …
Following the installation of the latest HP printers in the summer of 2012 this has proven
significantly more reliable.
There are over 20 student high-capacity printers located in different areas of the University
Campus – these include Floors 0, 1 & 2 of the JBP Library, the learning mall and SC038 of the
Student Central, F42, L24, J31 and C101 of the Richmond Building and the Emm Lane Atrium and
The PC Cluster information provided on the web includes printer locations – we will also improve
signposting and virtual signage and we are also increasing the number of printers outside the
Student Union in Student Central.
(Update - September 2014: the printers that were trialled outside the Students’ Union in Student
Central were found to be under used. As a result, they have been moved back into the Library).
We are in the process of investigating whether we can display “free” printers around campus on
the display TV’s and mobile app.
You Said …
”Will we continue to get a subsidised printing credit”?
We did …
All new students received an initial printing credit of £2 (increased from £1.25 in previous year).
(Update - September 2014: new students in September 2014 will again receive this £2 credit).
You Said …
”Please can we have more A3 printers / scanners in Horton Building”?
We did …
We asked the Schools based in the Horton Building to consider capacity issues.
You Said …
”Please can we print from our personal devices such as laptop and a Mac / PC”?
We did …
We provided full instructions for wireless printing to University “pull” printers to collect output at
your own convenience. Any device connected to Eduroam or RoamNet can print wirelessly by
following the instructions at:
You Said …
”Please can we have top-up printing machines in Horton Building and the Atrium”?
We did …
We are trying to reduce and ultimately eliminate the use of cash for printer credits, photocopy
credits and library fines etc. and move towards a more online / digital approach using a webbased print credit facility which can be used anytime, anyplace.
Full details are published at:
We will respond to feedback that the process is too complex with our suppliers to investigate
whether this can be further improved.
You Said …
”Please can we have a constant paper-checker on all printers and copiers in all buildings at all
We did …
Student ambassadors are employed within the Library Building to assist students in a variety of
Managing the paper, toners and other consumables in the fleet of multi-function devices.
During term-time there are 9 students employed (and a further 6 who can assist when not
on other duties).
This is operated 7 days a week: Monday – Friday (08:00-19:00), Saturday (09:00-17:00) and
Sunday (13:00-17:00).
We also employ a PC Cluster Checker who spends three hours a day visiting every PC Cluster on
Campus – checking any visual faults and issues and also performing routine maintenance and
checking of printers.
(Update - September 2014: as well as the PC Cluster Checker, the Library Student Learning
Champions now check the printers in the Library and Student Central from 08:00-19:00 Monday
to Friday and during the afternoons on Saturday and Sunday, during term time. We also have a
new online tool which staff can check remotely to find details of printers requiring maintenance.
You Said …
”Please can we have more printers that have colour print not just in the library”?
We did …
The colour printers have now been re-allocated and spread across campus more evenly. There are
Two colour printers in Student Central (by the UBU reception).
(Update - September 2014: these printers were trialled outside the Students’ Union in
Student Central and were found to be under used. As a result, they have been moved back
into the Library).
One colour printer has been allocated to 01.53 JBP Library.
(Update - September 2014: this printer is now located in room 01.18).
One colour printer has also been allocated on Floors 1 and 02.
You Said …
”Students generally felt there were insufficient computers for students, that there should be more
cluster rooms and the PCs ran too slowly”.
We did …
The facility which was reported as slow was the Richmond F42 Sunray Cluster – this facility was
purpose-built for computer-aided assessment but is also made available on a 24 / 7 basis for
general student use.
(Update - September 2014: the servers that provide F29 has been upgraded to Windows 7).
As F42 does not have the same capabilities as PC Cluster Rooms – this will now be reviewed.
There have been upgrades and refurbishment works to PC Cluster Rooms in the Richmond
Building (L24), £50k investment in brand new PC’s and £30k in AV facilities in the Library (01.53).
An additional 50 computers have been ordered and are being distributed to Student Central and
Library spaces during October / November 2013.
There are now 40 laptops available on the UBorrow scheme and 25 of these are new.
(Update - September 2014: the UBorrow laptops have all been replaced with new ones. There is
also a new self-service laptop loan facility, with an additional 24 machines, opposite the Library
Enquiry Desk).
We have also upgraded and made available a new PC Cluster with 25 new computers in Richmond
We will review the Richmond Atrium space for IT facilities after the refurbishment has been
completed (December 2013) and are also investigating the use of space in the JBP Library (Level
01) for group student supported with IT.
(Update - September 2014: we did not provide IT facilities in the Atrium, however, room 01.13
on floor 01 in the Library has been made available to students. £24k has been spent on this
resource, which includes 15 new computers and several large screens. There are also now an
additional 6 PCs in the Health Studies part of the Library).
You Said …
”Please can PCs include all relevant applications and programmes for all courses”?
We did …
All PCs are supplied with the same student PC cluster “image” and software. The only exceptions
are the SunRay thin client computers which are configured differently. All computers are less
than four years old and they are all capable of running the latest software supplied on the
Windows 7 platform that we have now standardised across the campus.
We also supply programmes such as SPSS, SPSS (Mac), Minitab, Amos and Nvivo software to
module-specific courses (in previous years CD’s cost £10 but are now free of charge to those
students where these specific packages are needed for their course material).
(Update - September 2014: the University now also has a campus licence for Adobe software and
Microsoft IT Academy online learning).
You Said …
”Please can we have more silent rooms / areas”?
We did …
As well as the silent PC Cluster in the Library (Room 2.7) a further space has been allocated for
silent study without computer facilities (Level 0).
You Said …
”Free iPads to new students with the possibility of bulk buy and / or reduce university bursary to
We did …
We promoted the educational discounts for all students and staff that are available through the
Apple Store using various marketing channels.
