School Chat 13.11.14

Class Chat
Primary 1
This week we have been getting organised for the school show. We have started painting the scenery and
making our costumes. All of the P1 children will be part of the nativity scene in our show, 'Papa Panov'. This
week P1 went a visit to Saltcoats library. We read a story about a robot and then got to make a robot out of
junk materials. We were very lucky because we each got given some books to take home. In Maths this week
we have been learning about time. We have been learning to read and set o'clock times on both analogue and
digital clocks. We have been practising to write our own sentences. We need to remember to use finger
spaces and full stops. In RME we have been learning about babies. We brought in our own baby photos to
share with the class.
Primary 2/1
This week in maths, primary 1 have been learning how to tell the time on analogue clocks. We can tell o’clock
times. Primary 2 have been learning how to sort 3D objects by their properties. In writing P2 wrote their own
simple plays. We remembered to list the characters names. Some of us had super ideas! Primary 1 are still
developing their skills in writing words independently. Primary 1 enjoyed a super visit to the library. They
received some super books and got to know about how to use a library. We have started a topic on
friendship. We discussed what qualities make a good friend. Each of us complimented our friends on a flower
template. These are going on display. The class had a very special visitor on Monday. PC Mitchell gave us a
talk on the role of the police and reminded us how to stay safe. We asked him lots of questions about his job.
Primary 2/3
This week in maths we have all been learning our number bonds to 20 and have been linking them to take
away. Also, the triangles and rectangles have been learning the 8 times tables. We made our own number line
of the 8 times tables. We started our new topic of Castles, Knights and Princesses. We looked at the work of
the artist Paul Klee. We were inspired by his work and created our own castle by cutting out lots of different
coloured shapes then we stuck them onto our castle picture. Our brightly coloured castles look fantastic up on
our class wall. In reading, we have all been looking at how to answer a question in a sentence. We know we
shouldn’t start a sentence with the word ‘because’.
Primary 3/4
This week we having been practising for our show and some of us have learned a new dance and others have
been practising to read their lines. We have been writing book reviews this week. In these we had to include
our favourite part of the story and explain why we liked it. In gym we have been practising passing and
shooting the ball. Some of us even managed to shoot into the high basket! We are all looking forward to our
holiday weekend.
Primary 4
This week in Maths Primary 4 have been doing multiplication work, and getting much better at recalling our
times-tables. In Science we have been drawing circuits with symbols for batteries and bulbs, and will be
testing them out next week. We’re all involved in PapaPanov, the school Christmas show, and have been
learning to say our lines and sing the songs. In PE we have been practising our Scottish Country Dances. We’re
very good, and nobody had their toes stood on!!
Primary 5
This week in Primary 5 we had a visit from Science Super Heroes. We had to create our own Super Hero to
pass all the challenges we had been given. During Art and Design we created frosty leaves which will be part of
the scenery for our Christmas Show. We have also started practising our Scottish Country Dances for our
Christmas Party.
Primary 6
On Tuesday we did a two minute silence and studied "In Flanders Field" to remember soldiers in every War.
We made winter stained glass windows in art as well as a huge 3D volcano for our classroom. In P.E we have
just started our new topic which is hockey. In Maths we were calculating angles in a clock face. We are
continuing to practice our roles in the school show it's going to be great.
Primary 7
In primary 7 this week we have started learning about Scotland Rocks. We have lots of samples in our
classroom and it has been a task trying to sort them out into different types. We then looked at where in
Scotland these rocks would be found. As part of our Arran topic we studied features of the Arran tartan
before looking at tartan from other clan's. This gave us inspiration to design our own, which we will soon start
to weave! Finally, we have been hearing all about what awaits us when we journey to Arran for our trip...the
excitement is really kicking in now!!!
Nursery (am)
Star Pupil: Mairead
Star Writer: Jay
Citizenship: Abbie, Jamie
Nursery (pm)
Star Pupil: Gary
Star Writer: Orlaithe
Citizenship: Corran, Kyle
Primary 1
Star Pupil: Katie
Star Writer: Evie
Primary 2/1
Star Pupil: Arran
Star Writer: Iain
Primary 2/3
Star Pupil: Abby
Star Writer: Lacy
Primary 3/4
Star Pupil: Jay
Star Writer: Ashley
Primary 4
Star Pupil: Lilia
Star Writer: Kristopher
Primary 5
Star Pupil: Caleb
Star Writer: Aiden
Primary 6
Star Pupil: Stewart
Star Writer: Cailin
Primary 7
Star Pupil: Aiden
Star Writer: Neil