INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAM STUDENT’S NAME: DOB June 6, 2006 Jake Jones SCHOOL YEAR IEP INITIATION/DURATION DATES FROM 2013 - AUGUST 2013 2014 GRADE TO 1 - 2 AUGUST 2014 THIS IEP WILL BE IMPLEMENTED DURING THE REGULAR SCHOOL TERM UNLESS NOTED IN EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR SERVICES. STUDENT PROFILE Jake is a first grade student. Jake really enjoys drawing and participating in physical activities such as running. He has a good relationship with the staff but struggles when interacting with his peers. Jake’s mother recently passed away and he is currently living with his aunt, uncle, and two cousins. He is having a hard time adjusting to his new environment due to his lack of social and communication skills. Jake needs small group instruction in Math and Reading because he works at a slower pace than his peers. For Reading, He has made a significant improvement in fluency, but still needs direct instruction in comprehension. Jake also struggles when retelling stories and knowing the difference between the author and illustrator. Individualized instruction will be used to encourage improvement in this area. In Math, he excels at completing patterns and naming shapes. Jake also has difficulty with continuing sequences and counting on. He also still struggles when adding and subtracting simple two digit numbers. Page of SDE Approved 09/15/08 INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAM STUDENT’S NAME: JAKE JONES SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONAL FACTORS Items checked “YES” will be addressed in this IEP: YES NO [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] Does the student have behavior which impedes his/her learning or the learning of others? Does the student have limited English proficiency? Does the student need instruction in Braille and the use of Braille? Does the student have communication needs (deaf or hearing impaired only)? Does the student need assistive technology devices and/or services? Does the student require specially designed P.E.? Is the student working toward alternate achievement standards and participating in the Alabama Alternate Assessment? Are transition services addressed in this IEP? TRANSPORTATION AS A RELATED SERVICE Does the student require transportation as a related service? [ ] Does the student need accommodations or modifications for transportation? [ ] If yes, check any transportation accommodations/modifications that are needed. [ ] [ ] [ ] Bus driver is aware of student’s behavioral and/or medical concerns Wheelchair lift Restraint system. Specify: [ ] Other. Specify: YES [ X ] YES [ X ] NO NO NONACADEMIC and EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Will the student have the opportunity to participate in nonacademic/extracurricular activities with his/her nondisabled peers? [ ] YES. [ X ] YES, with supports. Describe: Paraprofessional should attend Jake during these activities. [ ] NO. Explanation must be provided: METHOD/FREQUENCY FOR REPORTING PROGRESS OF ATTAINING GOALS TO PARENTS Annual Goal Progress reports will be sent to parents each time report cards are issued (every 9 weeks). . Page of SDE Approved 09/15/08 INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAM STUDENT’S NAME: JAKE JONES [ ] This student is in a middle school course of study that will help prepare him/her for transition. EXIT OPTIONS (Complete for students in grades 9-12) [ ] Alabama High School Diploma [ ] Graduation Certificate [ ] Alabama Occupational Diploma [ ] Other Anticipated Date of Exit: Month Year PROGRAM CREDIT TO BE EARNED (Complete for students in grades 9-12) For each course taken, indicate program credit to be earned. ENGLISH MATH SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES Alabama High School Diploma Alabama Occupational Diploma Graduation Certificate TRANSITION (Beginning not later than the first IEP to be in effect when the student is 16, or earlier if appropriate, and updated annually thereafter) Transition Assessments (Check the assessment(s) used to determine the student’s measurable transition goals): [ ] Transition Planning Assessments [ ] Interest Inventory [ ] Other Transition Goals: Postsecondary Education/Employment Goal If Other is selected, specify Community/Independent Living Goal If Other is selected, specify Transition Services: (Based on this student's strengths, preferences, and interests, the following coordinated transition services will reasonably enable the student to meet the postsecondary goals.) [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] Vocational Evaluation (VE) Employment Development (ED) Postsecondary Education (PE) Financial Management (FM) [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] Personal Management (PM) Transportation (T) Living Arrangements (LA) Advocacy/Guardianship (AG) [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] Community Experiences (CE) Medical (M) Linkages to Agencies (L) Other TRANSFER OF RIGHTS (Beginning not later than the IEP that will be in effect when the student reaches 18 years of age.) Date student was informed that the rights under the IDEA will transfer to him/her at the age of 19 Page of SDE Approved 09/15/08 INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAM STUDENT’S NAME: AREA: JAKE JONES Reading PRESENT LEVEL OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE: ASSESSMENTS SHOW THAT JAKE HAS IMPROVED IMMENSILY ON HIS READING SINCE LAST YEAR. HE IS STILL READING ON A KINDERGARTEN LEVEL. JAKE IS STILL STRUGGLING WITH HIS POPCORN WORDS, AND CANNOT FULLY RETELLTHE ROLES OF CHARACTERS IN A STORY. THUS, HIS COMPREHENSION IS BEING EFFECTED. MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL related to meeting the student’s needs: By May 2014, Jake will be able to read all of his popcorn words with 1 or fewer errors. Jake will also be able to retell a story and discuss the author, illustrator, and the roles of each character with two or fewer errors. TYPE(S) OF EVALUATION FOR ANNUAL GOAL: [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] Curriculum Based Assessment Data Collection Other: Other: [ x ] Teacher/Text Test [ x ] Teacher Observation [ ] State Assessment(s) [ x ] Work Samples [ x] Grades Other: DATE OF MASTERY: August 2013 BENCHMARKS: 1. BY THE END OF FIRST GRADE, HE SHOULD MASTER THE FIVE POPCORN Date of Mastery: WORDS. THE WORDS ARE AND, WHAT, IS, ARE, AND WHY. 2. BY THE END OF FIRST GRADE, HE SHOULD BE ABLE TO RETELL A STORY Date of Mastery: AND ANSWER 8 OUT OF 10 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS CORRECTLY. 3. BY THE END OF FIRST GRADE, HE SHOULD BE ABLE TO IDENTIFY Date of Mastery: CHARACTERS, MAIN EVENTS IN A STORY, AND SETTING WITH SUPPORT. 4. BY THE MIDDLE OF THE SCHOOL YEAR, JAKE SHOULD BE ABLE TO NAME Date of Mastery: THE AUTHOR, ILLUSTRATOR, AND THE ROLE OF EACH. SPECIAL EDUCATION AND RELATED SERVICE(S): (Special Education, Supplementary Aids and Services, Program Modifications, Accommodations Needed for Assessments, Related Services, Assistive Technology, and Support for Personnel.) Anticipated Type of Service(s) Frequency Amount Beginning/ Location of of Service(s) of time Ending Date Service(s) Special Education Supplementary reading instruction 3 times a 30 min. ___8/13_____ to intervention program. week __8/14____ Supplementary Aids and Services ________ to ________ Program Modifications ________ to ________ Accommodations Needed for Assessments Needs extended time to complete his test. Teacher may read the test questions to student if necessary. Page of Once or twice a week 30 min. _8/13_______t o ___5/14__ SDE Approved 09/15/08 SPECIAL EDUCATION AND RELATED SERVICE(S): (Special Education, Supplementary Aids and Services, Program Modifications, Accommodations Needed for Assessments, Related Services, Assistive Technology, and Support for Personnel.) Anticipated Type of Service(s) Frequency Amount Beginning/ Location of of Service(s) of time Ending Date Service(s) Related Services ________ to ________ ________ to ________ Assistive Technology ________ to ________ Support for Personnel ________ to ________ INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAM STUDENT’S NAME: AREA: JAKE JONES Math PRESENT LEVEL OF ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND FUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE: JAKE IS ON A KINDERGARTEN MATH LEVEL. CURRICULUM BASED ASSESSMENTS REVEAL THAT JAKE IS VERY CAPABLE OF COUNTING BY 10’S, BUT STRUGGLES WITH COUNTING BY 5’S. JAKE ALSO HAS DIFFICULTY WITH SEQUENCING WHEN GIVEN A RANDOM NUMBER. HIS ADDING OF TWO DIGIT NUMBERS NEEDS IMPROVEMENT AS WELL. MEASURABLE ANNUAL GOAL related to meeting the student’s needs: By May 2014 Jake will be able to count by 5’s to 100 with 3 or fewer errors. Jake will also be able count forward or backward from any given number. TYPE(S) OF EVALUATION FOR ANNUAL GOAL: [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] Curriculum Based Assessment Data Collection Other: Other: [ x ] Teacher/Text Test [ x ] Teacher Observation [ ] State Assessment(s) [ x ] Work Samples [ x] Grades Other: DATE OF MASTERY: August 2013 BENCHMARKS: 1. BY THE END OF FIRST GRADE, HE WILL BE ABLE TO DISTINGUISH THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 2D AND 3D SHAPES. 2. BY THE END OF FIRST GRADE, HE WILL MASTER COUNTING BY 10’S. 3. BY THE END OF FIRST GRADE, JAKE WILL KNOW HOW TO ADD AND SUBTRACT SINGLE DIGITS WITH 2 OR LESS ERRORS. Page of Date of Mastery: Date of Mastery: Date of Mastery: SDE Approved 09/15/08 4. BY THE END OF FIRST GRADE, HE SHOULD BE ABLE TO COUNT FORWARD BEGINNING FROM A GIVEN NUMBER WITHIN THE KNOWN SEQUENCE. Date of Mastery: SPECIAL EDUCATION AND RELATED SERVICE(S): (Special Education, Supplementary Aids and Services, Program Modifications, Accommodations Needed for Assessments, Related Services, Assistive Technology, and Support for Personnel.) Anticipated Type of Service(s) Frequency Amount Beginning/ Location of of Service(s) of time Ending Date Service(s) Special Education Supplementary math instruction 3 times a 30 min. ___8/13_____ to intervention program. week. __8/14____ Supplementary Aids and Services ________ to ________ Program Modifications ________ to ________ Accommodations Needed for Assessments Needs extended time to complete his test. Once or twice a week 30 min. _8/13_______t o ___5/14__ Related Services ________ to ________ ________ to ________ Assistive Technology ________ to ________ Support for Personnel ________ to ________ Page of SDE Approved 09/15/08 INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAM STUDENT’S NAME: JAKE JONES GENERAL FACTORS HAS THE IEP TEAM CONSIDERED: The strengths of the child? The concerns of the parents for enhancing the education of the child? The results of the initial or most recent evaluations of the child? As appropriate, the results of performance on any State or districtwide assessments? The academic, developmental, and functional needs of the child? The need for extended school year services? YES [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] NO [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT Does this student attend the school (or for a preschool-age student, participate in the environment) he/she would attend if nondisabled? [x ] Yes [ ] No If no, explain: Does this student receive all special education services with nondisabled peers? [x ] Yes [ ] No If no, explain (explanation may not be solely because of needed modifications in the general curriculum): [ X ] 6-21 YEARS OF AGE (Select one from the drop-down box.) [ ] 3-5 YEARS OF AGE Secondary LRE (only if LRE above is Private School-Parent Placed) COPY OF IEP COPY OF SPECIAL EDUCATION RIGHTS Was a copy of the IEP given to parent at the IEP meeting? [ x] Yes [ ] No If no, date sent to parent: Was a copy of the Special Education Rights given to parent at the IEP meeting? [ x] Yes [ ] No If no, date sent to parent: Date copy of amended IEP provided/sent to parent June 26, 2013 THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE ATTENDED AND PARTICIPATED IN THE MEETING TO DEVELOP THIS IEP. Position Parent Parent LEA Representative Special Education Teacher General Education Teacher Student Career/Technical Education Rep Other Agency Representative Signature Date INFORMATION FROM PEOPLE NOT IN ATTENDANCE Position Page of Name Date SDE Approved 09/15/08