HOSA Event Topics 2012-2013

General Information and Updates
Competitive Events 2012-2013
General Information
Please note the numbers of district winners who will compete at the state
Courtesy Corps – each district may send their first place winner to compete at
the state level.
District 1 – may send their top 5 finalists in all events
District 2 – may send their top 5 finalists in all events
District 3 – may send their top 7 finalists in all events
District 4 – may send their top 4 finalists in all events
District 5 – may send their top 5 finalists in all events
District 6 – may send their top 8 finalists in all events
District 7 – may send their top 4 finalists in all events
District 8 – may send their top 3 finalists in all events
♦ Competitors may choose ONLY ONE event from all categories except the
recognition events and they are unlimited.
♦ For State events each chapter is limited to five (5) competitors/teams per
event. For District events please refer to page E – 5 for number of
● Each district may send their top 10 finalists in the skill test only events
at district conference: Nursing Assisting, Sports Medicine and CPR/First Aid.
♦ At the State Conference all skill event competitors will test and the top
competitors will advance to the skill performance round.
♦ Skill events require that the student master all procedures in the event
guidelines. Only those students who achieve a total of 70% (mastery) or better
total score will be recognized. ADVISORS MUST BE SURE THAT STUDENTS
♦ Special Needs Events are those events available only to those students who
are classified under Public Law 102-119, “Individuals with Disabilities Act”, who
require instructional support in order to succeed in the regular classrooms
and have an IEP.
Documentation of such classification is required. The Advisor must complete a
“StudentEligibility Form” (see event guidelines) for each student competing
in one of these events. Special Needs events include:
Speaking Skills Interviewing Skills Personal Care First Aid/Rescue Breathing
♦ Those events that are testing only will not have a separate orientation. The
students will receive instruction prior to the test at the designated
competition site.
♦ Knowledge Tests – The knowledge tests will be the same as last year.
Nutrition Pathophysiology Concepts of Health Care Pharmacology
Human Growth and Development
Please note changes in some of the references for these tests.
● All competitors MUST attend their scheduled event orientation or send a
proxy with the appropriate completed and signed form. Failure to follow these
rules will resultin a penalty. Please remember that many events require
testing, writing, round one, etc. at the event orientation. Competitors may
NOT send a proxy to events that test or write during the orientation.
● All competitors must bring a copy of their guidelines to orientation. If no
orientation, they must bring the guidelines to the test. If competitors do not
have a copy of their guidelines a penalty may be assessed.
● Skill events will be “test only” if there are less than ten competitors
registered for the event. All skill events will have the skill performance at
the National Level for our state winners. It is imperative that teachers who
encourage students to participate in these events provide an opportunity for
local skills competition to prepare the students for the rigors of the
national event.
● Skill events have time limits for each skill. These times may change from year
to year with updated guidelines. Please refer to the most current guidelines
for the correct time limits and have the students practice within the correct
time constraints.
● NOTE: Competitive event guidelines are reviewed each year and changes made
to keep them updated. In an effort to align the rating sheets to the resources
and industry standards many rating sheets may be changed. Please refer to the
updated event guidelines and the HOSA web site for further updates.
● Only the first place state winner in Outstanding Alumni Member will compete
at the National level.
♦ Healthcare Issues Exam – The number of students each chapter can register
for this event is limited to the number of voting delegates allowed. For
example, if a chapter has 52 HOSA members, they have 3 voting delegates, and
they may register ONLY 3 students to take the exam at State Conference.
For the Healthcare Issues Exam, the top three finishers will receive
medallions. These top three winners will be allowed to compete at nationals.
North Carolina will be allowed 50-60 competitors at the National Conference.
The NC-HOSA State Advisor will designate other competitors. There is a
sequential order in choosing students for the HCIE. They will be chosen in
this order: top ten in HCIE; top ten in other competitive events; other
students who attended state conference. Students who are registered to take
this exam only at nationals will be given priority over other students
competing in another event. At the NLC competitors scoring in the top 10% will
be recognized.
