Champion Forest Christian Homeschoolers Membership Application

Champion Forest Christian Homeschoolers
New Membership Application Packet 2014-2015
_____To apply for membership, you must meet one of the following requirements:
____ Have a written reference from a current (one year) CFCH member who
has known you for at least one year OR
____ Be a member of Champion Forest Baptist Church
_____ Print and complete the forms in this Membership Application Packet:
____ Family Information
____ Statement of Faith
____ Character Contract
____ Release of Liability
____ Service Preference Sheet
____ Letter of Reference
_____ Pay annual dues of $25 per family. Dues increase to $30 per family on September 15,
2014. Please make checks payable to Champion Forest Christian Homeschoolers.
_____ Mail completed membership forms and payment to:
Champion Forest Christian Homeschoolers
Attn: Membership
PMB 92
15814 Champion Forest
Spring, TX 77379-7141
_____ Apply for website access by following these steps:
Click on the Request Membership link on side bar.
Fill in the requested information.
Select a user name and password which, pending membership approval,
you will use to access the members-only area of this website. Please
write down your user name and password for future reference.
Please note: Upon receipt of your membership forms and payment, you will be
notified by email of your membership approval and website access.
Your membership application, Statement of Faith, and Character Contract are in effect
for the duration of your active membership in CFCH. In order for membership to
remain active, members must submit an annual Release of Liability, annual Service
Preference sheet and annual dues.
Champion Forest Christian Homeschoolers
Membership Application
Family Information:
Husband's Name: _________________________ Wife's Name: ___________________________
Children's Names and Date of Birth of Each Child:
Home Phone: _____________________ Cell Phones: _____________________________________
Email: ___________________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact: _______________________________________________________________
Membership Application Required Forms:
Family Information
Statement of Faith
Character Contract
Release of Liability
Service Preference Sheet
Letter of Reference
I have met one or more of the following requirements:
Written reference from a current CFCH member who has known you for at least one year.
The referring CFCH member must have been an active member of CFCH for at least one
year. (Name of CFCH Member: ________________________________________________)
Member of Champion Forest Baptist Church (Date joined CFBC: ______________________)
Membership Dues: (Please Mark One)
____ $25 Payment by 9/15/14
____ $30 Payment after 9/15/14
Date paid: __________
Date paid: __________
Check #: __________
Check #: __________
***Please note: Membership applications will only be processed if complete,
including all required forms and signatures of both parents.
Champion Forest Christian Homeschoolers
Statement of Faith
1. The Word of God - The Bible both Old and New Testaments in its original autographs is
the inspired, inerrant, infallible, Word of God which is essential and the final authority in all
matters of faith, practice, and daily living. (2 Timothy 3:14-17, Psalm 12:6, Titus 1:2, Hebrews
6:18, Joshua 1:8, Psalm 119:11).
2. The Trinity – God has revealed Himself in scripture as one in essence or nature and three
in persons which are God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. All three persons
of the Godhead are and have always been fully God and exist at the same time.
(Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Isaiah 45:5-6, Matthew 28:19, Luke 3:21-22, Genesis 1:1, Matthew 6:9,
John 1:1, Colossians 2:9, Acts 5:3-4, 1 Corinthians 2:10-11).
3. The Hypostatic Union of Christ the Son of God – Jesus Christ, the second person of the
Trinity, is fully God and fully man in one person. Jesus Christ is fully God. (John 1:1-5, 1:14,
John 8:57-59, Philippians 2:9-11, Colossians 2:9, Matthew 8:26-27, 14:19, Mark 2:5-12, John
10:17-18). Jesus Christ is fully human. (Luke 2:7, 24:39, John 4:6, Matthew 4:2, John 19:28,
Luke 2:52, Hebrews 5:8, John 12:27, John 13:21). Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man
united in one person. (Matthew 1:18-25, 8:23-27).
4. Man and Sin – Man was created by God for His glory and in His image and was
considered very good by God, until man fell due to sin which is rebellion and disobedience to
God. The sin of Adam has corrupted the image of God in man and has produced a total
inability of the human race from that point on to be acceptable to God. (Genesis 1:26, 1:31,
Romans 3:10-12, Isaiah 64:6).
5. Salvation is by faith in Christ alone – God is holy and cannot look upon sin (Habakkuk
1:13). Man is separated from God due to sin which brings both physical and spiritual death
while God is just and must punish sin (Romans 3:10, 6:23, Revelation 20:15). Man can never
save himself by his good works (Isaiah 64:6). God paid man’s penalty for sin with the death of
His only Son (Christ) on a cross which is called penal substitutionary atonement (Isaiah
53:5-6, 1 John 1:7, 2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus Christ was bodily raised from the dead which
proved that God’s justice has been satisfied (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Man must trust in Christ
alone for salvation (Acts 3:19, John 14:6, 1:12, 1 John 5:12). Faith and Repentance from sin
go together (Acts 20:21). Faith involves more than mental assent, it involves a forsaking of
sin (James 2:19). Only a person given regeneration from the Holy Spirit can repent and
respond to Christ in faith. Salvation is a free gift which can only be received and never earned
(Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9).
