pp object

Administration of private learning
Subject: Passive
Al-Ettifaq International Schools
Grade: Eleventh ( A , B )
Academic year:2014 / 2015
Date: /
Semester: first
Student s Name……………………………………………………….…………………
The Form
* The passive sentence starts with the object of the sentence:
The police arrested the thief last night.
The thief was arrested last night (by the police)
Sami plays basketball every Sunday.
Basketball is played every Sunday (by Sami)
The verb in the
passive should
follow the
following rule
Simple Present
S + V+s + Obj
Object Noun + Verb to be + P.P
Obj + am (not) +P.P
- He washes the dishes.
- the dishes are washed
Obj +
Simple Past
-He washed the dishes.
(not) + P.P -The dishes were washed
S + V2
S + Didn't + V1 + Obj
Present Perfect
Obj +
(not) + Been + P.P
- He has washed the dishes.
-The dishes have been washed
(not) +P.P + Obj
S +
4- Past Perfect
- He had washed the dishes.
Obj + had (not)+ been +P.P -The dishes had been washed.
S + had (not) + P.P + Obj
5- Present Progressive
S + is
-He is washing the dishes.
Obj + am (not) + Being + P.P -The dishes are being
(not) +V1-ing+ Obj
6- Past Progressive
Obj +
(not) Being + P.P
He was washing the dishes.
The dishes were being .
(not) + V1-ing +Obj
Obj + modals(not) + be + pp
The dishes will be washed.
S + modals ( not ) + base + Obj
Note: (If the agent is mentioned, it is preceded by the word by.)
e.g: - Pandas are protected by their thick warm coats.
- If pandas are being threatened by enemies, they climb up the nearest tree.
- If pandas are being threatened, they climb up the nearest tree.
The Use
1 The main reason for using passive verbs is to focus attention on the object rather than the
subject of a sentence:
1. Until the 1960s, pandas were hunted for their skins.
(In this passive sentence we consider the pandas to be more important than the hunters.)
2. Until the 1960s, people hunted pandas for their skins.
(In this active sentence the attention is on the 'people who hunted'.)
2 We may also use passive rather than active verbs to make a sentence sound more formal
or impersonal:
1. Pandas were originally found in several parts of Asia.
3. Passive sentences do not always say who did the action (the agent). We don't need to
mention the agent if
a- we don't know who the agent is:
My car has been stolen, (by an unknown thief.
b- It is obvious who the agent is:
Anyone who is caught hunting is severely punished. (Judges and the law punish people who
have done something wrong.)
c- It is not important who the agent is:
Panda sanctuaries have been set up in China.
Note: you need to change from active to passive and vice versa.
The Pronouns:
Subject Pronouns
Object Pronouns
I – we
Me – us
He – She – They -It
Him – Her –Them - It
 Nobody – No one – Nothing
) not ( ‫ تدل على النفي لكن ال يأتي معها‬) Singular ( ‫ تأخذ دائما‬- Nobody likes me. ( Active )
I am not liked. ( Passive )
- Noone ate the apples. ( Active )
The apples weren’t eaten.
 Rewrite these sentences using passive verbs.
1-Millions of people all over the world use computers to do heavy jobs.( present simple –
Singular )
Computers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-Many schools teach English as a second language in Jordan. .( Present Simple –Plural )
English --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-We don’t eat meat in the morning. .( Present Simple –Singular )-Negative
Meat -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-Nothing shakes my belief in God. ( Present Simple –Nothing )
My belief in God --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-The police are following our car right now. ( Present Cont. – Singular )
Our car --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-The students are taking some notes about the lecture.(Present Cont.-Plural)
Some notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7- The leader has explained the plan graphically. ( Present Perfect- Singular )
The plan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8-My father has taken many courses on computer. ( Present Perfect – Plural )
Many courses ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9-The waiter poured the coffee. .( Past Simple - Singular)
The coffee -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10-The traffic officer stopped the motorcycles. ( Past Simple – Plural )
The motorcycles ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11-Nobody asked you to go alone. ( Past Simple –Nobody )
You ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12-I didn’t invite him for my birthday party. ( Past simple – Singular )-Negative
He --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13-Ahmad was doing some exercises at this time yesterday. ( Past Cont. – Plural )
Some exercises -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14-She was making salad when we arrived. . ( Past Cont. – Singular )
Salad -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15-After the doctor had carried out the operation ,he smiled.(Past Perfect)
After the operation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Choose the correct answer:
1.Our school.............................in 1975.
( built , was building ,was built)
1.This magazine............................bimonthly.
( publishes , is published , publish)
2.The new hospital...........................next month by his majesty the king.
( will open , will be opened , opens)
3.A new strategy................................out now in Jordan.
( is carrying , carries ,is being carried)
5.Thomas Adison.............................the electric bulb a long time ago.
( invented , was invented , has invented)
Your Teacher
Heba Al-Qaryouti