Newsletter 27th November

Lythe Church of England School
Friday 27th November 2015
Not sure what’s going on? Worried or unhappy about something in school? Would you like to speak to your
child’s teacher? Please call the office on 893373 or email on
A notice from Lythe CEVC
Primary School Governing Body
The Friends of Lythe School are holding
A Victorian Christmas Fair
Tuesday 1st December
in the School Hall
Between 6 – 8 p.m.
There will be a Cake Stall, Chocolate
Tombola, Raffle, Refreshments, Craft Stalls
and Father Christmas will be calling in.
Everyone Welcome
If anyone would like a Craft Stall (£5 per
table) please ring Mrs. Welford in the school
office on 01947 893373
We would like to ask if each family in school
would be kind enough to either donate a
Chocolate Prize for the Tombola or a Raffle
Prize with a Christmas Theme.
Your generosity is always appreciated.
Any bottle of Alcohol should be handed to
Mrs Welford by an adult.
We would also appreciate donations of
baking for the cake stall – to be delivered to
school on the day of the fair.
Please take a minute to tell us
what you think
Parent View gives you the
chance to tell Ofsted your views
on your child’s school. We
would be really grateful if you
could log in and give your
The Governing Body of Lythe CEVC Primary
School currently has a vacancy for a Co-opted
The task of the Governing Body is to work in
partnership with the head teacher to oversee
the strategic development of the school.
Being a governor requires commitment and
responsibility; however, this valuable
contribution plays a part in maintaining and
developing education in Lythe and making a
real difference to local children.
If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity
please contact Mrs Armstrong on 893373 for
further information.
Many Thanks
Lythe CEVC Governing Body
Invitation to our
Christmas Carol Service
Our Christmas Service of Lessons and Carols
will take place on Tuesday 15th December in St
Oswald’s Church. There will be a service for the
whole school at 2:00pm and one for Classes 2,3
and 4 only at 6:00pm.
As well as readings by the children and plenty
of carols for everyone to join in with, there will
be a special musical performance by each
class. Children will also be performing in small
groups and as soloists.
We would like the children to dress up as
carol singers – they can wear anything that
looks cosy, outdoors-y and Christmassy.
They can wear warm coats, hats, scarves,
boots, Christmas jumpers, reindeer antlers,
tinsel… anything!
Thank you to parents
We have been asking if parents would be willing
to come into school and talk about the work that
they do. Thank you to Mrs Blackman-Petitt for a
fascinating talk on Monday; we are now looking
forward to our visits from parents working in very
different parts of the healthcare profession.
If you would be willing to come and talk to
children (you could speak to a small group, a
whole class or the whole school if you are
feeling brave) about your job or any skills or
knowledge that you would like to share, please
call Mrs Armstrong on 893373 and we would be
delighted to hear from you.
Lost Property
Several children have lost jumpers and
trousers which have their names on and we
are unable to find these in school. Please
could we ask you to check your child’s
clothing at home? If anything belonging to
another child has accidentally been taken
home, we would be
extremely grateful if you
could pop it in to us so
that it can be reunited
with its owner.
Snowy Weather
If it is necessary to close the school,
information will be published on our website and
on Yorkshire Coast Radio as soon as a decision
has been made.
Many thanks indeed for your help with this.
Christmas Fair
Lythe Village Hall
Archbishop Visit
We are very excited to report that Archbishop
John Sentamu will be visiting the school next
Friday to meet the children and staff as part of
his visit to the village.
You are invited to the Christmas Fair on
Another Thank You
Get Well Soon Mrs Brown!
Mrs Mason has recently organised a jumble sale
and a concert to raise funds for the current
refugee crisis on behalf of St Oswald’s Church.
Thank you very much indeed to all the children
and families who contributed to and supported
these events – we are delighted to be an active
part of our local community and appreciate your
time and effort. With additional donations and
money collected at the Harvest Festival a grand
total of £730 has been raised; this will be
donated to Open Door North East who work
directly with refugees.
Poor Mrs Brown has been very unlucky and
broken her wrist. We look forward to seeing her
back in school soon, and send her our very best
Sunday 29th November
10:00am – 3:00pm
Toys in School
Please could we ask children not to bring toys
and precious items into school? There is always
a chance that these could become lost or
damaged, which causes great upset for the
If your child has something they would
particularly like to show to the class,
please let the teacher know.
Staying safe online
The North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board and the NSPCC are working in partnership to
deliver a good quality service to give parents support and help them talk to their children about
staying safe online. You can find lots of useful information and resources here:
This site supports all parents and carers, from those who need advice on how to
protect their children, to those who are concerned about something that is happening right
Expert information to help parents and
carers stay safe online.
Drumming Club
Drumming club will now be taking place after school on a Thursday from 3.15-4.00.
Drumming club is open to anyone and it is always wonderful to see such a wide mix of ages
all working together.
We will be preparing for Christmas events and really having some musical fun together. If
you would like your child to attend drumming club please telephone the office and inform
Mrs Welford so she can add your child's name to my register. I would be most grateful if
you could also confirm who will be picking your child up at 4pm.
Many thanks and let's get ready to rumble...
Mrs Summers
Diary Dates
Tuesday 1st December – Victorian theme Christmas Fair 6-8pm
Friday 4th December – choir to sing at Peregrine House
Thursday 10th December – Christmas pantomime in school – p.m. (Including Nursery)
Friday 11th December – Choir to sing at Lythe Luncheon Club
Tuesday 15th December – Christmas Concert in St Oswald’s Church. Afternoon performance
for whole school; evening performance for Classes 2, 3 and 4 only.
Wednesday 16th December -Christmas Disco - 5:00 – 7:00pm
Thursday 17th December Last day of term: Christingle service at St Oswald’s church
.10:00am for all children and families ( Please note that this is different from the details in
the Parish Magazine); School Christmas lunch – including all Nursery children. Nursery will
finish at 1.15 p.m.
All children are encouraged to have a Christmas Lunch. If your child normally has a packed
lunch but you would like them to have a Christmas Lunch if they are in Year 3 or above
please send in £2.10 in an envelope marked Christmas Lunch with your child’s name on. If
your child is Year 2 or below they are eligible for a free lunch and all you need to do is let
Mrs Welford know that you child will need a lunch on that day.
Friday 18th December School closed!
Tuesday 5th January 2016 – Back to school.