Mentley 1 An Overview of the Brain Activity Map Project Brandon Mentley The Brain Activity Map (BAM) Project, a multi-billion dollar “big science” initiative proposed by the Obama administration is set to take the stage as this generation’s equivalent to the Human Genome Project. In fact, the goals set for the project may even be far loftier than those of the Human Genome Project. The project’s stated goal, to record every voltage spike from every neuron in the brain, seems simple in principle, but it comes with a massive number of technical hurdles that will need to be overcome if the project is to be successful. The hope is that the project’s findings will lead to a much better understanding of how the brain works, which in addition to being interesting information, could possibly lead to better treatments for mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia and autism.1 The team is nowhere near having the capabilities necessary to image a human brain at the neuronal level. In fact, the only connectome (the neuronal equivalent of a genome) that has been completely reconstructed is that of C. elegans, a small, transparent roundworm possessing only 302 neurons that form just 7,000 synapses.1 Obviously, this is a far cry from a human brain, which is estimated to have somewhere on the order of 100 billion neurons forming 100 trillion synapses.2 In the short term, the team plans to focus on imaging the brains of other relatively simple organisms, such as Drosophila, of which the connectome is already 20% complete and could be completed within three years. Within ten years, the team hopes to move on to imaging the brains of small animals, and they hope to move on to primates within fifteen years. While they do hope to eventually be able to image a human brain, the ability to do so is still many years away.1 Mentley 2 In the past, most research on the function of neurons has been limited to recording signals from a small number of neurons at a time. Through previous efforts, scientists have gained some understanding of the functions of different parts of the brain, but this understanding is incomplete, and not all theories on brain function are universally accepted within the scientific community. The scientists behind the project claim that studying small groups of neurons is insufficient and that there are emergent properties of neuronal circuits that can only be revealed by measuring activity in large regions of the brain at once, ideally imaging the entire brain. Neurons often synapse with thousands of other neurons and can even undergo dynamic rearrangements, making the task of determining how they function within the brain very difficult.1 fMRI and MEG have allowed scientists to image the entire brain in the past, giving some idea of the function of different regions of the brain, but these techniques lack single-neuron resolution.1 The reason that this level of resolution is necessary is that any given piece of the brain has different cell types with dendrites in the same cortical layer but that receive functional input from different sources. Therefore, one area of the brain may show activity in response to a given stimulus, but not all of the neurons within that region will necessarily show activity. In addition, neighboring neurons of the same cell type can be connected differently and embedded in different subunits.3 Finally, imaging of the brains of less complex organisms has provided evidence that the brain contains broadly distributed functional circuits that might not be apparent without sufficient resolution.4 For these reasons, the BAM team feels that it is important to differentiate between cell types and even between single neurons. One technique that has been used for brain imaging and that does provide single-neuron resolution is calcium imaging. Because calcium is involved in signal transduction, fluorescent calcium indicators can be used to Mentley 3 measure spiking activity in several thousand neurons at a time. Unfortunately, calcium imaging is far too slow to truly capture the rapid firing of neurons in the brain. For this reason, the team plans to use voltage imaging, a term that refers to a number of techniques for directly measuring voltage changes within the brain.1 While several techniques for voltage imaging exist, there are a number of issues that complicate the task of measuring voltage changes within the brain. One issue is that the electric field produced by an action potential is only detectable at very small distances from the membrane of a neuron, meaning that any voltage indicator needs to be inside the membrane or directly contacting it. Other challenges include fitting a sufficient number of voltage sensors in the relatively thin membrane of the neuron; avoiding the use of sensors that will bind indiscriminately to any membrane, including internal membranes; and not damaging the membrane of the neurons. A promising technology for voltage imaging is the use of nanoparticles, which are very small, inorganic particles that are often sensitive to electric fields. These could be used as the sole voltage indicators, or they could be used to amplify the fluorescence of other chromophores.5 No matter what indicator is chosen, advances in technology that will allow more neurons to be imaged at once and that can image deeper into the brain are necessary. In addition, current methods involve opening the skull, which makes experimentation on humans impossible. An additional and fairly interesting method of detecting voltage changes being considered by the group is the use of DNA polymerase, which has an error rate that is dependent on cation concentration.1 If the Brain Activity Map Project is approved by Congress, it will likely receive somewhere in the area of $3 billion in funding.6 The plan is intended to be “in the public domain” due to the massive scale of the project and the number of participants it will require. Mentley 4 Any member of the public will have full access to any data produced by the project. Potential benefits that could result from the project include new diagnostic tool, treatments from mental diseases, and technological advances in the areas of imaging and analyzing large data sets.1 It is also hoped that the project will stimulate the economy in much the same way that the Human Genome Project did.1 In his State of the Union address, President Obama emphasized the fact that every dollar that was invested in the Human Genome Project returned approximately $140 to the U.S. economy.6 Potential negative consequences foreseen include issues of mind control, discrimination, health disparities, unintended short- and long-term toxicities, among other things.1 While the potential for mind control may seem somewhat unlikely, it is definitely within the realm of possibilities. Many experiments on the function of neural circuits involve stimulating or inhibiting certain neurons in an animal’s brain and observing the results. Given sufficiently advanced technology, human mind control could be possible in the same manner.7 The Brain Activity Map Project has drawn criticism from a number of members of the scientific community. Much of the criticism is focused on the fact that mapping the human brain is a far more challenging undertaking than sequencing the human genome, and the task may simply be unrealistically difficult. The Human Genome Project was already technically feasible at the time of its inception, but the technology required to complete the Brain Activity Map Project does not exist and may not exist for many years.8 Another issue is that the U.S. government only devotes so much money to scientific research, and such an expensive project would draw funds away from other scientists struggling to receive any government funding. Still others question the value of the data that the project is attempting to produce. They believe that activity of individual neurons is not the most important information required in order to Mentley 5 understand the brain and that the money would be better spent on research that does not necessarily have single-neuron resolution but instead images groups of neurons.9 Mentley 6 Works Cited 1 Alivisatos, A. P.; Chun, M.; Church, G. M.; Greenspan, R. J.; Roukes, M. L.; & Yuste, R. (2012). The brain activity map project and the challenge of functional connectomics. Neuron, 74(6), 970-974. 2 Williams, R. W.; Herrup, K. (1988). The Control of Neuron Number. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 11, 423-453. 3 Callaway, Edward. Neural Circuits in Action (Webinar). Cell Press. March 27, 2013. 4 Ahrens, Misha B.; Keller, Philipp J. (2013). Whole-brain Functional Imaging at Cellular Resolution Using Light-Sheet Microscopy. Nature Methods. doi:10.1038/nmeth.2434 5 Peterka, Darcy S.; Takahashi, Hiroto; Yuste, Rafael. Imaging Voltage in Neurons. Neuron, 69(1), 9-21. 6 Markoff, John (2013). Obama Seeking to Boost Study of Human Brain. The New York Times. Retrieved from project-seeks-to-build-map-of-human-brain.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 7 Sternson, Scott. Neural Circuits in Action (Webinar). Cell Press. March 27, 2013. 8 Markoff, John (2013). Connecting the Neural Dots. The New York Times. Retrieved from proposed-brain-mapping-project-faces-significant-hurdles.html?pagewanted=all 9 Mitra, Partha (2013). What’s Wrong with the Brain Activity Map Proposal. Scientific American. Retrieved from article.cfm?id=whats-wrong-with-the-brain-activity-map-proposal