Your signature below indicates your agreement with the CFCH Statement of Faith.
Parents' Signatures (both parents are required to sign)
Champion Forest Christian Homeschoolers
Character Contract
It is our prayer that CFCH will be a blessing to its membership. The guidelines below were
established to ensure that CFCH members are a blessing to each other and to the community.
As members of CFCH, we will:
be respectful of others, event facilities, and other's property
not be disrespectful, disruptive or destructive
dress modestly at all times
honor Christ with our language and speech
strive to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ in all our actions, activities and communication
Field Trip Guidelines
CFCH members are given access to and encouraged to attend group fieldtrips. The guidelines below
have been established to ensure fieldtrips are a blessing to all involved.
Parents must accompany and supervise their children at all times during CFCH field
trips, parties and events. If a parent is unable to attend with their child, they must designate
a CFCH adult to accompany and supervise their child at all times.
Parents must be respectful of the field trip coordinator and other CFCH members by arriving
ON TIME. There are many venues that will not allow entrance until the entire group is present.
There are many venues that do not allow late seating.
Members may sign up for field trips on the CFCH website. The deadline for sign up and
payment will be set by the field trip coordinator for each field trip. Payment is required by the
designated deadline to secure your spot. If payment is not submitted by the deadline, the
members will be removed from the field trip list. Once payment is submitted, it is nonrefundable. Members may use the CFCH website to find a replacement and sell their tickets.
If a field trip is free, members must give the field trip coordinator at least 48 hours notice of
In the event of an emergency on the day of a field trip, please contact the field trip coordinator
as soon as possible.
It is our sincere prayer that all CFCH field trips, parties and events are a blessing of encouragement
and fellowship. In the event of disruptive actions or behavior, parents will be contacted. If a
disruption persists, the board will prayerfully discern reasonable actions.
Parent's Signature ________________________________________
Date _________________
Parent's Printed Name _____________________________________
Children's Signatures ________________________________________________________
Champion Forest Christian Homeschoolers
Release of Liability
THIS RELEASE is given this ______ day of _____________________
by: ___________________________________________________, individually and as parents and
natural Guardians of:
minor children (hereinafter called Homeschoolers) for the benefit of Champion Forest Christian
Homeschoolers and its successors, leaders, officers, advisory board members, committee chairmen
and their heirs and assigns (herein after called Released Parties).
Homeschoolers understand that Champion Forest Christian Homeschoolers is an informal
organization composed of homeschooling parents and that it does not maintain insurance.
Homeschoolers further understand that they would not be allowed to participate in Champion Forest
Christian Homeschoolers without this Release of Liability being signed.
FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the privilege of participating in Champion Forest Christian
Homeschoolers, a Christian homeschool support group, Homeschoolers, for themselves, their
children, and their respective estate representatives and assigns, hereby REMISE, RELEASE, and
FOREVER DISCHARGE any and all claims, demands, causes of action, damages, injuries, losses,
obligations, and liabilities of every kind and character, whether actual or potential, presently known or
unknown, now existing or arising in the future, disclosed or undisclosed, suspected or unsuspected,
which Homeschoolers may now have, or may hereafter claim to have or to have acquired against the
Released Parties, in both their individual and representative capacity, even if Released Parties or any
of them are negligent, arising out of or incidental to any activity or event that Champion Forest
Christian Homeschoolers plans, announces or is otherwise in any way connected with.
In addition to the above, Homeschoolers further covenant never from this date forward to institute,
prosecute, commence, join in, attempt, assert, or maintain any action against the Released Parties on
any claim released by the foregoing paragraph in any civil or administrative proceeding, whether at
law or in equity, in any Court or tribunal of the United States or any state thereof.
This Release shall take effect on the date hereinabove set forth or the date Homeschoolers first
participate in any activity of Champion Forest Christian Homeschoolers, whichever occurs first. This
Release is performable and enforceable in Houston, Harris County, Texas, and shall be governed by
the laws of the State of Texas, which law shall not be controlling in the event of any conflict of law.
I acknowledge that attendance at all CFCH events is completely voluntary and I am aware that
CFCH does not provide child supervision of any kind. I understand that I am required to
attend CFCH events with my children and I am responsible for supervising my own children at
all times.
Parent’s Signature and Date
Parent’s Signature and Date
Parent’s Printed Name
Parent’s Printed Name
Champion Forest Christian Homeschoolers
Service Preference Sheet
Name: ______________________________
Email: ______________________________ Phone: ____________________
Please choose at least TWO areas in which you would like to serve.
If no preference is given, members will be assigned to two committees.
CFCH Activities & Events Committees:
Park Day Coordinator
CFCH Board Support
Pre-school Play Dates
Christmas Party
Field Trip Coordinator
Rodeo Art Show
Teen Activities
Field Day
Valentine's Party
Mom's Night Out Coordinator
Recognition Night
Mercy Ministries Committee
New Members Welcome Committee
Missions Committee
Fundraising Committee