♦ Barbara James Service Award
Please review the updated guidelines. Proof of community service MUST BE
VERIFIED in an official letter or certificate of volunteer service from the
sponsoring organization or agency. When a letter is presented, it must meet
the following criteria:
Must be on official letterhead.
Must be signed by an organizational representative.
Must indicate the total hours for the year of volunteer community service.
Students can earn this award each year they are eligible. Volunteer hours
must be obtained from the last day of the NLC until the deadline for state
conference to be recognized at state OR by May 1st to be recognized at
nationals. Applications must be signed by the State Advisor and must be
received by the NC-HOSA office by May 1, 2012 to be forwarded to National
HOSA. Applications that are incomplete, unsigned, or do not meet the
requirements will NOT be considered for this award. Please note the examples
of approved and not approved activities. Please review updated guidelines.
♦ President’s Student Service Award
At the time this guide was published, NLC delegates who complete the Barbara
James Service Award with 100 or more hours of community service will also earn
the President’s Student Service Award. National HOSA will submit the
paperwork and pay the $2 fee. Please refer to the Barbara James Service Award
guidelines for more information.
♦ HOSA Week
The dates for HOSA Week will be the first full week of November.
This year HOSA Week will be November 4-10 2013.
HOSA week activities are designed to 1) provide school or community service,
2) promote opportunities in health care, and 3) show appreciation to the
health care community. Activities are planned and implemented that support the
mission of HOSA throughout the school and local community. HOSA chapters who
identify volunteer activities in three goal areas that serve the school and
community during HOSA Week will receive individual recognition for their
contributions. Please refer to the updated guidelines found in Section B of
the HOSA Handbook.
♦ National Recognition Program changed to National Portfolio
This event has been revised with input from the National Consortium of Health
Science Technology Education. Content and reporting method were changed.
Guidelines were updated for further clarification. Please refer to the guidelines.
These will be judged prior to state conference and those satisfying the
criteria of the portfolio standards will be forwarded to National HOSA for
recognition. If the program is not complete by the state deadline, it can be
sent to NC-HOSA by the national deadline, reviewed and forwarded to National
HOSA for recognition.
● Extemporaneous Speaking - This can be any topic related to current health
issues or HOSA.
● Extemporaneous Writing - This can be any topic related to Health Science
Education or HOSA
● Extemporaneous Health Poster - Topics will be related to HOSA or Health
Science curriculum competencies. Support documentation (articles, pamphlets,
etc.) may be provided.
● Prepared Speaking – Topic is the National Theme which can be found on the
State or National HOSA web site. www.nchosa.org or www.hosa.org
Competitive Events Updates
Updates will be posted on the National HOSA web site (www.hosa.org) and
the NC HOSA Website (www.nchosa.org.) with any additional CE information.
Updated guidelines will have a 2011 date. Please make sure your students have
the updated guidelines.
Be sure to read the General Rules and Regulations in the HOSA Handbook,
Section B, for important information that applies to all HOSA competitive
events. Any guideline updates made during the year are posted on HOSA’s
website at http://www.hosa.org/natorg/sectb/index.html on the top of the page
All NC-HOSA Advisors are strongly encouraged to obtain a 2011 – 2012 copy of
the HOSA Handbook, Section B. (Competitive Event Guidelines) The handbook is
available on the HOSA web site at www.hosa.org. You can also download or print
only those event guidelines needed by your students. New HOSA advisors who
have any questions about any of these competitive event rules should call the
NC-HOSA office or the NC Director of Competitive Events. Be sure to read the
“General Rules and Regulations” in the National HOSA Handbook,
section B. It contains important event information for all competitive events.
Have each student who is competing in any event read them also.
Lamination is NOT allowed in any event. Competitors will lose points if they
laminate pages in any presentation or book.
PLEASE review the competitive event guidelines EACH year and provide your
students with a copy. Changes have been made in the test plans, checklists,
and resources for several events. Students do not know how to prepare
themselves if they are not aware of the test areas and the resources used.
