Animation Lecture Worksheet (Word)

Contemporary Broadcast Media
Unit 3: Animation
Watch the “Tony Venezia lecture on Animation”
(Starts off as audio only, but video examples and vocab words will be shown.)
As you watch, fill in the definitions of the terms or answer the questions
highlighted in yellow:
Frame – what symbol is used to represent a single frame?
____ (in animation “____” is substituted for the word frame)
Scene (in animation)–
A scene in animation = ________________________
A series of images that would go from camera start to camera stop.
Sequence (in animation)
A sequence in animation = ________________________
A sequence of scenes that encompass a complete story issue or conceptual
Define Extremes of each action (or Key Frames)
These are ________________________________________.
These drawings are done by the Lead Animator alone.
These are completed by an Animation Assistant and compromise the drawings
done between the extremes.
How long should a move take?
It depends upon ________________________________.
Ease in
________________________________ of a move, whether of camera or
artwork. For instance, a 12 frame ease in means that the move starts from rest,
then in half a second accelerates up to speed. (when shooting at 24 fps)
A move of ________ ________.
Ease out
________________ at the end a move. (opposite of Ease In).
Eases can vary in ________and ________.
Contemporary Broadcast Media
Unit 3: Animation
Timing (The backbone of animation.)
It is the ________________ it takes to complete a move or scene.
A move is a statement.
An angry character will move very ________.
A depressed character will move very ________.
To figure out how long a move takes, you should _________________,
and study yourself.
Copy stand
Vertical or horizontal stand for accurately positioning a camera when
photographing flat materials.
Field chart
A guide printed on to acetate showing the dimensions of animation fields.
Peg bars
A three peg registration unit, the center peg is round and the two side pegs are
rectangular. There are eight inches from center (peg) to center (peg) on long
peg bars or pan cels. Pegs are based on either an Acme or Oxberry system;
punched paper on one system will not work on the other system.
Exposure sheets
Long sheets of paper with grids where all the technical information needed to
shoot the film is noted. Different studios will print their own or they can be
purchased at an animation supply house. They are always done in pencil.
Each animation drawing or object position is held for ________ ________.
We will shoot on Twos in this class.
When an action "freezes", that is remains the same for more than two frames, it
is a hold.
The layout should show the placement of characters in a shot, the extremes of
their actions, their scale relationships to one another and to the background. It
is drawn to the same size as the final animation. If it is not too cluttered,
indications of camera moves can also be put on the layout drawing, otherwise
the camera moves are indicated on a similar looking but less busy separate
camera guide
Storyboards - the story of a production in pictures, together with dialogue and
indications of framing, action, camera moves, transitions between shots, music,
sound effects.
Contemporary Broadcast Media
Unit 3: Animation
Historical Examples to View:
A Trip to the Moon (1902) by George Melies
Fantasmagoire (1908) by Emil Cohl
You Auto Lay an Egg (1930) by Charlie Bowers
Neighbors (1952) by Norman McLaren
Bambi Meets Godzilla (1969) by Marv Newland