We also introduced various options to students entitled to bursaries including a cashless card for
purchasing equipment (including books) and services in the newly launched Blackwell’s book
store on campus.
You Said …
”We would like more IT related support, more IT training, additional assistance and more general
support of learning and teaching systems”.
We did …
We provided more resources for the free student PC clinic to enable extended hours and more
We also re-located our PC clinic to a larger space on Floor 01 of the JBP Library.
We are increasing our support for Apple devices and have invested in a two-day training course
for all our IT Support staff commencing October 2013.
We also plan to conduct a full audit of student learner support (which is part of the Learning and
Teaching enhancement plan).
The aim is to move towards a “one-stop shop” approach which is appropriately resourced to cover
a wider range of support in one place that is convenient for students.
(Update - September 2014: Improved learning, teaching and support facilities are to be
developed in the Library. Students will have access to enhanced IT support and development
opportunities, with high quality learning technology throughout. Timescales for the work are still
being determined).
You Said …
”We would like remote access to m: drive folders and files”.
We did …
Instructions on all file management for students are now clearly signposted within their IT Service
Help Sheets section at: (this
section includes information on Windows 7 and remote access of files.
You Said …
”We need better access/easier search facility to full text online journals, research articles and ebooks”.
We did …
The University has invested in a new discovery tool called Summon which has many properties
that enable the student to directly search across all library resources online and in print via an
integrated single search box for full text online, research articles, e-books and book reviews
which can be accessed through the library homepage: or
Students are given an introduction to the benefits of the Summon tool during their library
sessions in their first semester of their degree course which is taught by their subject librarian.
You Said …
”We would appreciate less downtime with Blackboard or notifications of when these times are –
keeping Blackboard maintenance times away from exam times to avoid losing access to lecture
notes, slides etc”.
We did …
Planned maintenance is either scheduled:
During the main upgrade period which is traditionally in July – this is advertised on the
Bradford Internal Home Page.
Planned IT at Risk Periods are Tuesday morning and are advertised on both the Blackboard
login page and IT Service Status Page.
Anything that is urgent may happen outside these periods but would be classed as
(Update - September 2014: Over the summer we switched the Blackboard system (virtual
learning environment) over to a hosted managed solution. This move has several benefits,
including 24 hour support, out-of-hours software upgrades (undertaken by the vendor) and a
standard availability target of 99.8%. We endeavour to keep staff and students up to date with all
issues via the internal home page and also via the IT Services status page: Planned upgrades and maintenance to
Blackboard will now take place between 01:00 and 05:00 on Friday mornings and will be
advertised on the Blackboard login page).
You Said …
”We have noticed that sometimes Blackboard is very slow so the speed could improve and could
also be quicker from home / remotely”.
We did …
Blackboard consultants are aware of this and have been addressing these issues.
(Update - September 2014: please see the update in the previous item regarding the hosted
managed solution).
You Said …
”We need a more obvious connection between students and lecturers Blackboard accounts as it
does not seem noticeable to lecturers when their students cannot see modules / documents”.
We did …
There is now a new feature for staff that allows them to see the student view of the module.
You Said …
”Can Blackboard provide us with a webinar / video conference facility”?
We did …
Blackboard Collaborate is a new webinar tool for teaching and is available with every module.
You Said …
”We would like access to external sources and e-journals via Blackboard”.
We did …
Under the tool tab there is a library tab that you click on and this takes you directly to the new
discovery tool Summon.
You Said …
”We need to encourage and train tutors / staff on how to use Blackboard to the best of their
We did …
Training courses and support material are available to staff via the Centre for Educational
Development (CED).
(Update - September 2014: two new staff members have been recruited to the IT Advice team
with teaching and learning specialisation, who will provide support to both students and staff
from November 2014. We have also invested in Blackboard training materials).
You Said …
”We would like a clearer induction process / online tutorial for new and continuing students
giving help and advice to users – advising them on how they can manipulate the data within
We did …
There is a help (students) tab provided within Blackboard which is the student’s first port of call.
(Update - September 2014: please see the update in the previous item regarding support for
students and staff using Blackboard).
If this does not meet their needs then their next port of call is the ICT Servicedesk by emailing or phoning 01274 233333.
We would also like to provide clarification on the following aspects of Blackboard which were also
queried in the student survey report:
“I believe there is a time delay between staff uploading documents to Blackboard and the
students being notified”.
A standard update is emailed daily from 6pm. Announcements can be sent instantly at
the discretion of the lecturer.
”The “Peer Mark” function is not available through the Turnitin software in Blackboard
(either use this function or disenable it) ”.
Although the University do not pay for the “Peer Mark” function they cannot disable its
”Tutor notifications to be sent directly to student in their chosen capacity (i.e.) preferred
email account / mobile”.
”A direct link to external course relevant websites”.
Blackboard tries to be user-friendly and suit all students – it has a recognised award for
sight impairment. How the Blackboard module is structured, however, is at the
discretion of the lecturer.
(Update - September 2014: Blackboard has recently been upgraded to the very latest
version, allowing contributors to make the best use of facilities).
”Can you make past exam papers easier to find and more of them - should be in the
module relevant to the course and not allocated elsewhere (specific rather than general
Lecturers can provide these links.
”Can you make Blackboard more user-friendly to suit all students and easier to navigate?”
This is because Blackboard only holds UoB related information (i.e. University email for
staff and students).
There is a general link provided by Blackboard. However, you would need to speak to
your lecturer who can provide more specific links to past exam papers.
”We would like a track of previous year’s grades”.
Blackboard will only store provisional grades. Confirmed grades are accessed via evision.