Please help prepare your students for success.
NOTE: If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to call NC-HOSA at
(919)807-3900 or email edith.stewart@dpi.nc.gov .
HOSA Event Topics 2012-2013
2012-2013 National Theme:
“HOSA: Build a Better You!”
Public Health
2012-2013 topic is:
● National Prevention Strategy
Teams will use the National Prevention Strategy: America’s Plan for Better
Health and Wellness as their resource for developing a public health
presentation about one or more of the following strategies that contribute to the
prevention of disease and the promotion of health practices.
○ Injury and violence free living
○ Tobacco free living
○ Preventing drug abuse and excessive alcohol use
○ Active living
○ Eating healthy
Extemporaneous Speaking
Can be any topic related to current health issues or HOSA. For example:
● HOSA and Community Service – The Benefits of Service Learning
● Teens and Smoking
● The Value of HOSA in Promoting Career Opportunities in Health Care
Prepared Speaking Speaking Skills
The speech topic is the National Theme:
“HOSA: Caring for the Future”
Extemporaneous Writing
This can be any topic related to Health Science Education or HOSA, such
● HOSA: A Contributing Member of the Healthcare Community
○ How does HOSA contribute to the healthcare community?
○ What types of services does HOSA provide?
○ What are the benefits to the healthcare community?
○ What are the benefits to HOSA members?
Extemporaneous Health Poster
Topics will be related to HOSA or Health Science curriculum
competencies. Support documentation (articles, pamphlets, etc.) may be
provided. For Example:
Eating Right
Tips for Skin Cancer Prevention
The Benefits of HOSA Membership
Researched Persuasive Speaking
The 2012-2013 topics are:
Hospitals Hiring Practices: Persons who smoke or have visible
tattoos need not apply
● Junk Food Ban in Schools
Creative Problem Solving
The secret topic requires the team to solve a problem. The problem may
be related to health care or HOSA. Generally, the problem is complex,
involving many factors with no clear right or wrong answer. Supportive
material is provided.
Biomedical Debate 2012-2013 Topic is: Physician Participation in Lifestyle
Should doctors decide whether to treat you or perform certain kinds of surgeries
based on whether you are a smoker or not, along with whether you are obese?
Physicians say they already routinely deny many cosmetic surgeries and fertility
treatments to smokers and the obese, and these factors are used to determine
eligibility for many organ transplant procedures.
The multiple choice questions on the Round One test will assess knowledge of the
Parliamentary Procedure
The event guidelines contain a sample problem that includes one
or two main motions, with four or five other types of motions to be
applied to the main motion in the course of the meeting.
Forensic Medicine The event guidelines contain a sample problem. Typically, the
problem includes a crime scene or description of the events leading to the death
of a victim(s), and additional documentation which generally includes an
Public Service Announcement
2012-2013 topic is: No Pressure! Tips for Recognizing and
Preventing Hypertension
The actual title can be changed by the team, as long as the PSA
encourages the public to recognize and prevent hypertension.
Medical Reading The event is now an individual test. Ten multiple choice and one
short essay question will come from each of the following five books:
● Brain Rules by John Medina
● The Third Wave by Alison Thompson
● Don’t Kill the Birthday Girl by Sandra Beasley
● The Deadly Dinner Party by Jonathan A. Edlow MD
● The End of Illness by David B. Angus, MD
Skill Events Each skill event with procedures is written up as a scenario. The
scenario requires the competitor to demonstrate 1-3 skills (procedures) as listed in
the event guidelines as part of a potential "situation" in which a health care
worker might actually perform the skill (s). The competitor performs the
procedures of the event and is evaluated by a judge or judges.
HOSA Week November4-10, 2012
National Service Project
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
For more information on these and other HOSA Competitive Events, read Section
B of HOSA Handbook - Competitive Events Guidelines, or ask your HOSA Advisor.